Has anyone used aMember's Affiliate Manager to Track Affiliates?

4 replies
I'm trying to find out if aMember is a worthwhile way to go to track affiliates. We're currently using aMember with 1shoppingcart for managing our affiliate area, but I see there's an option for aMember to do this. Just want to know what the pro and cons are.

The pro is of course cutting out the middle man 1shoppingcart and saving some $$$ each month. So if there's any drawbacks I'd like to know.

Thanks Warriors for the feedback!
#affiliate #affiliate manager #affiliate tracking #affiliates #amember #manager #track
  • Profile picture of the author jasonvanorden
    Right now I use the 1ShoppingCart system to run our affiliate program. However, I may need to look at using the amember system.

    The problem is that we offer both credit card (through 1SC) and Paypal as payment options. But if the buyer pays through Paypal, 1ShoppingCart has no idea to credit the affiliate since their system never sees the sale.

    But I'm hesitant to trust the amember system for tracking affiliate stuff.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Lockwood
      Originally Posted by jasonvanorden View Post

      But I'm hesitant to trust the amember system for tracking affiliate stuff.
      Why? I've seen no problems with it. Every test signup I've done with it gave the affiliate credit, and it seems to credit them again for every future payment the member makes. I would trust amember over Clickbank in this area.
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      • Profile picture of the author jasonvanorden

        Thanks for the feedback. I guess my hesitance comes from inconsistencies I have run into in other places in the Amember system. It helps to know it has worked well for you.

        I just don't want to jump in right away since it means moving all our affiliates over to that system and now using it as our primary affiliate tracking system.

        Thanks for the input.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kirk Ward
          Originally Posted by jasonvanorden View Post


          Thanks for the feedback. I guess my hesitance comes from inconsistencies I have run into in other places in the Amember system. It helps to know it has worked well for you.

          I just don't want to jump in right away since it means moving all our affiliates over to that system and now using it as our primary affiliate tracking system.

          Thanks for the input.

          What inconsistencies?

          I'm considering moving my entire membership list over to them also.

          "We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and vats, but the potentiality of growing rich beyond the dreams of avarice."

          Dr. Samuel Johnson (Presiding at the sale of Thrales brewery, London, 1781)
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