Help Needed Thinking of Giving Up

15 replies
I have been online for about 7 years without making any money. I first started in the internet marketing niche with downloadable products as an affiliate. I bought some traffic for the site and as a result was thrown off adsense so I am unable to use this anymore.

Over the last few months I have done 3 wordpress blogs outside the I.M. niche but still just a handful of traffic and no sales. I have bookmarked and started to do backlinking without success. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong before I give up altogether.

#giving #needed #thinking
  • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
    Sounds like you are not doing nearly enough, but I don't know if there is more to your list of what you have done.

    "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author kenny5
    You are not doing enough. When you first start out IM takes quite a bit of work. You need to focus, write out a doable plan and then actually do it. But that plan needs to consist of a complete system.

    You can find plenty of doable systems right here in the forum.
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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      You aren't doing the research for the customer problem / solution before starting.

      This is a common problem. People get excited after they hear about Adsense or affiliate marketing and they quickly set everything up.

      It doesn't matter weather you are selling an affiliate product, your own product or trying to get them to click on an ad... you need to research before hand to figure out if there is a need in the market you're entering, if the product you're going to sell fills that need and who it services the need for.

      People will only give you money equal to the value you provide. The value you provide is solving their problem with your offer (affiliate, info product, service etc).

      Every business model will fail if its not serving a problem of a large group of people. Controversy, every business model will make money (adsense and affiliate included) if it is providing a solution people need and are willing to pay for.

      Hope this helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Sojourn
    Eeeek - 7 years! I know that's got to be frustrating but the fact that you've put up 3 sites in the past couple of months is a good sign - certainly "taking action".

    If you're not getting traffic it'll boil down to keywords, content, and/or ranking. You don't have to give away your niche or your site if you don't want - although it's easier to help someone understand what's wrong by seeing the site in question. Instead, you could describe your method for choosing keywords and developing content as a start. Someone might find something in your description of your process that could highlight any problems.
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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Choose ONE business model and discard the rest (at least for the time being).
    Focus on that particular business model and promise to yourself that you will not buy any more money making products before you find success with your mission.

    Choose ONE niche to market
    Choose ONE product to promote
    Choose One way to generate traffic

    at least for 3-6 months before deciding to stay or go to the next business model.

    Stay focus to your project and do not give up hope. Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
    gosh, ok, so you say you've been trying to succeed in this field for over 7 years; i can't really say what you're doing wrong since you only told us about your adsense attempt of making money. what else have you been trying in the meantime? i don't think you made actual mistakes, you probably gave up one idea and started another...that's no way for doing this; you need to concentrate on a single game
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    • Profile picture of the author chris47
      Many Thanks for your reply. The last few months I have gone over to amazon products and I now have 2 blogs set up in 2 different niches which after doing keyword research I thought it would be good. I have then put content on the blogs, submitted a few articles, social bookmarked, blog commenting and I am now trying backlinking. Have I missed something?

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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by chris47 View Post

        Many Thanks for your reply. The last few months I have gone over to amazon products and I now have 2 blogs set up in 2 different niches which after doing keyword research I thought it would be good. I have then put content on the blogs, submitted a few articles, social bookmarked, blog commenting and I am now trying backlinking. Have I missed something?

        Yup. Keep adding content, both for your site and articles.

        Look at converting some of your original content to different media - audio, video - and different formats like pdf for docstoc type sites.

        Doing so will also increase the number and type of backlinks you get.
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        • Profile picture of the author RSK3000
          No, don't give up.

          You must have an idea what is going wrong.

          Are you not getting traffic?
          Is your traffic not converting?

          It can take a while for a new website to stabilise in Google. During that time your position in Google can be all over the place.

          I also think that no matter what you do some niches just won't make money, as had been said before. Are ther hoards of hungry buyers for your product out there? Can they or will they buy over the internet?

          It would be easier if you went into a little more detail - I can only give superficial advice which might be either unhelpful, or even wrong.

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          For more internet marketing hints and tips follow me on Twitter - @TheIncomeSherpa

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  • Profile picture of the author Tyrus Antas
    You're stuck in the gimmick treadmill.

    Ask yourself: what do you have to offer
    that has any value? Something that other
    people want.

    Do that and just that - no multiple blogs/sites.
    If you can't make it work, quit.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by chris47 View Post

    I have been online for about 7 years without making any money. I first started in the internet marketing niche with downloadable products as an affiliate. I bought some traffic for the site and as a result was thrown off adsense so I am unable to use this anymore.

    Over the last few months I have done 3 wordpress blogs outside the I.M. niche but still just a handful of traffic and no sales. I have bookmarked and started to do backlinking without success. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong before I give up altogether.

    Christine, please don't take this the wrong way. You can't give up something you really haven't started. Seven years, and you have one site that got you banned from Adsense and three blogs? There's nothing here to give up.

    When you say "wordpress blogs", are you talking about blogs you host on your own account, with domain names you own, or are you talking about free blogs?

    You don't have to answer this publicly if you'd rather not, but generally speaking, what kind of "non-IM" niches are you targeting?

    Some niches are way too competitive to take on straight up unless you can hang with the big dogs. Markets like weight loss, insurance, credit, etc. require that you play around the edges and work your way up.

    Some niches just don't spend money online. You could have the persuasive powers of Harold Hill, and still end up on the next train out of River City with empty pockets.

    On the other hand, if you pick the right niche and work it properly and consistently, you could have the personality of Hank Hill and still do very well for yourself.

    Rather than giving up, you may be looking at starting over from scratch as the "sadder but wiser girl."

    After all, you now know four things that don't work for you...
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  • Profile picture of the author zengetsu
    I would suggest learn more read more. If you cannot make a single dollar after being online for seven years you should probably change what you are doing. Think outside of the box and think what you can offer that other people are not offering as much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Adams
    Originally Posted by chris47 View Post

    I have been online for about 7 years without making any money. I first started in the internet marketing niche with downloadable products as an affiliate. I bought some traffic for the site and as a result was thrown off adsense so I am unable to use this anymore.

    Over the last few months I have done 3 wordpress blogs outside the I.M. niche but still just a handful of traffic and no sales. I have bookmarked and started to do backlinking without success. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong before I give up altogether.

    You should write up a case study about what mistakes to avoid and offer that as a WSO. Then when you make money from that WSO you should write a WSO about how to make money with WSOs.

    Also start making friends with more experienced warriors and IMers so you can personally ask them specific questions--you will get better answers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Judikke
    Find a really good team and join it. I have and it has worked miracles for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author TomBuck
    Good advise soo far, I also recommend picking one thing and sticking to it. This is my problem I am trying to do 4/5 things well instead of you thing excellently. If you catch my drift. You need to 1.) Pick a niche 2.) Decide if you are going to make a product or just promote. 3.) SEO like crazy! I am talking 24/7 SEO. 4.) Once you are high on google build email list and all that, then you will be laughing.
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