Converting to .txt files?

4 replies
Is there any program that I can copy and paste and it converts it to a .txt file?
#converting #files #txt
  • Profile picture of the author Rich Struck

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    Originally Posted by bigballin6161 View Post

    Is there any program that I can copy and paste and it converts it to a .txt file?

    What file format are you trying to convert from?


    Not promoting right now

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  • Profile picture of the author bigballin6161
    I was wanting to copy articles from my website and put them in the best spinner...I tried copying to notepad but that did not work!
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    • Profile picture of the author patey88
      I'm surprised that copying to notepad didn't work, if you selected the displayed text and then copied and pasted to notepad. I do that a lot.

      There is a Firefox add-on called STF that lets you select text, right click and save it as a text file.

      A disadvantage of this is it appends some lines at the bottom with information about the STF product itself.
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