How To Make Money By Giving Away Your "Killer Stuff" FREE?

44 replies
Tonight Sunday, I am over at my uncles house, tossing back a few brewskies down and talking about work, and then he started talking about his work as a railway driver.

He went into what he thought of his boss, and how he was about to lose his job and started asking questions about my business/s online.

I thought we go again! But he asked a question that I have not thought about for a long time, and its a strategy that I used when I got started and I still use it today several years later. He asked "What is the best way You make money online?"

I replied "Simple, I give away a few killer secrets FREE!" He looked at me funny but then I began to explain.

You have to do this right, alot of people get it wrong, and fail miserably, but if you know what you are doing, your freebie can go viral, get thousands of people on your list, and get people talking about your product even when you are not at the computer. So why not experience this first hand!
- Give away Free stuff that will act like a buffer and actually help people get closer to what they want. Lose weight, a behaving dog, a better relationship etc. Think like them, and become them if you have too.

- Make sure that you give them a simple laid out plan. For some reason and i do not know why, people love to be told what to do and how to do it. Psychologically we are like robots and like to be given certain laid out plans. Like "9 steps to ......." or "5 secret steps to having......"

- Your freebie has to actually work & help them, not just be an old outdated txt file you found on your computer or a PLR. DO NOT just give away free stuff for the sake of the freebie seekers you know are out there. Actually try to make a difference and help them get results. Their way of thinking about you and your business will totally change if you can do this. They will start thinking "whoa! if this is what I can do with this Dude's free stuff, imagine what I can do with his paid program, or membership stuff!!"

- Make sure you get to the point quickly and give them one or two quick powerful tricks to keep them intrested. I have found to many people click off my blog posts or free videos if I do not state what I am about to do in the first 10 seconds or so. Sound enthusiastic, and give them benefits straight away, otherwise they will think you are just another moron trying to sell them stuff.

- Use Pdf's but video and a bright bubbly friendly voice works 5 times better for me. Audio does well, but video has gotten so big recently, the trick I use is to get the best tips from my free PDF and turn them into videos with live action and your voice narrating it. People love this, and can see a replay of what they need to do. It works like CRAZY! Sometimes I have gone over to Ezine articles and go my most viewed articles and turned them into videos. WHY? well you know if lots of people are looking at your articles, they will probably want to see a video as well....for more powerful know how, and to make it easier for them to learn.

- Use a reverse squeeze page. I mean use video on your squeeze page to get higher optins for your free report. Dont try to sell them. Give them maybe 1 snippet secret on video, and then say "If you want more cool free stuff fill in your name and email below" and give them access to more of your cool stuff as A PDF report. Tell them. This will increase your optin rates for the PDF and then they are now on your list. If you have even a half decent autoresponder series, and have already helped them out with the free stuff, then there is a high chance of them pulling out their credit card, as they go through your sales funnel. Fancy that!!!

- Work with their subconscious and not against it!!!. They want to know the who, what, when, why and how? so show them, to remove any doubts they may have deep down. Act like you have known them a long time, and use language that promotes a friend talking to a friend. Not a used salesman trying to con his next victim to buying the old lemon at the back of the yard. You have to come across as a friend showing a friend, calm, relaxed with a clear message. This is the opposite of what 90% of online marketers do!! Racey, buy, buy, this shiney object is something you can't live without!!! sheesh!

- Do not be afraid to give it away. Do not hold on to that inner secret thinking you don't want it out there. That is the wrong way to think. You want people on your list. You want people talking about your product, you want to help people get results dont you. That is the whole meaning of the freebie to make you more money down the line. Its good karma too, if you believe in that i guess.

- In Your reports, add hyperlinks to recommended affiliate programs. This works well, but you cannot make it look blatantly obvious. Do not, and i mean do not use affiliate web addresses. This turns people off instantly, and they can tell you are trying to sell them something. On free PDF's I use links on my PDF's like "This is lowest priced autoresponder service I like" and make it a clickable link to your affiliate page. Never use your direct affiliate ID as a hyperlink.

- Be honest, caring, friendly, relaxed, entertaining, funny. Free Video gives you the power to do this, and people respond to this sort of FREE content like bees to honey. I sometimes piggyback off popular funny videos or hot topics I find in google trends. Its seems to work well. Entertain them and help them...if you can do that you will have a fan for life!!!

In summary I try to Please them, add positivity, generate feedback go deep below & help.
#free #giving #killer stuff #make #money
  • Profile picture of the author Amanda Craven
    Excellent advice and I totally agree - people are becoming so inured to the sell, sell, sell approach (yes, even IMers!) and the more you appear to genuinely want to help, the more they will actually buy.

    It's all down to the general zeitgeist, i.e. we feel we've been conned by governments and bankers alike...globalisation seems not to have worked...we'd rather buy into someone we know and trust, someone, maybe, like the person who runs your local corner shop.

    So be that person. Come across as a member of their community. Reach out through your videos (great tip - so much more personal) and it will work for you and for them.

    And that's the bottom line...providing real value. People can smell it and they'll be back for more.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Amanda Craven View Post

      Excellent advice and I totally agree - people are becoming so inured to the sell, sell, sell approach (yes, even IMers!) and the more you appear to genuinely want to help, the more they will actually buy.

      It's all down to the general zeitgeist, i.e. we feel we've been conned by governments and bankers alike...globalisation seems not to have worked...we'd rather buy into someone we know and trust, someone, maybe, like the person who runs your local corner shop.

      So be that person. Come across as a member of their community. Reach out through your videos (great tip - so much more personal) and it will work for you and for them.

      And that's the bottom line...providing real value. People can smell it and they'll be back for more.

      Yes great points there.

      I remember when the internet was new and spam worked. OMG LOL. Long gone are those days. people are getting smarter and can smell a twitter marketer a mile away. You have to be about content, not just sell, sell, sell as you put it.

      Whenever I see a twitter page full of ==> blah blag, click here! I think to myself OMG close it and slap my forehead.

      The smart non pushy salesman will proper online in the future.... Give people your top 2 tips, and then results in advance...and then give them some "social proof shake and bake" and ding....ding.....ding you have a winner peoples!!!

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      • Profile picture of the author rup
        Excellent advice!
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      • Profile picture of the author kemengr
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        Whenever I see a twitter page full of ==> blah blag, click here! I think to myself OMG close it and slap my forehead. Celente
        How true! I have seriously started doubting the effectiveness of Twitter in IM. Twitter users are just interested in pushing 140 characters with a link. When they don't read others' posts, they can't expect the same with their posts too.

        I don't agree anybody gives away 'killer secrets'. Just today I watched a video sent by Dean Holland about some stuff called "CSI" which lasted about 30 minutes. Instead of revealing the secret as promised, I was asked to buy a software after showing a part of the wealth supposedly made.

        As rightly pointed out, before selling anything one must make sure if he/she would actually buy it before promoting. And without using it, how can one recommend it to others?

        There are problems and there are (or may be) solutions. If fat is my problem, I must seek a solution and if it works, then I can recommend to others with authority.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tracey_Meagher
    Great advice. I agree with you about video. I would be much more inclined to watch an informative video as a teaser than read through a pdf. Video gets attention faster and can convey the information mcuh faster. Has anybody split test conversions using pdf and video? That's a study I would love the see.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    First of all I wanna say that I really admire your signature! Such a good detailed explanation you posted up there. The best way to figure out a good way to gather visitors is to think like them. Brilliant.

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  • Profile picture of the author wfhblueprints
    Great post and great advice! Giving people value for free is certainly the best way to build relationships and clients at the same time.

    People tend to forget that building a business is about adding value to their life.....


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  • Profile picture of the author good2go4
    Thank you for outlining all of the reasons why giving away free stuff works so well - I kinda knew the idea in theory before this post, but you have put it together so clearly for all of us which is really helpful.

    I will be copying and pasting this thread
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by good2go4 View Post

      Thank you for outlining all of the reasons why giving away free stuff works so well - I kinda knew the idea in theory before this post, but you have put it together so clearly for all of us which is really helpful.

      I will be copying and pasting this thread
      Tis very powerful, especially with video and power that has nowadays.

      Alot of people are scared to give stuff away for free. But I have found over the years it actually helps more than you would have first thought.

      So no need to being scared. If you can give stuff away that gives you lots of credibility or testimonial as well, such as teleconference or interview transcript, audio etc, I have found that to be priceless and brings in sales too especially if it goes viral.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucas Adamski
    I would add, don't force people to opt in before getting your best free stuff.

    Offer your free pdf, free video as a gift without expectation. If person 'digs it' then provide info where to get mroe cool stuff from you. In a pdf report you can add a link to your capture page at the very end.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hancox
    Great advice. Frank Kern calls it "Results In Advance". In your free material, help them get results... as you say, that leads them to think, "Wow... that worked, what else has he got?"

    This is all part of the art and skill of preselling. Excellent stuff.
    Signature - How to sell without "selling"
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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    Excellent advice, something that many people forget is that even if you give them the entire solution many people have no time to implement it, furthermore they will finish hiring you to implement it.
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  • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
    great advice ... turn your list into buyers.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by alcarrerra View Post

      great advice ... turn your list into buyers.
      Hit the ball out of the park again. Alot of smart readers in here today.

      Like I have said before, people who do not build lists, do not have real businesses, just money spinners. You do not want money spinners, or you will be one of the newbies that keeps coming back here in this forum and posting "I give up I CANNOT make money!"

      Trust me, when I say, I would make about $10 a month without my big lists of prospects. They are killer, and the money is NOT in the list, it is in the way you treat them.

      In this game, the best way to survive, is to build lists and give away the farm for free and treat them like gold. You will be rewarded handsomely down the track. If you do not think that is possible, or dont believe in having or building your list....I DARE YA TO TRY!, just see what happens. *wink, wink*

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      • Profile picture of the author alcarrerra
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        Hit the ball out of the park again. Alot of smart readers in here today.

        Like I have said before, people who do not build lists, do not have real businesses, just money spinners. You do not want money spinners, or you will be one of the newbies that keeps coming back here in this forum and posting "I give up I CANNOT make money!"

        Trust me, when I say, I would make about $10 a month without my big lists of prospects. They are killer, and the money is NOT in the list, it is in the way you treat them.

        In this game, the best way to survive, is to build lists and give away the farm for free and treat them like gold. You will be rewarded handsomely down the track. If you do not think that is possible, or dont believe in having or building your list....I DARE YA TO TRY!, just see what happens. *wink, wink*

        I wasn't being sarcastic man ... I was serious ! Great article !
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Great advice. I know everyone talks about the money being in the list, but the money's only there if you treat them right. Treat everyone on your list like they are valued friends and utilize this same consistent approach in all your dealings with them, and you'll see how easy it is to monetize them in a way that does not alienate them or make them reject you!
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author goodman441
    Some Great Ideas here....keep it up!
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankieTP2
    Excellent tips and right on time! Thank you!

    I Bet My Wife I Could Make $100 Bucks In Only 3 Days...

    Here's What Happened... Click HERE To Find Out The Results!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Heffelfinger
    Celente, very nice detailed post! You are doing what you talk about in your post, you're giving away great free content and asking for nothing in return. That's awesome!
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Chad Heffelfinger View Post

      Celente, very nice detailed post! You are doing what you talk about in your post, you're giving away great free content and asking for nothing in return. That's awesome!
      Thanks chad, exactly buddy!

      Ironic huh? *winks* Hope it help you make some good money.

      I know one smart female warrior in here that started a 6k a month business (continuity so recurring income ) from freebie stuff she gave at her site 1 a week, for about a month. Now that is the true power of this.

      Anyone can do this, and its easy to set up and get going. Just have to TAKE ACTION!

      First 3 rules to anyone who wants to make money quickly online.

      1) TAKE ACTION!

      2) TAKE ACTION!

      3) TAKE ACTION!

      fancy that!!! LMAO!
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  • Profile picture of the author Randy Daugherty
    what you've said are all true...
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  • Profile picture of the author jesus72knight
    You really did quite a job on that post. And I applaud you for that.

    *clap* *clap* *clap*

    High Quality Resell Rights
    & Resell Rights Products
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    • Profile picture of the author Keith Everett
      Great Post Celente

      It's ALL about the value you GIVE, not the BUCKS you can TAKE. People either get it or they don't. My guess is, if they don't they will soon find themselves out of business.

      I would warrant that anyone doing consistent sales on the Internet today would be giving 90% and taking 10%

      I know this value added concept works well on Social Networking sites such as Facebook, I have had a ton more sign ups to my list first giving great content, then just placing my opt in form out there...People can't get enough from you once they realise your content is great and you aren't treating them like some online cash machine!

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      • Profile picture of the author Flareman
        I would like to agree with giving stuff away. But where do you draw the line between giving a product that you have so painstakingly created vs selling it for profit?

        If we are talking about giving away PLR, it won't be as heartbreaking as you didn't really spend months perfecting that product with your blood, sweat and tears.

        To give away something you've worked your @ss off for months may be a bit hard to accept.

        What do you guys think?
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  • Profile picture of the author TK1
    To be honest with you I have made over 10,000 bucks FROM FUN without tryint to sell anything big time just by participating an online blog that just meets my hobby.

    What I did:

    - picked my favorite blog that gets updated daily

    - commented on almost any interesting article

    - long posts 100% pure value no chit chat stuff on the given topic

    - linking to my homepage about consulting

    I got over 100 requests in a few weeks from people in order to work with me!

    I had no big intent to make any cash from it as I am lucky and happy with my offline business per se, but I guess people can "feel" that I am sincere about the topics on this one blog and like my posts.

    Once again:

    I've used ONE BLOG ONLY!

    No auto-comment spam software whatever, but just being sincere and sharing my FREE knowledge on the topic, that's it.

    I hope it inspires some people and you copy this, it's highly effective.

    The best selling is sharing FREE big value knowledge.

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  • Profile picture of the author Adam James
    TK your exactly right if your genuine about helping people and adding value then people will get to like you and will want to pay you when you do make an offer to them, the will actually be begging to pay you.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    Been there done that.

    Isnt if funny when you force people to buy it is like they instantly put their nose in camel dung, you can almost see them turn their nose away in mid air? They go from being interested in This looks good > oh spam > Scam > Let me out please mr > Poooof Im gone! Customer gone.

    But nowadays I try this freebie method and it works a treat.

    it seems the customer is more like this This looks good > oh man cool > where have you been my whole life > Where can I get more of this stuff > oh you have stuff for sale too, cool! > I want more more more! Customer / fan for good!.

    Being different, being casual works much better and if your free stuff can actually give them small results, no matter how much, dont you think they that will increase the chances of buying your stuff down the line. Even if it is a month or week later down the track. You betcha!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    I like your tip on converting your most-viewed articles to vids

    Nice to see the abundance mentality at work too.

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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Will Edwards View Post

      I like your tip on converting your most-viewed articles to vids

      Nice to see the abundance mentality at work too.

      This works like a champ if you keep them short and sweet. And make them interesting.

      I might have been dropped on my head as a baby a few times, LOL and obviously not the smartest guy out there, but I guess I am good at making money. Especially when I am having fun.

      It is so much fun..... don't you agree???????
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  • Profile picture of the author vbcannon
    You hit the nail on the head. If you couldn't sell your free product, then don't even GIVE it away. THROW it away

    Happy to Learn. Happier to Help!

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    • Profile picture of the author Dap
      Excellent advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author infomaniacs
    You have a really good style of writing, I was hooked, made me feel like you were talking directly to me I'm going to try and use that style in the future.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by infomaniacs View Post

      You have a really good style of writing, I was hooked, made me feel like you were talking directly to me I'm going to try and use that style in the future.
      really, I am the crappiest copy / writer I know.

      But Thanks, I just hope you can apply this info and it helps your business succeed beyond your wildest dreams.

      Thanks again

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      • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
        Celente I really enjoy your posts. Thank you.

        I was giving away guides for opt-ins but the pace really kicked up when I put up a powerpoint/narrated video just a few days ago! wow!
        It's not even a professional voice-over and that for me has been the key. For the niche I'm in I need to be as down to earth as possible (little voice over mistakes and all)
        Sometimes people don't want perfection they want 'real'.

        I had two business owners contact me today to ask if they could forward my main site link to their business associates to recommend my free e-course (they have about 2000 contacts combined in the MLM world) which would be lovely to have since they are hungry to learn.

        But anyway I wanted to say thank you for your time. I always look forward to your posts.
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        • Profile picture of the author celente
          Originally Posted by ITS-V View Post

          Celente I really enjoy your posts. Thank you.

          I was giving away guides for opt-ins but the pace really kicked up when I put up a powerpoint/narrated video just a few days ago! wow!
          It's not even a professional voice-over and that for me has been the key. For the niche I'm in I need to be as down to earth as possible (little voice over mistakes and all)
          Sometimes people don't want perfection they want 'real'.

          I had two business owners contact me today to ask if they could forward my main site link to their business associates to recommend my free e-course (they have about 2000 contacts combined in the MLM world) which would be lovely to have since they are hungry to learn.

          But anyway I wanted to say thank you for your time. I always look forward to your posts.
          ITS...thanks hon. Congrats!!!

          But dont thank me, you were the one who took action and tested, so you deserve the thanks. Good for you!

          Sometimes I will do the Kern ' OOppps I just bumped the mic' and fumble trick to make you come across as a normal friendly and regular person. I agree being professional does have its good points....but sometimes people want to see the so called 'average joe' communicate with them. You will find on occasions and depending on the niche that more people will buy your stuff if they are relaxed and dont feel pressured. Have you ever bought from a pushy salesmen?

          Do things the opposite way to the gurus and watch your profits explode. Trust me, it works like a champ. Pretend to be your ideal customer, and get inside their brain....then and ask yourself what you would expect to see, and what way would you like to be presented too.

          Anyway congrats on your good work, keep it up, and heres cheers to more success.

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          • Profile picture of the author JTVee
            Thanks for the great post Celente.

            I understand the power of video and am intent on making it part of what I offer in the future. But I am not really doing it at the moment as I haven't found a decent model.

            Could anyone point to an example of a good article or pdf report to video conversion?
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          • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
            Originally Posted by celente View Post

            ITS...thanks hon. Congrats!!!

            But dont thank me, you were the one who took action and tested, so you deserve the thanks. Good for you!

            Sometimes I will do the Kern ' OOppps I just bumped the mic' and fumble trick to make you come across as a normal friendly and regular person. I agree being professional does have its good points....but sometimes people want to see the so called 'average joe' communicate with them. You will find on occasions and depending on the niche that more people will buy your stuff if they are relaxed and dont feel pressured. Have you ever bought from a pushy salesmen?

            Do things the opposite way to the gurus and watch your profits explode. Trust me, it works like a champ. Pretend to be your ideal customer, and get inside their brain....then and ask yourself what you would expect to see, and what way would you like to be presented too.

            Anyway congrats on your good work, keep it up, and heres cheers to more success.

            I love a bit of Frank Kern - it's his personality that wins I think.
            To more success for us all, indeed
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            • Profile picture of the author celente
              Just so you guys and gals out there do not think I am full of it....and to show you the hard core power of giving away stuff.....I have attached an image of what I wake up to most mornings. Yes, this is a real screenshot (only several hours of what my gmail looks like) and not some faked attempt to impress you. I am not doing it to show off, I just really do love teaching others, and genuinely helping people!!!

              And yes there no trick, just comes down to you and hard work you put in. I am a addict at list building and getting articles SEO'd properly. I have several Clickbank accounts (and testing two) But this is one of my very successful products that has made me the most money as I have spread out about heaps of little free valuable PDF's and video (in autoresponder) and all sorts of stuff to help my potential customers, with proof that is what makes them go nuts. If you can show results and build desire, and give them little results.....then you have already won!

              I just wanted to show you real proof of how powerful this is.

              the biggest tip I can give you if you want to make more money in your business is : BUILD A BIG LIST OF HIGHLY TARGETED HIGHLY QUALIFIED PROSPECTS!! ..... but what do I know, right?!

              Hope it helps you and your business.

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      • Profile picture of the author highdimensions
        Thank you for the post. Making use of video is a great tip.

        Many people are currently hurting and genuine no strings help will make a difference to their lives which is always rewarding.
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        • Profile picture of the author celente
          Originally Posted by highdimensions View Post

          Thank you for the post. Making use of video is a great tip.

          Many people are currently hurting and genuine no strings help will make a difference to their lives which is always rewarding.
          I understand that...but I find it funny that we make more money in this hurting economy here is why.....

          1) People still have money, but want MORE VALUE if they are gunna part with it!

          2) People are even more desperate than in a thriving economy. That means if you got what they want, and can give proof what you have works, then....viola, out comes their credit card faster than you can say "Holy Dorito!"

          Many millionaires were created back in the great depression, why? because they knew where the supply and demand was, and honed in on it and made a killing. You just have to change your thinking and use things to your advantage. If you can do this, then you have already made it, in any economic climate. Sounds simple but I guess it is not easy for some!!
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  • Profile picture of the author red dog
    Thank you for this great post!

    Keep trying and never give up! Wanna workout from home need to lose some weight? Visit my blog Strength Training Workouts

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  • Profile picture of the author patrick owens
    Excelllent advice.. Thanks informative.
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  • Profile picture of the author the_knight
    LOL, i thought you're asking bec you used "?" in your title
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