$20,000/month with turnkey websites?
On eBay, three sellers basically share the entire category, a British, an American and another one from Malaysia. I do not like gossiping so no names.
They all sell exactly the _same_ websites (same WordPress theme, LifeStyle from Studiopress), same design, same affiliates etc. So tons of absolutely identical websites, only domain name and keywords / photographs change, depending on the niche. So we have incredibly lame names such as TheAcneRemovalAdvisor.com and so on. After a couple weeks the same seller would sell exactly the SAME website calling it TheNewAcneSolution.com, or change name and photos to say, TheVeryUsefulWineMakingClub.com, then rinse and repeat.
Obviously one may think that people would never purchase anything like this (all the sites come with 10-20 articlebase articles, always the same, not even spinned), yet, the British for example, has made approx. 220 sales in the last 30 days, average $30 each. That is $9,000. Every bidder is required to purchase (out of eBay, which is not even allowed per eBay rules) one year of hosting at $50, that's another $11,000. Total income about $20,000. (If the winner does not want the hosting there is a $25 migration fee). The only expense is the domain name and the low eBay fee since they start the auctions at 1 cent.
I admire these sellers, I am not saying they are crooks, these are talented and smart internet marketers and there is no doubt managing all this requires a lot of work. Although of course, they always say 'established' when in fact the domains are one week old, show unrealistic possible income etc. But evidently buyers do not notice this either.
What I do not understand is how all this is possible. Anyone, even totally untrained, just looking at the listings, can tell that they sell the same websites over and over, that there is no way these sites would produce any visitors, hence profit, that the content is not unique and that they are, in two words, completely worthless.
But since people are not stupid, and their feedback is excellent, their sales flourish, I am wondering what am I missing here and would love to know your thoughts.
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