3 Articles and... My First Affiliate Sale! (Need Help)
Just want to share with you guys that today I nearly fell off
my chair when I got an email from a network I'm affiliated with,
stating I just have my first sale.
The commission is $40 for a $67 health product.
Not much I know... but after all those failures (0 sales WSO,
$20 lifetime AdSense income, etc.) this little success really
made me cry, literally

This sale come only after I submitted 3 articles to directories
during 2 weeks period (having troubles with EZA in the process).
I also have a WordPress blog with so far 5 unique article posts
but due to some technical issues they're not going pretty well
(I'll make separate post for this).
Now I need some encouragements on what I have to do next...
I really need to generate a stable online income, say $500-1000
per month (I only got $100 from my day job - I'm in the 3rd world)
so I don't have to lend money here and there just to make ends meet.
Really hope someone can shed some light on this. Thank you.
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