How to Get ONLINE Clients - Fast!

10 replies
Before this thread gets moved, MODs - this isn't about offline marketing. It's for service providers (PLR creators, ghost writers, copywriters, graphic designers, etc) who cater to marketers.

#clients #online
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Ramsey
    James, kickass content just like always. Keep it up bro.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    Thanks Chris,

    You know I do what I do, when I do what I do....

    In all seriousness though - just trying to help out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
    i am a ghostwriter and this content might prove useful for me sometime. it's nice to see people with new ideas trying to help others in succeeding in an online business. i might just do something like that in the future. Thanks for sharing this with us!
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  • Profile picture of the author prmoise76
    Hey dude that was freaking nice. I like it 100%
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    • Profile picture of the author Vanessa Reece
      I agree comps work James - nice to see a new take on them in building business.
      Btw - barely recognised you without the pink walls behind you?


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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Interesting idea, and I agree with you that it should work well here...

        Off-topic - Where in central Minnesota are you, if you don't mind my asking? I used to fish a lot about 50 miles west of the Twin Cities, and spent several days a year in an ice house out on Mille Lacs. That was back before cell phones and satellite TV, but you could order pizza delivery via marine radio or CB...
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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    Thanks for the kudos everyone. Helping out is why I'm here.

    @JohnMcCabe - I'm in St. Cloud. About an hour northwest of the Cities and about an hour South of Mille Lacs. I use to go to Mille Lacs for the casino when I was 18-19, but haven't been there in years, heard they have good fishing though.
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      Originally Posted by James Foster View Post

      Thanks for the kudos everyone. Helping out is why I'm here.

      @JohnMcCabe - I'm in St. Cloud. About an hour northwest of the Cities and about an hour South of Mille Lacs. I use to go to Mille Lacs for the casino when I was 18-19, but haven't been there in years, heard they have good fishing though.
      The walleye fishing is world famous, but can either be duck-soup simple or frustrating. At one time, the lake had a virtually untapped Muskie and Smallmouth fishery. When I fished there, there was no casino...

      When I was a kid, my folks had a cabin near Annandale and I spent most of my summers whipping the lake into foam. Other than Mille Lacs, most of the lakes I fished were under 1,000 acres.

      Now my playground is measured in square miles .
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  • Profile picture of the author chumpschimps
    What a great idea!

    I know a few peeps who do this kind of thing on Facebook, as well as holding mini-auctions for physical products, but your idea makes it forum-friendly
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