Sony Vegas Export Settings Fo EZS3

4 replies
Anyone know the best render settings for a sony vegas video so that it is best hosted on EZS3?

I have been kicking around settings but can't really hit what I want.

I think I fixed the lag problem....Its all in the metadata....

But....What settings do you guys use...Or in there a tutorial you can point me to....

You are all awesome....Best forum ever
#export #ezs3 #settings #sony #vegas
  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    How you render a video has little to do with EZs3 and more to do with bit rates, codecs, and internet speeds, and loading times. Ezs3 does not encode your video, nor do they host it... they merely provide a mechanism for uploading to your s3 account and playing it back online.

    I would never upload a video exported strait from Sony Vegas for streaming online... unless you are using Sony Vegas pro and exporting in a compressed mp4 format using the h.264 codec... but I personally wouldn't do that.

    My own preference is to render a high quality master from Vegas and then encode the video for streaming online using any number of top quality video encoders for optimization.

    I use 1:1 frame rate (same fr as master)
    220kbps video 32kbps audio (for optimized bit rate under 256 to reach widest market with fastest streaming video)
    VP6 codec for flv (never anything less) and h.264 codec for mp4

    You can increase your bit rate if you want... for large dimension videos higher bit rate is necessary for higher image quality... but the lower the bit rate the faster it will load, the more optimized it will be for instant playback.

    I am not sure if ezs3 lets you control the buffer time but my own personal strategy using my own player is to make the video load and stream in under 3 seconds... sometimes as low as 1 second. This requires a player that lets you control buffer and load times and requires optimized video at a lower bit rate in the range that I suggested.

    Lower bit rate faster loading videos will boost response. The most common mistake that people make is encoding videos at bit rates above 500kbps for streaming on the web... this never necessary and only serves to make your file larger, your video load slower or have stuttering and buffering issues, and if your website is poorly optimized with many files loading it could cause the browser to load your whole site slowly.

    Video optimization is the key to boosting response and the best thing is that anyone can do it regardless of the video content itself.

    For encoding I use Flix standard or Flix pro from Wildform for vp6 codec flv encoding and for mp4 you can use quicktime pro or handbreak
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnLeonard
      Thanks for all of that...It is very helpful....

      I do have Sony Vegas Pro.....Its a great little program.....

      I found the problem and it was in the metadata....It seems that programs like vegas and premiere pro put the metadata (the data that controls loading and playing etc.) at the end of the code.

      This causes the video to have to totally load before it starts playing and thats why you see video that just spin and load for what seems like ever. What you want is a very quick start time so the video plays as it loads.....Keeping visitors on your site watching...

      There is a simple program that moves the metadata to the front of the code so the video does just that.

      It's called rndwareand its free
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      • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
        Good to know... and yet another reason to use the more reputable encoding softwares that do not have those issues.

        My favorites:

        Sorenson Squeeze for Flash (flv mp4 and more)
        Flix 8 Pro or Standard (flv)
        Quicktime Pro (mp4 and mov)
        Handbreak (mp4)

        Originally Posted by JohnLeonard View Post

        Thanks for all of that...It is very helpful....

        I do have Sony Vegas Pro.....Its a great little program.....

        I found the problem and it was in the metadata....It seems that programs like vegas and premiere pro put the metadata (the data that controls loading and playing etc.) at the end of the code.

        This causes the video to have to totally load before it starts playing and thats why you see video that just spin and load for what seems like ever. What you want is a very quick start time so the video plays as it loads.....Keeping visitors on your site watching...

        There is a simple program that moves the metadata to the front of the code so the video does just that.

        It's called rndwareand its free
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    • Profile picture of the author TomC
      Hi Josh

      Our buffer time is set to 1 second

      We recommend MP4 file format so that iWare is covered

      Founder eZs3
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