What do you think about these two things of a Domain name?

by shujan
9 replies
Hi all,

Hope you are doing great.

From your experience what do you think of the following two things about a Domain name?

1) Length of the Domain name:

If a domain name is 19 characters long then will it have some kind of negative SEO effect? (consider that .com is available for that name)
Is there any general rule of thumb about the length of a Domain name?

2) Keywords in Domain name:

Say, you want to have keyphrase "affiliate marketing" in your domain name. unfortunately "affiliatemarketing.com" is not available. You choose to take "affiliatemarketingforall.com" instead. Will it be good for ranking high say getting the no 1 position in Google. I mean will the extra two words "forall" make it harder to rank no 1 in Google?

Please share if there is a rule of thumb for this also.

Need your valuable suggestions because i am a newbie about this :confused:
#domain #domain name help #things
  • Profile picture of the author davewebsmith
    try using Domain Search - Domain Name Generator - Domain Name Search | Nameboy.com for some variations might help find a nice one
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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    If "affiliatemarketing.com" is taken, i would use "affiliatemarketing101.com"

    If my keyword is "how to train your dog not to dig holes" then i would never use it in my domain. I would still use "dogtraining.com" or "dogtraining101.com".

    Depends also what you are doing with this domain. If you use it for a blog, then your domain don't need to be your keyword. Search engines also look for on-page SEO and not only domain name.

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    • Profile picture of the author shujan
      If you use it for a blog, then your domain don't need to be your keyword. /QUOTE]

      Will it be better if i can use my keywords in Domain name for the blog? Or, it doesn't have any effect?
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      • Profile picture of the author FloridaKash
        Originally Posted by Margo24 View Post

        If you use it for a blog, then your domain don't need to be your keyword. /QUOTE]

        Will it be better if i can use my keywords in Domain name for the blog? Or, it doesn't have any effect?

        I can't imagine it would hurt if possible.

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  • Profile picture of the author rickfrazier1
    I've found that as long as the domain name "scans", it isn't a problem until you exceed 30 characters. That once was a limit on actually registering a domain name.
    By "scan" I mean, can somone understand the words in your domain name? The search engines need to do so as well, but don't need hyphens (dashes) to separate words. One of the problems with long domain names is when you start using them in email, like your newsletter sequence, or with some online forums.

    When you use a long domain name in an email or forum that doesn't allow hyperlinking, you want to make sure the name doesn't "wrap" to the next line, You see them all the time, somedomainname.com and then on the next line are more. This is called a broken link. If the person clicks on the highlighted text, nothing happens but a "not found" error page. Thus, if you are entering a long name, make sure the total URL will fit on a single line (say, 60 characters max.) and put it on its own line to make sure it doesn't get broken.

    You want your domain name to be keyword rich. If you have a name like domainnamesforadollar, you should be able to get a page one ranking for the keyword phrase "domain names for a dollar" but you will probably be way down the list for someone searching for jsut "domain names" (particularly if they actually enter the quotes when they search). Enough off site SEO and you can probably rank well in the shorter version also, but it really depends on exactly which SEO methods you are using. Making sure that your pages have the proper tags goes a long way in helping your ranking for various keyword phrases.

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    • Profile picture of the author shujan
      Originally Posted by rickfrazier1 View Post

      If you have a name like domainnamesforadollar, you should be able to get a page one ranking for the keyword phrase "domain names for a dollar" but you will probably be way down the list for someone searching for jsut "domain names" (particularly if they actually enter the quotes when they search).
      Very good & important point. I will definitely consider this.
      Thanks for the suggestion
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  • Profile picture of the author Slade556
    The exact keyword in your domain is always preferable even if it is long. If you DO get a long domain name make sure it is a long tail keyword that is actually getting searched. In my experience you can still have some success ranking a site whose domain has the keyword plus a few words but its not nearly as effective as just having the keyword alone in the domain. Dot coms and Dot orgs have also been good to me so check for those first. If the domain you want is taken then I would search for another long term keyword using the original keyword as the starting point. With a little searching you can almost always find a good long tail keyword to use for a domain that no one is using yet.
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    • Profile picture of the author shujan
      Originally Posted by Slade556 View Post

      Dot coms and Dot orgs have also been good to me so check for those first. If the domain you want is taken then I would search for another long term keyword using the original keyword as the starting point. With a little searching you can almost always find a good long tail keyword to use for a domain that no one is using yet.
      Thanks for the info

      Which one should i go for if i don't get the dot com?
      dot org or dot net?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkSherris
    For ranking purposes you can rank for anything you want, you don't have to have the keyword in your domain name.

    Provided you have your keyword(s) in your title, and some good on-page optimisation then you'll rank okay for low competition stuff, once the competition get's higher then you'll need quality backlinks!

    For really low competition stuff, having the keyword in the domain name can help you get an easy ranking however when the competition gets tough it doesn't really matter so much because it's all about off-page SEO.
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