Will you Give away your list?

7 replies
Every affiliate who has suffered the hell's punishments to build his list has to face the same question every time you JV partner with other or when you choose to promote a clickbank product.

Are you willing to partner with people who's landing page is a squeeze page?

are you willing to giveaway your hard earned list to help other build it with no effort?

does any JV partnership involves sharing your list?

Ok I like to share, but I don't know till which point. :confused:

How about you? do you send your email promos to another squeeze page?
#give #list
  • Profile picture of the author Luis Gabriel
    Hummm.. I never really thought about this type of question..

    I am still working on building my list, but if an opportunity comes along I would definetly promote the squeeze page of my JV Partner.. (Because I than tell him to do the same and I than get more quality subscribers)
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  • Profile picture of the author mari456
    The free flow of imformation is part of the game neodarth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I'm not a big fan of ad swaps for this very reason. Yes, you can build numbers really fast doing ad swaps. That's the allure. But it's incestuous. Do you really want 1,000 people on your list who are on a bunch of other marketers' lists? Serial freebie seekers whose attention you don't really even have because they get hit with emails from everyone else, too?

    Much better to give away a product you create to build your list. Better yet, charge a nominal amount and get all buyers on your list. At the very least, move prospects (freebies) to your buyers list once they do buy something. And then, guard them with your life, as someone above me mentioned.

    I don't know. I just think so many marketers are looking for numbers at the expense of quality. I know I can make a lot more money every month from a list of 500 buyers than I can from a list of 5,000 freebie takers. Numbers aren't really a big deal.
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  • Profile picture of the author EdgeStorm
    Originally Posted by neodarth View Post

    Every affiliate who has suffered the hell's punishments to build his list has to face the same question every time you JV partner with other or when you choose to promote a clickbank product.

    Are you willing to partner with people who's landing page is a squeeze page?

    are you willing to giveaway your hard earned list to help other build it with no effort?

    does any JV partnership involves sharing your list?

    Ok I like to share, but I don't know till which point. :confused:

    How about you? do you send your email promos to another squeeze page?
    Are you willing to partner with people who's landing page is a squeeze page?

    Never do that unless you have 100% trust in him that he will not rip off your commission.

    are you willing to giveaway your hard earned list to help other build it with no effort?


    does any JV partnership involves sharing your list?

    It depends on the agreement between two parties. For a typical I.M. JV, they normally cross-promote each other's products
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