Poll: For people that buy PLR-individual packs or membership model

11 replies
I'm contemplating starting a site selling PLR material, so I've just got one question.
Do you prefer
A membership site model where you pay by the month and get a certain set of articles
The ability to buy individual article packs as you need them?

Yes the packs will be limited to like 20 customers a pack.
#buy #membership #model #packs #people #plrindividual #poll
  • Profile picture of the author joadcrank
    The second option is more great because if you offer to people the ability to buy individual article packs, then the possibility to have more sales is much higher.

    I don't agree with the "pay by month" because if in a month there are articles that I'm not interested too, what i do with them? (of course, i can do something, but talking from position of a simple guy)..

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheryl Polomka
    I think if you have a membership site it needs to be niche specific. If it is articles on many different niches then you are paying a monthly fee and have no idea what niche you will get articles on each month. I don't like that. Being niche specific might give you less of a customer base though too. That is why I prefer the option of being able to buy article packs when I need them, then I only pay for products that I need and when I need them.

    Take care
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  • Profile picture of the author deannatroupe
    Thank you to those that have responded.
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  • Profile picture of the author gie grace
    Hi DeAnna!

    I clicked on your sig file on "PLR/MMR" but if appears the link is broken.

    Just thinking of letting you know

    I tried to PM you but since my post count still doesn't allow me to PM, so I just posted it here, hoping you will be able to read this.
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  • Profile picture of the author tropics
    I think you should get it going and in the mean time collect emails of people purchasing your offers, then say when you have a 1000 or so buyers ask them if they like to have a monthly high quality PLR package for a fee, may be first moth half price to check the quality.

    then what is really missing in the PLR world is to create ONline video courses on many DIY tradesman tasks those could be your goldmine and attract endless interest!!
    good luck
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    • Profile picture of the author LinkMommy
      We have quite some members offerings these services!
      Email us for details at linkmommy@gmail.com!
      Happy Thanksgiving!
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  • Profile picture of the author Casper C
    I don't buy PLR articles very often, but back in the day I would just buy them when I need them - whether it be on some kind of fixed regular basis or not.

    It just doesn't seem like something that is more beneficial as a monthly subscription, unless it's a very specific niche and the customer is saving money. I guess the benefit for you would be the repeating customers.
    I write high quality articles starting at $5.50 - Original content written in native English!

    --> Click to check out my services
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesPenn
    I'd always prefer to buy individual packs.

    That way you can pick and choose only the content you want and you don't waste money on content that you're never going to use.

    Having said that, one WF member used to offer a gardening PLR content membership site and a natural health PLR membership site. Since I was involved in both of these markets I was happy to pay the monthly fee knowing that almost all of the content would be suitable for my needs.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Russell
    Agree on the individual packs. Unless your membership site is niche-targeted (something like a micro-membership site that sends me 5-10 articles each month in my niche might be cool), I probably won't be able to use content in more than one niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author LifeBizBalance
    Definitely individual packs. A membership ties you down and isn't flexible. Also a lot of wastage when you don't use every article.
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