Integrating a WordPress blog and a website

10 replies
I'm working my way thru one of those WordPress for beginners books, and I'm really impressed by the "point and click" ease with which somebody can install a WP blog and begin posting. However, most WordPress themes look less like regular websites and more like.... well, WordPress themes. :rolleyes:

So, I was wondering what the best strategy would be to seamlessly integrate a website and a WP installation (as
  • Start with the WP theme and create a website that matches?
  • Start with the website and modify a WP theme to match?
  • Just install WP and use WP's own static pages for the website content? (...assuming that WP's static pages are a suitable substitute for HTML pages)
Like I say, I'm not looking for step-by-step instructions on how to do this (I'll Google those) but I just wondered what overall strategy other Warriors recommend...
#blog #integrating #website #wordpress
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    If yu are not a theme designer... then this:
    Just install WP and use WP's own static pages for the website content? (...assuming that WP's static pages are a suitable substitute for HTML pages)

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    • Profile picture of the author copycashvalve
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      If yu are not a theme designer... then this:
      Or this, settings > reading > static pages - in the panel.

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  • Profile picture of the author copycashvalve
    Buy A PS > HTML > WP tutorial. You can customize everything, it's really so much more powerful than a lot of the themes you're seeing.

    I recommend, the guy Chris over at CSS-TRICKS just this month released a great computer based tutorial on how to do exactly what your looking for.

    You will need to be comfortable with:
    • Photoshop
    • CSS3
    • HTML5
    • a little PHP for all the wordpress functions / calls is great, you pay 24$ a month for access to the entire site.

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    • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
      Originally Posted by copycashvalve View Post

      You will need to be comfortable with:
      • Photoshop
      • CSS3
      • HTML5
      • a little PHP for all the wordpress functions / calls
      Thanks for the reply, CCV. I bought an O'Reilly book on CSS, but nearly fell asleep before the end of Chapter one.... ....hence my enthusiasm for WordPress! :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by copycashvalve View Post

      You will need to be comfortable with:
      • Photoshop
      • CSS3
      • HTML5
      • a little PHP for all the wordpress functions / calls
      Somehow I don't believe that... I have never touched Photoshop (I just hate working with graphic programs) but I can do anything in WP: code themes, make any kind of site... whatever.

      There are always pro graphic guys who will provide me with any graphics I need

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  • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
    Wow! Thanks for the quick response, Istvan!

    I've yet to get to the part of the book that explains embedding media in a WP page, but is it safe to assume that photos, videos and "Buy Now" buttons are simple enough to add to a WP static page?
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    • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
      Originally Posted by John Henderson View Post

      I've yet to get to the part of the book that explains embedding media in a WP page, but is it safe to assume that photos, videos and "Buy Now" buttons are simple enough to add to a WP static page?
      Trust me: you can add anything to any WordPress Page or post...

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      • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
        Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

        Trust me: you can add anything to any WordPress Page or post...
        Thank you, Istvan. That's a very encouraging answer... *looks pensively towards CSS manual sitting on shelf*
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    I must say that I have several sites running WP and I know NOTHING about design-programs-nada, nothing.
    WP may not be perfect for some but, it sure is for me. The key is the theme you select.

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  • Profile picture of the author copycashvalve
    The secret to CSS is to not let yourself get overwhelmed by it and just keep referencing the things you need when you need them.

    CSS by itself, is enough to make me go nutty. I don't let myself get too overwhelmed. I look at the task at hand and adjust accordingly. I'm still going through the course. It's a lot but worth it in the end!

    As far as the Photoshop part, that is actually the easiest, atleast for me. Since I've taken so many courses on it both in and out of university. Yeah I actually had a publishing course in college!

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