My site is not converting

10 replies

I've had this site up for a month now and although I'm getting around 20% click through from ezinearticles with 100+ views a day, there have been no conversions. I have 18 live articles so far and 10 more pending (my platinum status got snubbed the other day...)

I could do with some advice in general - how many articles do I need out there to get decent conversions? Is the site crap> tomakeyourpenislarger (dot) info

PS I know the info site was a really bad idea - Google still haven't indexed it and I guess they won't in a hurry unless I build a truckload of backlinks.. My mistake
#converting #site
  • Profile picture of the author chapdaddy
    You have people landing on the main page of the site?
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    • Profile picture of the author DebbieV
      Originally Posted by chapdaddy View Post

      You have people landing on the main page of the site?
      Yes they go to the home page.

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      • Profile picture of the author chapdaddy
        Originally Posted by DebbieV View Post

        Yes they go to the home page.
        Create a separate landing page. Don't put any product for sale on the landing page because the entire point of that page will be for visitors to input their email in order to receive a free ebook. Get an aweber account and create an campaign that sends them at least 12 seperate emails over the span of two weeks giving them further advice and highlighting the benefits of only one of which ever of the products you decide to sell.

        You will be building a list you can market further products to like dating or self help/confidence building info products.

        good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Nguyen
    You need an opt in form. What your expecting the visitor to do with these types of niches is BUY NOW but that doesn't work aswell when compared to physical products.
    Offer a "5 tips to add 1 inch" ebook for example then offer more tips while you promote your aff offers in the background. Then while you're doing that, ask some penis expert to help you create another product but this time:

    "Grow another 3-4 inches" ....

    General consensus is it takes 7 times to see a message before a buying decision. People buy from people they know, trust, and like. Pretty sales/aff reviews pages don't cut it anymore in these types of niches IMO.
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  • Profile picture of the author elmaltese
    Spot on Michael Nguyen! Opt-in form is a must and visitors (people) buy from a trustee person. Internet is changing from the 2000 hype.

    DebbieV you should consider giving more value to your customers to be able to sell more from your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author tragictrip
    The site design looks fine to me, but the alternating left and right alignment of the paragraphs in the main content area throws me off focus when I'm reading. If I were you, I would either align all of them to the left or to the right.

    Are visitors clicking through the first page?
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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    This is what i would do:

    - research all 5 product and come up with 1, that converts most. Email them, and ask their statistics.

    -Get rid of 4 and leave just 1 product

    - Provide non-profit information on your wordpress blog. Add product image as a banner and few affiliate links in your text.

    - Get opt-in box ...(im not sure what you can offer there in your niche....)

    Overall, your site needs to be clean. For me first reaction was "another viagra site". Too many products, bit confusing..

    And just because of that...i would leave this page, without buying anything...

    But again, its just me

    About indexing: there's couple of plugins what will help you to get ranked faster. Also simple ping can help.

    hope this heps

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  • Profile picture of the author Damz
    Another reason is giving too many options to visitors to choose from..Just send your visitors to a simple presell page which describes one product. Explain a lil bit personally like... I was like this before buy this product and what changes happened after appling the techniques and how happy I'am now.. Im also promoting PE products and this is the method Im using..
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    • Profile picture of the author DebbieV
      Thanks everyone, I appreciate your feedback!

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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    If it's a Wordpress site, check your privacy settings. It might be set so that Google can't index it.
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