Changing/Setup Wordpress From Post to Pages

10 replies
hello warriors, does any of you know of a video tutorial or ebook that teaches how to site up a wordpress blog with pages instead of post.thankyou
#changing #changing or setup #pages #post #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author nucleus
    Simple, just don't put any posts on there, only pages. You may want one post but just make it like a homepage and never make another so it stays on top.

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  • Profile picture of the author imkevintan
    Yeah just publish your contents into pages, instead of blog posts. And you can create pages as much as you want.

    You can also have certain page to be displayed on your homepage via Settings > Reading. But some premium themes do come with a custom homepage so if you do this, your theme's custom homepage might not be working.
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    If it is an existing blog with lots of posts... find somebody who is fluent in writing MySQL queries and you need to change the post_type from "post" to "page" in the DB tables. And if the posts were under different categories - as Pages they should all go under the deafult category, since Pages don't have categories.

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    • Profile picture of the author miked
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      If it is an existing blog with lots of posts... find somebody who is fluent in writing MySQL queries and you need to change the post_type from "post" to "page" in the DB tables. And if the posts were under different categories - as Pages they should all go under the deafult category, since Pages don't have categories.
      I believe that there is a plugin called Vice Versa that will do the same thing.

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      • Profile picture of the author manwalksintoabar
        Great post MikeD. I gotta get me one of those.


        Landing pages/graphic design [1] [2] [3] [4]

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  • Profile picture of the author miked
    This is a really under utilized capability for Wordpress - using it as a CMS to generate website pages

    You can generate just pages using Wordpress. That is what I do for my niche websites. Consider installing the following plugins:
    • Exclude Pages from Navigation
    • RSS Includes Pages

    WP only pings with blog posts, not pages. So to ping the search engines with the pages, be sure to have the RSS Includes Pages plugin.

    And the Exclude Pages from Navigation plugin keeps the About, disclamer, terms of use, privacy, etc pages from showing up on your navigation tabs.

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  • Profile picture of the author ColdFire123
    click the pages and not the post....that way, you'll end up having pages rather than posts....
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  • Profile picture of the author 60MinuteAffiliate
    it's very easy to do, you would create your home page a static front page in settings/reading in your wp dashboard and if you wanted to have all your pages listed in your sidebar then move the pages widget over in wp dashboard as well.



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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Why would you want to do this? Why go through all the mumbo-jumbo of setting up a database, installing plug-ins, setting up your page structure, doing the maintenance and updates, etc. in order to create something easily done with a decent tamplate and a text processor like TypePad?

      Either that, or why not tweak the theme so that the posts look like regular web pages, and use a static front page?
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  • Profile picture of the author taylormarek
    It's real simple. Have the homepage set to a "Sticky" page and don't post in the "Post" area. Only post in the "pages" area.
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