Will someone please tie it all together for me

12 replies
I have my niche and my products and I am going to have between 10-20 sites all using wordpress. I am going to use either Optipress or JVpress for my squeeze page. I have web 2.0 profiles set up, now how do I tie it all together? What steps do I take daily to help my business? I am going to article market, video market, social market(forum), etc. What do I link to in my articles? My squeeze page or my website? On my website do I link to my squeeze page or just a optin for offer? What do I do to get the squeeze page better rankings? What software do I use for Article submission, Press releases, Blog Posting, Social Postings, bookmarking, (ping???), video submission? How do I use tags and Meta Tags to help me? For everyones help I will post my daily actions and results or other statistics that you all request.
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Originally Posted by cvaughn View Post

    For everyones help I will post my daily actions and results or other statistics that you all request.

    First off congrats on getting as far as you have!

    Now, posting results are not necessary, and I wouldn't do it anyway as "follow me" type threads are not allowed.

    I'm not sure why you thought it necessary to open a bunch of accounts without knowing what you are doing with them.

    It does sound like you need to define your sales funnel a bit.

    Step outside of the picture of what you have, and think about this:

    What path do you want your future customer to take?

    Will they perhaps be reading a nice squidoo lens on your topic of expertise and then be directed to the sales page? Or do you want them to go to your main site - and do what???

    You can link stuff how ever you want - but just forge a few paths and while you are doing it think about where you want your guest to go and what you want them to do next.

    Then sit down with all your stuff and you'll have a clearer idea on how it should all tie together.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    Start with just one site only. It doesn't go any good to have 10-20 sites if none of them are getting any traffic. Concentrate on getting traffic to one site, then move on. You can initially drive traffic using article and video marketing like you are going to do. I don't know if you plan on doing any SEO, but that would obviously be another option to get traffic. Pick your keywords carefully!

    I would personally link the articles/videos to a squeeze page, however you can also link it to a page on your blog. Just make sure the blog page has a clear call to action to have them opt-in. Either thru a pop-up or thru a call to action in the article/video on the blog. Whether you send traffic to blog or squeeze, doesn't matter just pick one and roll with it. Test it out, see how it's working. You can always change it.

    What kind of article submission software are you looking for? You should just post to the top article directories. Post to 5 or 10 of them. For bookmarking I use onlywire. For video submission just submit to YouTube for now.

    My big piece of advice is to keep it simple, don't over analyze, just do something and see how it works, you can always adjust later.
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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      When article marketing, link to squeeze page AND main website pages, AND mix it up...

      One article linking to squeeze page, the next to the main page, and the one after to both...

      Diversity in linking is your friend...
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author davidmeeonline
        I recently was exactly where you are, lots of stuff everywhere! What I did was find someone who was doing exactly what i wanted, and getting the results I wanted, and follow them.

        avenuegirl was spot on. Step back and see where you want to go, and work out a solid plan, and follow it!

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    • Profile picture of the author cvaughn
      Originally Posted by Bill_Z View Post

      Start with just one site only. It doesn't go any good to have 10-20 sites if none of them are getting any traffic. Concentrate on getting traffic to one site, then move on. You can initially drive traffic using article and video marketing like you are going to do. I don't know if you plan on doing any SEO, but that would obviously be another option to get traffic. Pick your keywords carefully!

      I would personally link the articles/videos to a squeeze page, however you can also link it to a page on your blog. Just make sure the blog page has a clear call to action to have them opt-in. Either thru a pop-up or thru a call to action in the article/video on the blog. Whether you send traffic to blog or squeeze, doesn't matter just pick one and roll with it. Test it out, see how it's working. You can always change it.

      What kind of article submission software are you looking for? You should just post to the top article directories. Post to 5 or 10 of them. For bookmarking I use onlywire. For video submission just submit to YouTube for now.

      My big piece of advice is to keep it simple, don't over analyze, just do something and see how it works, you can always adjust later.
      Is it wise to post the same video to my blog that I upload to YouTube?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2769724].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tpw
        Originally Posted by cvaughn View Post

        Is it wise to post the same video to my blog that I upload to YouTube?

        Yes. You are in the process of building YOUR reputation, so everything you do in that regard should be brought together under one roof where you can...
        Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
        Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author PaulaC
      Originally Posted by Bill_Z View Post

      Start with just one site only. It doesn't go any good to have 10-20 sites if none of them are getting any traffic. Concentrate on getting traffic to one site, then move on.
      I definitely agree with this. Too many people build site after site but never really concentrate on any of them enough to make any money from them.

      You only need one website to make money online and in fact you only need one web page to make money online. Focus on just one thing until it makes money for you.

      I can tell you now that it is going to take a lot of time and effort to get all of those sites working for you.

      Focus, focus, focus!

      My Blog --> Affiliate Blog Online

      Our New Membership Site - Affiliate Tools HQ

      Amazonian Profit Plan - Our Complete Blueprint for Making Money Online by Promoting Amazon Products - The Amazonian Profit Plan

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  • Profile picture of the author mousecalls
    Hi cvaughn,
    Wow, you really are on fire. slow down the pace a bit and as mentioned in comments above, organize your marketing and one way to do this is to create a mindmap. There are free services like mindmeister and freemind and plotting your strategy using a ind map helps you to focus.

    Also, the advice given about not having too many sites is good. You have to see what works first and then build on it.
    Always provide value whatever form of content you produce and then spread the news.

    All the best to you..
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing Ignite
    The meta tags are not important anymore except for the description tag as this shows up in the serps. Google has already made a public announcement that they are not using the keyword meta tag anymore. For video submissions you can check out tubemogul which we use as well from time to time. it will automate this for you. For the landing pages, you need to have a targeted landing page for each product that you sell. So if the article talks about xyz product then you would want to link to that page specifically on your site. I have run many online marketing tests since 1998 and being targeted and specific is a big key or you will lose the user. I hope this will help you...

    Digital Marketing Consultant since 1998. Contact me for a free consultation.

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  • Profile picture of the author cvaughn
    So the fastest way to get traffic is through paid traffic? Makes sense. I am going to concentrate on one site with tiered offers. Now, can you all point me in the right direction for paid traffic?
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    • Profile picture of the author robp234
      Originally Posted by cvaughn View Post

      So the fastest way to get traffic is through paid traffic? Makes sense. I am going to concentrate on one site with tiered offers. Now, can you all point me in the right direction for paid traffic?
      The fastest way is definitely with paid traffic, but if you don't know what you are doing you can lose a ton of money. In my experience before I spend any money on ppc I will test with articles and videos to make sure that what I am offering is going to convert. If it converts then I will test with some paid traffic.

      It sounds like you have a good many things going on at once. Take some of the previous posters advice and slow down. Find some good low competition keywords for your niche, use them to drive traffic to one site via free methods (articles, videos) then you will have a much better idea of what to do next. If that site doesn't do well move on to the next one.

      Failure is a good thing. Each failure moves you closer to success as long as you learn from your mistakes.
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