To the People Who Make $5,000 a month &

by BJ Min
44 replies

I have 1 question for 2 groups of people:

1) To those who make $5,000+ a month online
2) To those who make $10,000+ a month online

How much do you pay your article writers
for 350-500+ word articles PER article?

And please tell us if you are in $5,000+ category or $10,000+ category.

I ask this because I want to know what I must be
willing to pay for articles in order to get to that next level.


PS...i notice i only focus on article writing, newsletter writing, and video i missing anythign else other than social bookmarking...? i focus on the 3 things because they bring me the best results (best bang for the buck)...
#make #month #people
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
    Originally Posted by BJ Min View Post

    I have 1 question for 2 groups of people:

    1) To those who make $5,000+ a month online
    2) To those who make $10,000+ a month online

    How much do you pay your article writers
    for 350-500+ word articles PER article?

    And please tell us if you are in $5,000+ category or $10,000+ category.

    I ask this because I want to know what I must be
    willing to pay for articles in order to get to that next level.


    PS...i notice i only focus on article writing, newsletter writing, and video i missing anythign else other than social bookmarking...? i focus on the 3 things because they bring me the best results (best bang for the buck)...

    I fall well into category 2. Here's my answer as to how much I pay article writers:

    $0. ZERO dollars

    One of the dangers here or anywhere else is getting seduced by the idea of what I "must be willing to do" or "these are the things you must do to reach X level."

    The proof this is dangerous? The significant majority of people doing those things are making no money. No one is willing to say it but it's true.

    You want to know which 3 things I focus on to bring me results?

    1) Making sure my products are perfectly aligned with my target market - and thus being able to charge a LOT more for them

    2) Positioning - getting in front of my market in ways that transcend them reading an article they happened upon - in other words reducing the % of cold leads and focusing almost solely on getting warm leads (yes articles can be used for this purpose, but there are even more effective ways - particularly through JV's)

    3) Building my own brand - instead of trying to get the quick sale I cultivate a list by creating a relationship and dialogue where they know I actually care about them - this creates more revenue than any number of articles could

    Am I saying not to write articles or have them written for you? No that is not what I'm saying. It could be beneficial and I'm not saying you shouldn't do it.

    What I'm saying is not to assume any "must do's". For high-producing IM'ers article marketing lives inside elements that are much bigger. These bigger elements are the real keys to reaching 5+ figures per month.

    Best regards,
    Ken Preuss

    Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

    A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      I write my own articles. I don't trust ANYBODY with MY voice, because
      that's what my articles are...MY voice. They are what make me who I am.

      That's what separates me from the marketers who just hire somebody to
      write for them.

      I'm not going to go into a long dissertation on what the difference is
      because I'll be here all day, but trust me, there is a HUGE difference.

      Let's put it this way.

      If I didn't write my own articles, especially on the subject of Internet
      marketing and related topics, I'd be broke.

      Oh, and I fall into category 2...because I write for myself.
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      • Profile picture of the author matthewd
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        I write my own articles. I don't trust ANYBODY with MY voice, because
        that's what my articles are...MY voice. They are what make me who I am.
        Steven - How much time do you spend writing on a typical day? Do you just write really fast? The reason I ask is that everyone is always mentioning how many articles you have and it seems like I would be writing all day every day to build up your article count.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenneth L
      Originally Posted by Ken Preuss View Post


      I fall well into category 2. Here's my answer as to how much I pay article writers:

      $0. ZERO dollars

      One of the dangers here or anywhere else is getting seduced by the idea of what I "must be willing to do" or "these are the things you must do to reach X level."

      The proof this is dangerous? The significant majority of people doing those things are making no money. No one is willing to say it but it's true.

      You want to know which 3 things I focus on to bring me results?

      1) Making sure my products are perfectly aligned with my target market - and thus being able to charge a LOT more for them

      2) Positioning - getting in front of my market in ways that transcend them reading an article they happened upon - in other words reducing the % of cold leads and focusing almost solely on getting warm leads (yes articles can be used for this purpose, but there are even more effective ways - particularly through JV's)

      3) Building my own brand - instead of trying to get the quick sale I cultivate a list by creating a relationship and dialogue where they know I actually care about them - this creates more revenue than any number of articles could

      Am I saying not to write articles or have them written for you? No that is not what I'm saying. It could be beneficial and I'm not saying you shouldn't do it.

      What I'm saying is not to assume any "must do's". For high-producing IM'ers article marketing lives inside elements that are much bigger. These bigger elements are the real keys to reaching 5+ figures per month.

      Best regards,
      Ken Preuss
      Thanks once again for a brilliant post.

      The few posts I've read from you lately have all been outstanding.

      What you've just said is so true and so powerful.

      Questioning assumptions is so critical in order to become successful and something I've started to do from listening a LOT to Tim Ferris.

      Also focussing on the critical few, like the 3 you just mentioned, rather than the less important many will allow a person to achieve far better results.

      Best Wishes,
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Pereira
    On average, if I want quality, $0.01/word. And I've been happy with 90% of the writers I've hired over the past few months. As for the category, fit into the second one.

    There are activities that I (personally) find too profitable to spend time writing articles, of course everyone has something different that works for them
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  • Profile picture of the author richfit
    I fall into category 2 as well and I agree with Steven & with Ken that you must have a Voice, you must align with your audience and you must position yourself in the market correctly.

    I write my own articles & hire writers who I know personally to write for me. This has worked very well for me and those who do it as well.

    Whether you're making $10,000 per month or $200,000 per month you must leverage the resources of others and that is why you must 'constantly' be looking for better and better people.

    Why do you think Donald Trump started the Apprentice?

    Do you think he started that to make more than $2 Million per episode?

    No, he started the Apprentice because he likes a challenge and because that is one way of separating the creme from the crop.

    You MUST build a solid relationship with your writer and you must use discernment when it comes to what you write and what you allow them to write. Anyone who is making more than $50,000 per month is outsourcing and I can give you personal examples of this.


    Bryan Dulaney
    Signature - Enter to WIN a Brand NEW Kindle Fire + Download My Report titled, "11 Irresistible Money Magnets To Generate More Leads For Your Business!"

    Affiliates earn over $404 per sale + $38 per month recurring cash flow when you share "this experience" See why top marketers are promoting like crazy!
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  • Profile picture of the author trippmarxx
    I agree with writing your own articles...

    To me, my "brand" isn't very legitimate if I'm not behind it. While it does take time to write articles yourself, as long as you have a structured plan, it's pretty easy to do.

    For example, I set aside an hour on Sundays to do my keyword research. Then, I pull out notepad and create all my titles. After that, I figure out my week and allocate time slots to do my article writing. It's a pretty effective process overall.
    Want to speed up your writing and save time?
    This book will show you how:
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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider
    I'm Category 2.

    I have two elements to my business.

    1) Leveraged activities which grow my business

    2) Passive activities that secure passive cash-flow

    The first segment (leveraged) includes things like product development, building lists and recruiting affiliates/JVs. This is where the real money is made.

    The second segment (passive) includes building more and more profitable content on SITES THAT I OWN for the purpose of generating passive affiliate income. This is a revenue model that builds, but not as quickly or reliably as the first category.

    However, for me it's a matter of diversification.

    It is definitely more profitable to be the merchant rather than the affiliate, but you CAN do both as a way of diversifying.

    However, the one thing I've learned thus far is to NEVER rely on factors you can't control. This includes SEO, organic article/software traffic and so on.

    Which is why I only ever promote my own sites on domains that I own, particularly sites that collect opt-in subscribers.

    And that, by the way, is how people SHOULD be using article marketing, youtube marketing, etc. once they know that a market is profitable.


    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Douglas
    Category #2
    Virtual assistant at $4.40 per hour using a pen name
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  • Profile picture of the author MicahF7
    catagory 2.

    Never done anything with articals!

    Micah Rush,
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  • Profile picture of the author Cyndi Rainwater
    I think that one of the most important things to remember here is it has to work for you. Some people just aren't good at writing and therefore, it works for them to hire someone that can write quality content articles. I think it is important to find someone who is knowledgeable in your niche and hopefully can connect with yoy , so that he or she gets a feel of your "voice"

    I have written my own articles and I have also outsourced them. I have to say, it's a lot easier to write them yourselves if it is something you are passionate about. Then it just seems to flow.

    Big Mike is correct...test, test and test some more. Sometimes the best performers are not the most expensive ones.

    Just keep plugging away and'll get there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    Chris Rempel, a question for you - you said "Which is why I only ever promote my own sites on domains that I own, particularly sites that collect opt-in subscribers".

    Would you explain that further? I know you have review sites with opt in boxes. You also have a site that just promote your own products, and don't do any backend of other products, except a rare email. Is this what you are talking about?


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  • Profile picture of the author chris_surfrider

    What I mean is that while do have several conduit/review sites that don't collect emails (because it doesn't make sense to do so in the niche), from this point forward, I only "heavily" market sites or assets that do collect a userbase of some kind.

    For the straight SEO projects (just relying on organic traffic, not building lists), I just plug those into my basic SEO rollout activities (Linkvana, directory submissions, sometimes 3waylinks, dofollow blog comments and maybe a few link purchases).

    Whereas if something is building a subscriber base, then I'll do that plus a bunch of other traffic-funneling so as to build the list faster. Such as article submissions, videos, etc.



    Making 6 Figures From Affiliate Marketing is Easier Than You Think. Here's Proof:

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  • Profile picture of the author RenaissanceMan
    write my own as well as outsource anywhere from $3 to $8 per article.

    well worth it in some niches
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    category #2.
    I hire some Indian writers for $5 per article. Their quotes are cheap and their works are good. I love them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Francis
    Category 2 but i no only have indian writers which i love also but i have a few WAHM'S that do great work also.

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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
      I spend zero dollars on articles period.

      I'm way past 10k per month.

      95% of the people I know who make big money
      online spend very little time, energy and money
      on articles.

      ...maybe press releases, but not articles.

      In fact, I think articles are fine and dandy, and
      if you want to go after that as your traffic
      source, then knock yourself out.

      I can only speak for myself really, and I'll tell you...
      a couple years ago, I was big into articles and
      I found it to be a big fat waste of time.

      Sure, I got some traffic, but it was a trickle
      compared to getting floods of traffic very
      quickly through JV's or paid traffic.

      Imagine spending all this time, energy and money
      on articles only to find out later on (much later on)
      that your stuff does not even convert.

      I just did a video.. and I mean just a couple hours
      ago that is a promo video for a new product
      that's on paid traffic... and I talked about this
      very point.

      I prefer flipping a switch, getting a flood of traffic,
      testing/tweaking my offer to covert higher and
      higher... then maybe utilize article marketing or
      web 2.0 platforms.

      Additionally, you may find what I'm about to say
      as a bit controversial, but I firmly believe that
      way too many marketers are failing simply
      because they are after FREE traffic means (although
      articles are not free either).

      The reason I think they fail is not because articles
      dont work, because they do, but more because
      it takes a long time. And most out there do not
      have long term thinking.

      They wait and wait and wait for any kind of
      significant traffic to kick in (the kind of traffic
      that can make a financial difference) and then
      they give up -- or wonder where all the money
      is hiding.

      I started making money when I started focusing
      on JV's and paid traffic, period. And, a majority
      of the people I know who make big bucks do those
      two things too (paid traffic and JV's).

      I've found people who will do ANYTHING they can
      to refrain from spending money on paid traffic...
      and those people are still wondering where the
      money is hiding.

      Pretty much everything you mentioned as the
      way you are going to generate traffic are ways
      I personally do not use at all.

      SEO? SEO can be HUGE... but none of my stuff
      ranks high. I dont know squat about SEO. If you
      do, then knock yourself out.

      Personally, I would not bet my house payment, food,
      bills and family livelihood on any of my offers ranking
      at the top of any search engine.

      Knowing how to advertise... knowing how to drive
      traffic through paid traffic avenues... and knowing
      how to strike JV's... now, now, that allows me
      to sleep better at night. I'd bank my house and
      stuff on that. That's priceless!

      Articles? If I depended on articles, I'd probably still
      have a job.

      But, that's my take... and that does not mean I'm
      completely right. I'm sure others have made a fortune
      on articles and all. I have not. That's all.

      I hope that helps a bit.

      Eric Louviere
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      • Profile picture of the author Eric Louviere
        Ah, look at this... the very next post/thread I read was on how he did with intense article marketing (I would not say $800 is significant money and my results back a couple years ago were very similar to his)...

        (but, I'm sure there are a lot who make a lot on articles... I just rarely see it and rarely know of anyone who actually does. Dont buy into everything you read about making big bucks with articles -- that's all)

        Originally Posted by sree94 View Post

        Or at least I think it's intense. 200 articles was pretty intense for me

        I recently bought a WSO that said to write 10 articles a day for a month. The author said after that time, he made $3000

        I was unable to write that many. My article count stands at 200. I made $855.

        I am happy about that, since it is double what I have made in any other month since I began IM back in February.

        I must say, writing that many articles was exhausting! And it seems as if I need to be cranking them out everyday. Plus, this gives me little time to do anything else with IM (link building, social bookmarking, expanding on niches)

        I really want to expand this business to be in the thousands per month. Any ideas?
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        • Profile picture of the author sree94
          Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

          Ah, look at this... the very next post/thread I read was on how he did with intense article marketing (I would not say $800 is significant money and my results back a couple years ago were very similar to his)...

          (but, I'm sure there are a lot who make a lot on articles... I just rarely see it and rarely know of anyone who actually does. Dont buy into everything you read about making big bucks with articles -- that's all)
          I'm the author of that thread on intense article marketing.

          Do I think $855 a month is a significant amount of money? No, but it's certainly a lot better than the $100 a month I was making prior to that!!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author Ken Preuss
        Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

        I spend zero dollars on articles period.

        I'm way past 10k per month.

        95% of the people I know who make big money
        online spend very little time, energy and money
        on articles.

        ...maybe press releases, but not articles.

        In fact, I think articles are fine and dandy, and
        if you want to go after that as your traffic
        source, then knock yourself out.

        I can only speak for myself really, and I'll tell you...
        a couple years ago, I was big into articles and
        I found it to be a big fat waste of time.

        Sure, I got some traffic, but it was a trickle
        compared to getting floods of traffic very
        quickly through JV's or paid traffic.

        Imagine spending all this time, energy and money
        on articles only to find out later on (much later on)
        that your stuff does not even convert.

        I just did a video.. and I mean just a couple hours
        ago that is a promo video for a new product
        that's on paid traffic... and I talked about this
        very point.

        I prefer flipping a switch, getting a flood of traffic,
        testing/tweaking my offer to covert higher and
        higher... then maybe utilize article marketing or
        web 2.0 platforms.

        Additionally, you may find what I'm about to say
        as a bit controversial, but I firmly believe that
        way too many marketers are failing simply
        because they are after FREE traffic means (although
        articles are not free either).

        The reason I think they fail is not because articles
        dont work, because they do, but more because
        it takes a long time. And most out there do not
        have long term thinking.

        They wait and wait and wait for any kind of
        significant traffic to kick in (the kind of traffic
        that can make a financial difference) and then
        they give up -- or wonder where all the money
        is hiding.

        I started making money when I started focusing
        on JV's and paid traffic, period. And, a majority
        of the people I know who make big bucks do those
        two things too (paid traffic and JV's).

        I've found people who will do ANYTHING they can
        to refrain from spending money on paid traffic...
        and those people are still wondering where the
        money is hiding.

        Pretty much everything you mentioned as the
        way you are going to generate traffic are ways
        I personally do not use at all.

        SEO? SEO can be HUGE... but none of my stuff
        ranks high. I dont know squat about SEO. If you
        do, then knock yourself out.

        Personally, I would not bet my house payment, food,
        bills and family livelihood on any of my offers ranking
        at the top of any search engine.

        Knowing how to advertise... knowing how to drive
        traffic through paid traffic avenues... and knowing
        how to strike JV's... now, now, that allows me
        to sleep better at night. I'd bank my house and
        stuff on that. That's priceless!

        Articles? If I depended on articles, I'd probably still
        have a job.

        But, that's my take... and that does not mean I'm
        completely right. I'm sure others have made a fortune
        on articles and all. I have not. That's all.

        I hope that helps a bit.

        Eric Louviere
        The more I read what you write the more I wonder if we're twins.

        You nailed it. JV's and paid traffic. For me my success has come from JV's almost exclusively. But the point remains the same.

        Why on EARTH would I kill myself to try and be found among thousands and thousands of articles when I can position myself in a competitive vacuum through a top notch JV and earn 5 to 6 figures from a single promotion? Not to mention the subsequent promotions with the same JV partner.

        Articles are ok and if they're working ok for you, fine. But ultimate positioning they simply do not provide. Heck if I wanted to spend even an hour doing what *thousands* of others are doing, I would never have quit my job.

        If you want a serious income from IM (e.g. mid five figures or more) you won't get it by doing what everyone else is doing. Period.


        Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show

        A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.

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      • Profile picture of the author Nato Guajardo
        Originally Posted by Eric Louviere View Post

        I spend zero dollars on articles period.

        I'm way past 10k per month.

        95% of the people I know who make big money
        online spend very little time, energy and money
        on articles.

        ...maybe press releases, but not articles.


        Eric Louviere
        What Eric is saying is so true. I stopped spending money on articles about a year ago and I'm making more money than ever.
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  • Profile picture of the author solano101
    catagory 2.

    $6 per hour
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  • Profile picture of the author Philip John
    Category #3

    I dont use articles.
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    • Profile picture of the author tntrader
      ignore this post, just subscribing to the thread...
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      • Profile picture of the author FrankRumbauskas
        I'm in category #2. I pay nothing for articles. I haven't done much in the way of articles in a long time but have decided to write one per week to keep my SEO stuff up to date. And even then, I'm a fast writer and one high-quality article takes me 15 minutes tops.

        I'm with Eric - most of my income is from paid traffic. Like 95%, primarily AdWords.

        On the SEO thing, sure, I rank highly for my top keyword, but even then, it gets less than 100 organic clicks per day and 0-1 sales per day. AdWords on the other hand brings in nearly 1,000 clicks per day and 20 sales per day on average.

        So, yeah, articles have their place, but make your own choice.

        New York Times Best-Selling Author
        Certified Google Partner Company
        Fast Company's Top 30 Most Influential People Online

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    • Profile picture of the author Kamran
      Originally Posted by Phil Hosemans View Post

      Category #3

      I dont use articles.
      Category #3?? Does that mean 100k+/month?
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  • Profile picture of the author tntrader
    I have recently launched my first product (in the real estate niche) with my business partner and would love to hear about methods for locating potential JV partners in specific, non-IM niches.

    We're going to use PPC first to test/tweak, but I am hung up on where to find JV partners.


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  • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
    I'm in category 2.
    I don't use articles at all so $0.00.

    There are other ways to get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazzyjeff
    Article marketing should be part of your promotion arsenal. Article marketing is just one of the ways to get visitors to your website. As far as conversion rate, I'm pretty sure if there is a good sales page then it wouldn't matter how you get your traffic.

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    • Profile picture of the author cherylwright
      I've been reading this thread with interest.

      As someone who supplies keyword articles to IM'ers, I'm obviously all for article marketing. But it has to be done right.

      It's no good just reeling off an article on a subject related to your niche; you need to do your research and find out which keywords/phrases will bring the traffic to your site.

      And that's where I come in - I write articles around keywords and phrases supplied by my clients. When people search on their specific keywords and phrases, visitors will end up on their sites.

      I don't do this for peanuts as this is a specialised area, and I am a very experienced writer. My charge for this service is $50 for a 300 word article.

      And before you all have a fit, I'm overflowing with work, and the majority of my clients are repeat clients.

      (FYI, some of my clients are WF members.)


      Learn to write effectively - for all areas of your business. Click here now!

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  • Profile picture of the author keblack
    I have heard this from the best in the business for a long time and that is that Adwords is the way to go for targeted traffic, but the question of the month for non-experts is : how do you tame adwords ? Is there a video series out there or a book that will help you succeed ? I have tried adwords a few times and lost quite a bit of money and that was after reading quite a bit about how to design ads and research keywords - but anyway - it's not adwords fault - it is my fault because I am missing something. If I had to guess, it must have to do with landing pages or having multiple accounts.

    Anyway, I have had some success writing articles, but it is time consuming. Also, is a good place to go for articles if you need them. But the article route is time consuming and can be costly also.
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesFraze
      I fall in the category of "not willing to spend money on PPC", but then again, I've been able to get 80,000 visitors a month (consistently) based entirely on organic SEO for clients that do not want to pay for traffic.

      If I knew how to put $500 in the box and pull out $2000 I'd do it tonight. I doubt people are willing to "learn" with their hard earned income. This is why so many people are willing to try free methods, like organic SEO/social marketing.

      One of my clients spends almost $2000 a month and some months he makes $20k. I cringe though as sometimes the $2000 doesn't pan out for him. He is reluctant to do the organic SEO route because he comes out ahead PPC most of the time. Just think of what a grand slam he'd have if he did both?

      Anyway, what's a good starter book for PPC that I can learn without going broke - I understand the basics, and have a small budget, but it doesn't produce what I think it should be. Any pointers on where to go for "blue print" type info on PPC?
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  • Profile picture of the author keblack
    So, what about organic SEO methods James - it seems like you have had lots of success ? Have you learned from Brad Callen or another expert ?

    Is there a book or online videos you would recommend ?

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  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    I write all of my articles in the niches I am involved in.

    I reckoned that if I couldn't make money from what I know then something had to be wrong. Being an avid student of life and learning, Law of Attraction, Business Consulting, Career Development self-help etc means I discovered I actually knew more and could express a lot more than what an article writer (a low-cost $0.01 a word) could probably write.

    The investment in doing your own thing pays off because you get to develop your own brand BUT it takes discipline which is where many people fall over (I have to in the begining)
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  • Profile picture of the author keblack
    Hi Bayo,

    Thanks for the comments and I agree that writing your own articles is a good idea if you have the time. But, if you are not a full time internet marketer, then writing for yourself is more difficult.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Writing your own articles is the key to success... write about what you know, and what you are passionate about, and the rest will follow...

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Magic Johnson
    Article marketing takes time, that's the biggest dis-advantage with them. Time = money

    Biz 101.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Long
    I'm curious how many of those who are stressing JV's in particular are doing that outside of the IM niche? It just doesn't seem as though there is any other niche that lends itself to JV's as well as the IM niche.

    If you want to work in weight loss, or dog training for example, while there are a handful of JV opportunities out there, they pale in comparison to what's available in the IM niche.

    I think what it boils down to is that different traffic strategies work better in different niches. Adwords for hyper competitive niches like those are just about impossible to crack for all but the most experienced marketers.

    So where does that leave the newbies?

    Article marketing, which is still one way that a novice can come right in and, with hard work, can make some money.

    The ironic part is, I have a pretty good grip on how to drive targeted traffic in the IM niche, but I find that those same strategies don't always translate smoothly into non-IM niches.
    Future Proof Your Business in Just 7 Days
    Control Your Traffic (and Your Destiny) By Building a List of Raving Customers for Life
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Kumar
    My big advice on article marketing would be to focus on quality, not on quantity.

    One article that shakes a person up or gives him/her an 'a-ha' moment is worth 100 mediocre articles, in my experience.

    Go to your favorite article database and search for the niche you want to write about. Study the top 10 articles in that niche to see why they are considered the top 10.

    Also, getting traffic through articles is just one piece (the very first piece) of the process.

    List building, and then list nurturing, for example, are what will turn your articles into a long-term income stream.
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  • Profile picture of the author sweetanahita
    I hate it when someone says he makes well above $500 a month (guys???????)

    anyways, altough I havent reached that level, but just eager to share...
    i give $25 per 10 articles to my writer....
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    • Profile picture of the author LeeMasterson
      I write my own articles. I have a typing speed over 110 words a minute, so they don't take long. Besides, I'm a freelance writer by trade, so this is what I do when I'm not playing with my websites anyway.

      I've been running my little narrow-niche websites for 9 years and even though I've done well so far, I'm on this forum to double what I'm already doing.

      These posts have been amazingly educational and very enlightening to someone who thought her sites were at their earnings peak. I know now that I just need to do some things differently and learn about some new options.

      Thank you everyone.

      PLR Article Wizard
      Limited Edition PLR articles on highly profitable keywords.
      Forex Trading | Credit Repair | Dog Training |
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