Joomla Users: You *need* to see this Component...

by 1 replies
One of the biggest problems facing Joomla is it's lack of flexibility to display sections, categories and articles. Basically, you're stuck displaying everything the exact same way.

This component has completely changed that:

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Now you can customize the way articles and category listing look.

Let's say you want a movie article. You can create custom fields like director, actors, rating, thumbnail, tags and genre. If you're creating an affiliate review site, you can create fields for afiiliate url, ecover photo, name, commission....anything!

Then...when the article types are created, you can tweak the way they are displayed when you click on the sections and categories.

This is a very powerful plugin and I hope the power-users can see the possibilities with it.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #component #joomla #users
  • Articles have never been hard to template in Joomla but the actual content management listings have always looked dire. Anything that can upgrade those clunky Joomla page archives gets my vote!

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