4 replies
I have seen members on here saying they use the above workers for outsourcing etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction as i would like to try it out myself.

Could be writing blogs, overviews etc.
#phillipine #workers
  • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
    Check out Craigslist Manila. Look in the resume section. You'll find a ton of workers there...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sweetcheeks12354
    Don't worry about what race or country the workers are from, worry about the quality and pricing. A great place to find cheap efficient workers though is freelancer.com.

    I've gotten amazing websites done for $100 there, you can't beat that.
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  • Profile picture of the author JennSpencerIM
    odesk.com and search for phillippines
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  • I usually go through oDesk too, and always get a lot of offers from workers from the Phillipines. Whether I take them, or workers from another country, just depends on the person and the job.


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