Get Response Free Account - Question & Advice Please

4 replies
i want to use the free version to start and then when i make some money i will upgrade to the paid version,Anyway my question is:

Does anyone know if you can put a link in my messages in the free version of response?

Or if there is any other way around this.

If someone could help me out here that would be great, i know there are other free autorespondors out there but i have been advised that this is the best one due to good delivery rates.

If anyone uses any free autorespondors and are really happy with it then could you provide me a link please.

I know it's only $20 to use paid versions ,but at present i simply can't afford it as i'am making no money so your advice on free accounts only please.

Kind regards
#account #advice #free #question #response
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
    The free account has all the basic functionalities you would need to get started, yes you can put links. The only major downside in the free account is that the emails you send to your list will contain some advertisements.

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  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    Thanks for the reply.

    Are u sure about this because when reading through there site it says that i can't use hyper links or html.

    Kind regards
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    • Profile picture of the author schabotte
      I don't know if you would just rather run your own program for this. There is a pretty good free php program at Infinite Responder - Free Autoresponder Script that might be a good way to test the waters. And then when you are financially able to make the leap, you can import the addresses into getresponse.
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  • Profile picture of the author farotto
    I was searching about the get response free account limitations too.
    On their site I didn't find any limit concerning the number of campaigns or the number of followup messages you can set up. I tried to create a free account and to create some campaign just to test. I stopped to 6 campaigns and 8 messages. Apparently, there's no limit about that.
    The only limits I could find are:
    - The import / export subscribers option.
    - The total number of subscibers.
    And this is a bad note. In fact, you can collect up to 10 subscribers. After that you need to upgrade.

    I'll go on in my research and if you're still searching for a good free responder, contact me.
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