Subscribed threads limit in the new forum?

2 replies
Lately I've found myself subscribing to more and more threads. I think I'm at 79 now.

Of course I ought to clean up my subscriptions, removing the ones that was only meant to be temporary.

What I wonder is;

Has anyone hit a subscription roof in the new forum yet?
#forum #limit #subscribed #subscribed threads #threads
  • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
    I've reached 300. There's just too much useful information here!!!

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    • Profile picture of the author JazzOscar
      Good to here I'm not about to hit the roof.

      I thought it might be a problem looking through all my subscribed threads for the right one when the number started to get high, but then I just found out that you can create your own folders to organize the subscriptions. There even is a link to "View all Subscribed Threads" so that you don't need to look through all your folders for threads with new posts.

      Great discovery for me! Maybe everyone else has found out already.

      Just thought I would mention it.

      Oscar Toft

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