Newbie Must Read ! - 5 Rules To Online Success
I haven't posted nor been on WF in quite a long time.. The last time I was on here (maybe 6 months ago), I was literally broke to the point of eviction, pulling my hair out with frustration & just a ball of sheer unhappiness.
I wanted to return to the WF after turning years of frustration into money online..... I wanted to share with anyone not making money online, my experience on this epic journey.
6 months later, I have a business which creates income absolutely passively (I still pay for outsourcing), I make more money per day from the web than I used to in a week at my job and I have found time to dedicate to my family and my passion... music and travel.
I want to share with you some rules which have allowed me to become (cue the cliche) "Financially Free"
Stick To One Thing
My habit was clear, I would come on here, browse around for afew hours per day, reply to posts and really get involved in the community... Never however would I actually do anything with respect to marketing or creating a business online.
The day I started on the road to a 'severe' amount of money compared to what I was used to was the day I stopped wasting time 'gaining knowledge', preparing my Arsenal for battle and waiting for the lights to turn green.
I started using Facebook because I heard there was money to be made on social networks and I just started marketing on there and creating landing pages to drive people to...
*Find out more info in my sig*
Here's the key:
When I wasn't making any money, I didn't stop to find something new... I kept on.
Now, a lot of people will say "you need to know when to stop", "You need to know when to realise things aren't working", and I went a good 4 months earning NOTHING... But I noticed something was happening....
Expose And Build Upon Patterns
So I noticed that on facebook and on my landing pages I was getting a certain amount of leads and prospects from certain marketing compared to other places I market to.
Let me be more specific
If I was in the 'guitar playing' niche and I was marketing to all sorts of different guitar players, I may notice that, for example, I was getting more leads from people wanting to know how to play electric guitar, or wanting to know about chords as opposed to lead guitar.
The point is, if you can spot a trend in your market, you MUST follow the pattern and pursue where people's interests, and eventually, the money lies.
Internet Marketing Is a numbers Game
I don't know if you heard me....
Internet Marketing Is a numbers Game.
Don't read past this in a hurry.... meditate upon it
Internet Marketing Is a numbers Game.
For those of you at the back... This is important.
Once you make a dollar online there is proof that you are doing something right. Now here's what happened first time I had a go at IM....
I would start something for as cheaply as possible i.e. make the sites myself, make the graphics myself etc etc and once it made afew dollars, BUT, money didnt come in straight after, I gave up, came back to WF and tried something else...
Here's where the numbers game comes into it.
Imagine that your investment into making the foundation was 12 hours (making sites, uploading, FTP, photoshop).
And you spend 10 hours marketing (articles, seo, linking etc etc)
Forget the 12 hours, that is your investment into your belief in the project.... We have to sow some seeds.. right ?
Now work out how much you made for that 10 hours, usually it wont be that much... Find out how many people saw your offer, how many people opted in, and how many people bought your offer (Use google analytics for this monitoring).
The game is now to 'split test' different ways of advertising and marketing.
Chenge your graphics, change your headlines, change your text.... change everything, one at a time, and monitor what works....
If a headline change brings you a 0.3% increase in optins, Great! use that headline, make another 6 like it and fight them all of against each other.... If you can turn a measly 5% optin into a 38% optin, you will turn your system from a $10,000 machine into an $80,000 machine.
Don't overlook this... These little numbers matter a great deal !
Don't Be Afraid To Spend Some Money
Okay, this is a biggey...
When we start off online, like we mentioned in the previous rule, we try and do everything ourselves.
I'm an idiot musician and yet I sat down and learned html, flash, wordpress, photoshop and lots of stuff I would probably never really need to use hands on had I focused on building my business rather than working in it
It took me a while to get comfortable with paying money for services online. I didn't have a massive amount, really, but I began to realise that I need to make an investment into myself and my money making vehicle.
I started hiring some staff (which is probably the scariest part of my business life) for only $2 per hour to work for me on menial tasks.
Once I took the leap and realised that it took someone else 5 minutes to do what used to take me 4 hours, my focus became less about what I can do, and more about how I can manage a team to do these things better, quicker!
When you start running a successful business, you realise that your time is the most valuable assett you own, and your time is best spent BUILDING your business, not copying and pasting meta tag data into your </body> tags....
Seriously, let other people do the dirty work.... They're probably better at it than you are !
I personally use odesk.com for my team of employees, they are amazing people and are an amazing privellage and asset to my company.
Ok, so we all want the sit on a beach while your 'passive' company makes you money thing right ?
It's possible... I've just come back from touring around Switzerland with my band for a week and I came home to nearly $3,600 in my clickbank account... Awesome right ?
The thing is, that clickbank picture wont tell you the hundreds, if not thousands of hours I've spent actually setting this system up.
It won't show you the MANY times this system has broken down and cost me money before it began sailing on it's own.
You won't be told how many times I've failed trying to create online companies and now seem to be able to do it at will, I don't say this to gloat, genuinely, I say it because this reward of persistence has allowed me to create a life of abundance.
Warriors... ANYTHING is possible, You can have this online dream... The traffic is there, the products are there, the people and the infrastructure are there for you to succeed online but you have to Stick with it.
IM will throw you some curveballs, your eyes will be bleeding at 5am trying to get it right, but in the long term... ALL is worth it... Enjoy the journey !
- Stick To One Thing
- Expose And Build Upon Patterns
- Internet Marketing Is a numbers Game
- Don't Be Afraid To Spend Some Money
I genuinely wish you all the best on your journey, it was the best I've ever been on.
*Find out more about my IM journey by clicking the link in my sig*
Many Thanks
Glen K
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