Losing motivation....

by Solag
31 replies
Fellow warriors..

I'm not happy to say that I am officially starting to lose my motivation for affiliate marketing..

I have been with clickbank for over a year now and had ups and downs in sales.

I have been fired from my job about 3-4months back and decided to start full time internet market.

I was really excited at the time and began working really hard to try to build up my business to make at least $1000 a week.

Luckily, I have a new opportunity on Clickbank, researched the hell out of it and was making $500 a week in sales for about two weeks.

That was the best time of my life as I saw my hard work turn into results! I even planned to renovate my home office to make it look more professional...

But then all of a sudden, everything just stops...!

About 50% of my sales went kaput and my traffic started began to become less and less.

I was disappointed at first, but I promised myself I can bring it back to the way it was through hard work.

I spent two weeks building link wheels, profile building and writing more articles to try to rank higher in google..however nothing seems to work and it is very depressing.

I have had nightmares, that I will begin to see ZERO days again on my Clickbank account.

Well, actually today was one of them...

Sigh..anyways, I just wanted to get this off my chest because maybe some of you can relate.

I hope all your businesses are doing well.


#losing #motivation
  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    I am a newbie and the sales in my clickbank page is still zero. But your case is different, I have not been there and not close to any sales yet because Im still learning but can say, dont give up! I know you can rise from this problem. You wont succeed if you give up now. What you need now is a break if you feel that you are over worked. That way, you will have a fresh mind to start again.

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  • Profile picture of the author Solag
    Thanks for the input Angela...I guess I probably will need to work harder and try different products and the such if I want to meet my goal.

    But hey, if you need help to make your first sale on Clickbank, drop me a PM. I can share some ideas and info with you that could possibly help you make some money.
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  • Profile picture of the author good2go4
    Hi there,

    It sounds like you know how to promote different offers - that is awesome!! So why don't you take these same skills that you used with Clickbank and apply them to CPA or Amazon products? I know the payout is not the same, but you may feel a little less despondent about Clickbank if you had other revenue streams as well.

    In the meantime, it is okay to have a blue day, and to let us know about it. IM isn't all about $100 days, or things like that - It has cycles just like everything else. Your post tells me you have some really good skills and you have been successful with them; so take a day off and when you come back online you can do a bit more work on your Clickbank sites and if you are feeling creative think about setting up some similar systems with other products.

    Wishing you all the best
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag

    Thanks for the input..to be honest, I have already taken a couple of days off and still haven't really gotten back into the swing of things.

    I feel really guilty for not working!!
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  • Profile picture of the author vok
    You only fail in internet marketing because people give up before they see any real success, some times it happens quicker for some than others but the main thing is never give up.

    You've really just got to hit it hard like you want it more than anything.

    I always find this guy motivational.

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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    Here is the first thing you should do. First off did these sales come from a list of some sorts. If so you are going to have the big spike up in the sales when ever you send out a email to your list. If it did not come from a list then you need to figure out why the sales have all but stopped. I know how troubling this can be for I am going through the same thing on one of my clickbank accounts at the moment. Since they had the huge chage on everything within clickbank I have not made a single sale for over a week now. The only thing that is keeping me pushing harder and harder is knowing that the traffic to my sites keeps increasing on a daily basis and I have a few other earnings coming from other online marketing areas. So I continue to push the clickbank more then building up my other streams.

    This is only because I know that I fully give up on clickbank then I am done with im and will be forced to go out and find a job to make ends meet. Also take into effect that some times markets just go cold for a few months. I will just use one for example: Gas mileage market. This market gets hot when gas prices are climbing but then turns cold for up to a month the second they drop .05cents So research your market is it just going through that phase where they do not want to spend the money on something new at the time.

    If so then there is nothing to worry about the market will come back but in the mean time find another hot market and do the same thing again. The more markets you get yourself into the better chances you have of not going days or weeks with out a sale.

    If has just been from the fact google made some huge changes try creating a new clickbank account and changing out as many links as you can to see if it helps with the sales. It may just be another case of clickbank plying with your money and time.

    Anyhow keep your head up bud I know how you feel for I am actually going through the same thing right now. Which is why I have decided to venture into a completely new market selling a entire line of physical products through amazon. I am just waiting for a few warriors advice on if my strategy looks good and what I should change in it.

    So if anyone cares to help here is the post sorry it is so long.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daryl Lim
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    • Profile picture of the author vok
      Originally Posted by Daryl Lim View Post

      You should find a proven method to making money, then follow it thoroughly.

      Its no use lingering around trying to make affiliate sales. I would say focus on a certain method.

      Such as domain flipping or list building.
      Good advice but he's already doing that, what gives? If you're on about diversifying then he really should be doing that anyway to offset the risk of having all his eggs in one basket.
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    • Profile picture of the author willcosys
      I know that a lot of people swear by clickbank, but I have never had much success with them. If you are actually trying to sell products you may have better luck building sites around tangible goods. Amazon, CJ, and Shareasale may be exactly what you are looking for and the sites may be easier for you to get to rank.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    You win some you lose some.. maybe you should give other affiliate network a try and come up with your own product.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag

    I can totally relate to you..I know that if i give up on Clickbank, I will need to go out and find a 9-5 job which I would not enjoy just to make ends meet.

    As for what you said with Clickbank, will Clickbank actually tamper with your sales? I have sent them a message asking them and obviously, they assured me they will do no such thing.

    I had a suspicion before too that other affiliates might be stealing my sales as this was not the first time that all of my sales just stopped in one day.

    But then again, I have noticed that my traffic has slowly started to diminish even though my rankings in Google are among the top 3.

    Possibly like you said, the market is just cold right now..but hmm, that makes me think because the gravity for the product I'm promoting is consistent...
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    • Profile picture of the author petevamp
      Originally Posted by Solag View Post


      I can totally relate to you..I know that if i give up on Clickbank, I will need to go out and find a 9-5 job which I would not enjoy just to make ends meet.

      As for what you said with Clickbank, will Clickbank actually tamper with your sales? I have sent them a message asking them and obviously, they assured me they will do no such thing.

      I had a suspicion before too that other affiliates might be stealing my sales as this was not the first time that all of my sales just stopped in one day.

      But then again, I have noticed that my traffic has slowly started to diminish even though my rankings in Google are among the top 3.

      Possibly like you said, the market is just cold right now..but hmm, that makes me think because the gravity for the product I'm promoting is consistent...
      The gravity on the products is easily misformed for many affiliates. I no longer pick any products on the gravity as I used to. I only pick products that actual have a good sales page and make me want to buy the product. This helps when chosing the right product to promote. For if you are willing to buy it from reviewing the sales page it is likely others will. What niche are you targeting might I ask. Like I said it may just be the niche has gone cold. So you should head out and find another niche that seems to be hot right now and start working that one. Its just too bad that I do not take my own advice some times. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag

    thanks for posting the video.

    Very good stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hamza
    We have been there bro ...

    I think that the lack of motivation is just the result of the lack of believe in the industry, listen : IM is a great business, and people made fortunes out of it and i don't think that i have to tell you this.

    Now you either gonna lose that motivation and let your dreams go or you gonna keep it tight and keep fighting till you make it, this is what it's all about there is no third choice ...

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  • Profile picture of the author Solag
    The niche that I am currently in is the gaming niche and it seems that this niche is the only one that I know how to market and bring in commission..

    I was converting 1:15 and I just don't know what happened after..

    Another ZERO day so far.

    Lets see what I can do to bring up my sales again...
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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    Well the thing about the gaming niche it very well might be cold right now with xmas right around the corner. That is just a guess but I know when I was working a 6-7 i wouldnt spend any un necessary money on fun and liesure. So I am sure many are thinking the same thing. You might try checking to make sure all your links are working. Also check the order pages and see if your id is at the bottom. I still think it might just be clickbank itself playing games with us all but thats just me. I do not remember what the name of the thread was but there was one not to long ago about an issue with clickbank. Yea I know you said they assured you that they will not take your sales but thats word by mouth who really knows. I can assure you I have rights to the sears tower too. So do you believe me I will sell it to you or $500 as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      From your posts it sounds as if you did well with A PRODUCT. That's great and shows you the potential.

      With affiliate marketing, products come and go. They may be highly sought after for months and then suddenly they are "old hat".

      If you can market one product to one niche and earn that money - you can do it again.

      If interest in the product has peaked, you are beating a dead horse trying to do what you were able to do earlier.

      It may be replaced with a newer product or may have sold to saturation in the marketplace.

      Change products - and don't rely on one promotion for one product to become your income stream. Diversify in niches and affiliate products. If you can do that with one niche you can learn enough to do it with other niches.

      That's the bottom line and the alternative is to give up. Not much of a choice if you ask me.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
    I'm curious what kind of tracking you have in place...

    I realize that may seem like an obvious question...but are you able to see changes that may have been made recently...

    Here are some questions I would be asking:

    1. How was I making my past sales?

    2. What keywords were driving 80% of my profits?

    3. What changes in hop volume have occurred recently?

    4. What is the new conversion rate for the salesletter? Have the owners made changes? (like adding a different payment type other than ClickBank!)

    Once I had that information...I might try to contact the product owner directly and see if they have any suggestions...ask them if they are doing testing or have they made any significant changes to their offer or payment process...

    The answer you are looking for is most likely in the numbers....now you just have to tease the info out.

    If you need some more specific advice, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can help in some way...

    We can't have you going back to your J.O.B.

    Hope this helps,
    Jack Duncan
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag
    @kay king

    well the thing is, this product has only been on the market for about 6 weeks now with roughly 40 grav.

    but thanks for the encouragement. I have a list of new products that I will be trying to promote.

    My currently plan is 1 week one new product...see which one will convert then make a huge campaign over it.

    Hopefully I can bring up my sales like that
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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    You've gotten some really solid advice on here, and I'd just like to pass on one more thing. Anytime you are in business for yourself, you will see ups and downs. It's just the nature of the beast. Some months will be great; you'll do the same thing next month, and for whatever reason, you don't see the same success. All businesses fluctuate. It's just that, when you work for a boss, you don't notice it because you still get a salary no matter what.

    The next time you think about giving up, remember all the benefits you're getting by building your own business... You don't have a boss to deal with, you can work flexible hours, and you're building something that's all yours. Alot of people don't have the guts to do what you're doing, so keep it up!
    Sick of blending in with the crowd? Ready to stand ahead of the pack? The right content writing services can get you there...
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag

    Those are some good questions that I should be asking..

    The only tracking I have in place is with Clickbank and Google Analytics...but I am curious as to how you will find out which keywords will drive sales.

    I never knew how to do that!

    If you could help me with that, that would be awesome!
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonboom
    Desire could be considered the key to success. How much do you want it? Sometimes we hit crossroads where we have to make a decision to learn from an experience or back away from it. Which will it be?

    Do you know why the traffic stopped coming/converting?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Duncan
    Your tracking setup depends a lot on how your offers and content is structured...but if you are already using GA, have you setup ClickBank Integrated Sales Reporting?

    That info is here: Integrated Sales Reporting

    There are also other ways to do this, depending on how you are driving traffic to your affiliate link...

    Hope this helps,
    Jack Duncan
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  • Profile picture of the author donkey097
    giving up definitely isnt the answer, try to expand your revenue streams, being an affiliate is great and since then i have moved into my own products and now have affiliates promoting me, so keep your head up and look into other avenues of income
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  • Profile picture of the author Derek Scott
    Despite the looks of things continue to work hard. Don't give up so easily. It can be hard at times, but you just have to stay self-motivated and look towards the end goal. Maybe you should try and different direction of internet marketing if this one isn't working out for you. There are so many options. I hope everything turns out.
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  • Profile picture of the author eSubmarine
    I just read through this thread and their is a lot of great advice here.... I love the warrior community for that!

    Just thought I might as well chime in my two cents.

    It seems like you might need to take a step back. Use this time to constructivly look at your business and how you can better it.

    There must be reasons you lost a lot of your traffic. Perhaps take some time to put tracking stats on your site from Google analytics and Statcounter (if you don't have them already) so you can see why or what happened to the traffic.

    Perhaps you could increase your conversion rate by adding autoresponders with free give away products and then market to them with products in that niche. If you don't have a lot of traffic you have to squeeze it for every penny you can get.

    It also sounds to me that you are doing a hell of a lot of work! On one hand that is great that you are so dedicated to making this work, but you might not be making your business as easy to run as it could be. You could start trying some other techniques. Maybe create a product in a niche that you are familiar with and have affiliates drive traffic for you! You seem to have the experience in SEO to make a well ranked site so maybe you should try your hand at product creation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Articles4Sale
    First thing you should do is to make a plan, and implement it right away. Giving up is never the answer, you've already earned a few $$$, that means you CAN do it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek Scott
      Originally Posted by Articles4Sale View Post

      First thing you should do is to make a plan, and implement it right away. Giving up is never the answer, you've already earned a few $$$, that means you CAN do it.
      That's true. A lot of times people will critisize articles you worked very diligently on and you just have to accept it and move on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solag
    thanks for all the input warriors!!

    I will be trying new things and try to move away from clickbank..maybe lol

    I just got accepted into Neverblue today and will try to make some campaigns around that even though it is completely foreign to me!
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    • Profile picture of the author Derek Scott
      Originally Posted by Solag View Post

      thanks for all the input warriors!!

      I will be trying new things and try to move away from clickbank..maybe lol

      I just got accepted into Neverblue today and will try to make some campaigns around that even though it is completely foreign to me!

      That's awesome. I hope that all works out for you. If it is foreign to you, i'm sure you can find some information on it somewhere on this forum.
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