3 Articles and... My First Affiliate Sale! (Need Help)

18 replies

Just want to share with you guys that today I nearly fell off
my chair when I got an email from a network I'm affiliated with,
stating I just have my first sale.

The commission is $40 for a $67 health product.

Not much I know... but after all those failures (0 sales WSO,
$20 lifetime AdSense income, etc.) this little success really
made me cry, literally

This sale come only after I submitted 3 articles to directories
during 2 weeks period (having troubles with EZA in the process).

I also have a WordPress blog with so far 5 unique article posts
but due to some technical issues they're not going pretty well
(I'll make separate post for this).

Now I need some encouragements on what I have to do next...
I really need to generate a stable online income, say $500-1000
per month (I only got $100 from my day job - I'm in the 3rd world)
so I don't have to lend money here and there just to make ends meet.

Really hope someone can shed some light on this. Thank you.

#affiliate #article marketing #articles #ezinearticles #first affiliate sale #sale
  • Profile picture of the author ShayB
    That is awesome! Congratulations!
    "Fate protects fools, little children, and ships called Enterprise." ~Commander Riker
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  • Profile picture of the author WinsonYeung
    Hey congratulation man !
    Anyway, do you capture the leads of the visitor in promoting the affiliate product ?
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  • Profile picture of the author athena08
    Congratulations on your success. My suggestion would be to repeat, repeat repeat...write more articles since this is what has worked for you. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author trippmarxx

    Congrats! I remember when I made my first affiliate sale. It showed me the true possibilities of earning an income online.

    A sale after only 3 articles is pretty good. My suggestion is you find out what article helped generate that sale and pinpoint the key elements you used in that article and duplicate it.

    I wish you good luck in your future article marketing ventures!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben_Curtis
      That's a great suggestion; lots of us have written FAR more articles before making a sale! Dissect those articles and write more like them!
      Best, and thanks for sharing a victory!

      Ben Curtis bens-marketing-magic
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  • Profile picture of the author richfit

    If you want to generate a stable income online you must start building a List and you must develop your own product. That's awesome and a great feeling to make money online but the thought in your mind should be...

    How can I scale this up?

    If something is working for you...keep doing it until you've maxed out its potential.

    there are a ton of ways to generate consistent stable income online. The best way I know to do this is to create your own product. One that resonates with your audience and really helps them overcome their obstacles and challenges and get better results.

    To your success,

    Bryan Dulaney
    Fit Rich LIfe
    PerfectFunnelSystem.com - Enter to WIN a Brand NEW Kindle Fire + Download My Report titled, "11 Irresistible Money Magnets To Generate More Leads For Your Business!"

    Affiliates earn over $404 per sale + $38 per month recurring cash flow when you share "this experience" See why top marketers are promoting like crazy!
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  • Profile picture of the author MicahF7
    Good for you man! Keep it up and make some big money!

    Micah Rush!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheEnforcer
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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Abraham
    Thanks all for the ideas and encouragements. Really appreciate it

    I have a double-optin newsletter, if that's what you mean...
    So far 2 sign ups but none of them (0) confirmed the double-optin.

    athena08, trippmarxx, richfit, Ben_Curtis :
    Thanks A LOT for the suggestions... I'll seriously consider it.

    Keep 'em coming...!

    Thanks for pointing that out, but I think I need to clarify one thing...
    The WSO i was running back then was a PC game cheat guide to get
    Warriors more productive with their time. It has nothing to do with
    "make money online" niche, so to speak.

    What I learned from that failure is to target your audience, i.e.
    I can't sell "game guide" to serious marketers looking for tools/blueprint, etc.

    I'm currently reworking all my WSO materials and prepare for a relaunch
    in its respective gaming niche. I'm thinking of using article marketing
    as my main source of traffic. Thanks again richfit, for the reminder
    of the importance of "creating your own products".

    Back to topic...
    Any more ideas to help me achieve my goal of $500-1000 per month online?

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Brian
    I see you've been a WF member since 2005 Ray, that's 3 long years away from your 1st sale! Congrats! I'm sure that 1st sale has been really emotional and it's all been worth it! Continue the good work, perhaps you can create your own WSO in the future about how you struggled and finally "got it"!

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  • Profile picture of the author Internet Stores
    Wow...congratulations on your first affiliate sale!! I am also in the process of promoting affiliate products through articles.

    May I asked you...to which article directories did you summit your articles to and also, did you have to re-write each of your articles or did you use the exact same article and submitted it to the directories?

    I am kind of stuck on this issue myself...so any help would be appreciated! Once again congratulations on your sale! I would definitely keep on writing articles and submitting them until your income is increasing to a level you want.
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  • Profile picture of the author Louis Raven
    Now Ray, From this point on you're in this long term.

    The trick is to keep and rememebr the feeling you got when you read the "you've made money" email and keep going every minute you're marketing!

    Just keep sending traffic to offers and you'll find your life getting easier each day.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles
    Hi Ray,

    I have a few tips for you that I think may help. Being in a third world country, I realize money is tight for you and time may be your best resource, so I'm assuming you're going to do the work yourself for now. However, once you start making money, I suggest you put a percentage back into your business. Whether it's in adwords or ezine ads or ghost writing. This will just leverage your time.

    Another BIG tip... video. You don't need a video camera to create video, you just need a microphone, which you can get for under ten bucks on ebay, if you're pc doesn't already have one built in. Then with your audio, you can do a screen capture of a tutorial or just you talking in front of a picture or your website's url.

    Now for the secret tip... if you create a video and submit it to youtube or google video, you'll get some traffic if you're wise with your keywords, but if you go to Traffic Geyser: Get Top Search Engine Listings in Google, Yahoo and MSN Within Hours you can create one five minute video and they will submit it to 80 different video websites.

    When you upload a video to youtube or whatever, if you try to upload the same video twice, youtube will delete them both for over submitting. With Traffic Geyser, they will re-render your video four times to have a different fingerprint on the video sites. That way, they submit your video to 80 different sites four times each or 320 times 'per video'! If each video shows your url and has good content, you should get a ton of traffic.

    I suggest you make ten videos a week about 5 minutes long to popular subjects in the news then relate them back to your business. Whether it's Obama fighting the odds to hit a goal is like starting a home business and fighting the odds... Then you'd have 3,200 videos out there each week that have keywords people are aggressively looking for!

    It should give you 'too much traffic to handle'. =)

    Traffic Geyser costs $97 per month, BUT you can get it for $1 for the first month if you go to their site and 'leave'. They'll show an exit popup with a one-time-offer for a buck. If money is tight, have your videos ready and dive in the first month.

    Good luck!

    -Mike Cowles. <><
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Abraham
    Mark Brian:
    You got it right, mate... 3 long years
    Thanks for the WSO idea... I'll surely think about it when I make more sales.

    Very true... that's what I'm trying to say.
    Not every WSO going on on WF is all about "making money online".

    Umberto Pucci:
    I have 15 directories I have personally tested and not causing me trouble,
    e.g. must be 500-word long, can't create pen name, etc.

    Here's the list of article directories I submit to:
    1. EzineArticles.com
    2. ArticlesBase.com
    3. SearchWarp.com
    4. ArticleSet.com
    5. ArticleAlley.com
    6. GoArticles.com
    7. ArticleSnatch.com
    8. ArticleDashboard.com
    9. ArticleCodex.com
    10. ArticleCity.com
    11. ArticlePool.com
    12. ArticleManiac.com
    13. Dime-Co.com
    14. UltimateArticleDirectory.com
    15. ArticleCube.com

    Regarding did I rewrite the articles completely or use the exact copy,
    I'm on my testing myself. Out of the 3 articles, I completely rewrite
    the first two (manually, using articleapps.com) and use the same piece
    on the last one. The result so far: the first two got more directories indexed
    (7 and 4 directories) and the last one got less indexed (3 directories).

    Thanks for the suggestion

    Corwinnx has a point.
    You got me wrong the first time (that I run "make money online" WSO,
    which I didn't) and all he pointed out was just that. I apologize for him
    if you feel offended, I'm sure he didn't mean it

    Louis Raven:
    Nice short tips... Thanks.

    You made me think about learning video marketing as well.
    I got the picture, sounds like a nice plan... Thanks.

    More thoughts, Warriors?

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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Article marketing is free, but it does take time and effort - lots of it. Aim to produce 30 articles a month for your main keywords. That's only one article a day. Anyone can do that if they can write sentences that make sense.

      You can maximize your work if you do a lot of research for your articles all at once. Then, write articles and rewrite them using the same research. This will save a lot of time. Once you've written an article, it shouldn't be too difficult to rewrite it by adding a bit more from your research.

      Always keyword target - put the keyword in your title, first sentence, once more in the article and once at the very end so Google will see your article as highly relevelant.

      If you have a newsletter to get opt-ins, and you aren't getting many, first see that you are getting visitors. Determine whether your page needs more traffic or whether people are turning away.

      If you have the traffic, then you need to modify your optin page. There are lots of good squeeze page templates out there to give you an idea how to do them successfully. Keep them short - one screen - so people don't have to scroll too far. Highlight the main points of your newsletter and how it benefits readers - and add your opt-in box.

      Hope this helps.

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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    I'm not sure that article marketing is free... In fact, you pay with your time OR your money. And believe me, time is MUCH MORE important than money.

    As for what to do NEXT, do not do this mistake:

    Do NOT stop what you know is working for you. Try to put this on autopilot (outsource), and do more of it till you can pay for your rent with your articles (for example).

    Then, once article marketing is on autopilot, try a second traffic generation techniques.

    Important: Don't stop what is proven to work, and don't kill the MOMENTUM.

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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