Want advice - classifieds site startup

by seduce
5 replies
Hey guys and girls,

I'm starting a new classifieds site and have no idea where to start. I was contemplating using a joomla backend and installing extentions like Noah's classifieds on it however there may be a better way. Any advice?
#advice #classifieds #site #startup
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Leconte
    You can use Joomla, Wordpress or other tools to create the site. I would probably use Wordpress because I am more comfortable with it. I'd worry about marketing the site before worrying about the technology for the site.

    What will you be selling on your site?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bill Farnham
    Originally Posted by seduce View Post

    Any advice?
    Know who your competition is.

    The success rate for classified sites is small due to the dominant players. You'll need a killer USP and a way to drive massive amounts of traffic if you are looking to sell ad space.

    Don't expect to be in the black from the get-go and you won't set yourself up for disappointment.

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Warrior Ben
    I have used Noah's Classifieds before and it is extremely easy to set up and use. I would recommend getting started with something like that and then start getting creative with offline marketing to drive visitors to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55opotty
    For Wordpress:

    appthemes. com/themes/classipress
    DEMO: wpclassipress. com/demo/

    templatic. com/cms-themes/classifieds
    DEMO: templatic. com/demos/?theme=classifieds

    sitemile .com/products/wordpress-classified-ads-theme
    DEMO: sitemile. com/newclassified/


    templateplazza. com
    DEMO:demo. templateplazza.net/?template=classified_plazza

    hope this helps
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