He sold a piece of software to AOL for $70 million!

10 replies
I was sitting down with one of my offline consulting clients, and he was meeting with a 28 year old guy who just sold a piece of software to AOL for $70 million!!!

First of all, why haven't we developed software that will retire us for good?

Well, I will tell you what it is first.

It's software that collects buying habits of users online. Hmm, I don't know how you write a program to do that, but I sure do see the earning potential of developing software!

If there was any piece of software that could help your business; what would it be?

Or, is there any software ideas that you had that could sell for over a $1 million to a company?
#$70 #aol #million #piece #software #sold
  • Profile picture of the author Keyword Prodigy
    Seems like a great way of making money does that!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Shaw
    Yeah. It seems like a great alternative to info products!
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by traffictipsnow View Post

      It seems like a great alternative to info products!
      Oh, great. Just what we need: a bunch of IMers making software that sucks instead of writing short reports that suck. :p
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

        Oh, great. Just what we need: a bunch of IMers making software that sucks instead of writing short reports that suck. :p

        Hey, I don't need any competition!
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  • Profile picture of the author GuruBomb
    Software is in many ways an "info" product. Kudos to the lad, and good luck to everyone else
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  • Profile picture of the author sparckyz
    I'm no expert, but it seems if you can write some software incorporating some data-mining modules and set it to work on an area of the web focussing on whatever, then maybe you could collate the data?? (i've never looked into it, but that would be my best guess) :S
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  • Profile picture of the author KarlWarren
    Pick a tool that people charge a premium membership for...

    Create an improved version for free...

    Sell to major internet search engine...

    eCoverNinja - Sales Page Graphics & Layout Specialist
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonboom
    I would think those toolbars people install would be the vehicle behind collecting that type of data.

    I've had my fair share of ideas for software in the past. Maybe it's time I brainstormed some more.
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    That's type of software can be incredibly valuable, I bet some online retailers could use it to double or triple their turnover.
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  • Profile picture of the author Keyword Prodigy
    I wish the software he sold had an affiliate program.

    10% of $70 million would be nice
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