FREE Bonus / Listbuilding Idea got me 30,000+ downloads
Create the following as a BONUS and or Listbuilding item
Warriors Resource Guide (if it fits your audience)
A power point/ PDF made guide that has the links to the forums MOST educated conversations.
This guide would have only links to the FORUM (no plagiarized copy).
A brief explanation of that link.
For example:
Top 10 Products You Would Buy NOW
This is a listing of the TOP 10 online products you MUST have as an online entrepreneur.
Focus on a specific subject sales advice, listbuilding etc. Create say 40-50 links like this and some direct tips as well as of course you have to tell them who it is brought to you by (thats where your links come in).
More traffic to the forum>more credibility to you> more possible business via your links and their email (if used as a listbuilder)/main purchase (if used as a bonus)
I did this for a totally separate item non forum related. And people from around the world downloaded it. At first it was used for an email signup. But then as a free guide without email signup. On both occasions it went extremely well. And from my links I made thousands.
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