How to get Original Articles? Read it out.

41 replies
Hi Warriors!

Do you usually hire article writers for writing useful stuffs for your websites or blogs? Well, If your answer is "YES!! I DO!!" then this short but informative thread is for you.

Webmasters or bloggers usually complain that they are being cheated by some or the other writer who has completely copied the article and also got paid for it. Here in this thread I will explain you How to be on the safer side when you hire someone.

I will be explaining you two important online tools: "CopyScape" & "Plagium(Beta)". They are two important tools which will tell you whether you have a original or copied content in your hand.

Getting a premium account on the CopyScape will cost you less than 5 Cents for each search!! The results will be 100% true. But if you don't want to get a paid account in CopyScape then use Plagium, its completely FREE. Just copy the contents and paste them in the content box provided. Click on the check button and you will see the truth.

If you have published a blog, then just copy the url and paste in the CopyScape bar. It will give you the duplicate content(if any) present on the web.

CopyScape is also available for Free but has limit for each url or website.


Note: I do not intent to promote any affiliate or product. My intention is to help the new webmasters and IMers.
#articles #copyscape #duplicate contents #original #plagium #read #webmasters precaution
  • Profile picture of the author Carson Hill
    hey brotha. They might be good but I definitely get the feeling this is a blatant sales pitch. Maybe you have no ties at all to the products. even if you do and their kick ass products it's still good to know.. just my take on it.
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    • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
      Originally Posted by Carson Hill View Post

      hey brotha. They might be good but I definitely get the feeling this is a blatant sales pitch. Maybe you have no ties at all to the products. even if you do and their kick ass products it's still good to know.. just my take on it.
      Mate you are a newbie. This one is for webmasters who need good contents. This is not at all a SALES PITCH(look at the bottom of post). I just wanted to help others.
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      • Profile picture of the author Carson Hill
        Originally Posted by Carson Hill
        hey brotha. They might be good but I definitely get the feeling this is a blatant sales pitch. Maybe you have no ties at all to the products. even if you do and their kick ass products it's still good to know.. just my take on it.

        Mate you are a newbie. This one is for webmasters who need good contents. This is not at all a SALES PITCH(look at the bottom of post). I just wanted to help others.


        Ok. Cool I guess I just misunderstood. thanx
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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by Carson Hill View Post

      hey brotha. They might be good but I definitely get the feeling this is a blatant sales pitch. Maybe you have no ties at all to the products. even if you do and their kick ass products it's still good to know.. just my take on it.
      This isn't a sales pitch. Copyscape is awesome and it's always good once in a while to remind people that it is possible for their content to be stolen. It's happened to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author good2go4
    I have been using Copyscape premium for a while now and I agree it is a good idea - it is amazing that despite people knowing about these tools that so many new article writers think they can get away with copy and paste - thanks for making this timely point

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  • Profile picture of the author Supernatural_fan
    I agree that these tools are useful, but let's be honest: everybody heard of copy-scape and if you search for copy-scape alternatives on google, you'll most certainly find plagium.

    Anyway, these are useful not only for employers, but for writers as well since many employers demand from their writers to have such tools at their disposal, and sometimes even ask them to check the articles themselves. I always found that intriguing since employers should be the only ones actually running the articles through copy-scape like tools, yet writers can also benefit from it in case they have the impression that they used an expression which was actually read by them somewhere on the web.
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  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    I just got my copy of Dragon 11 and to be honest I may never need another article writer again! Anyone who does article marketing should invest in this. If you can talk you got an article!
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    • Profile picture of the author SeoNumber9
      Originally Posted by DNChamp View Post

      I just got my copy of Dragon 11 and to be honest I may never need another article writer again! Anyone who does article marketing should invest in this. If you can talk you got an article!
      yes i am using that to produce unique article all day long, eveyone should get it, you will have one article in just 5 mins, max 10
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  • Profile picture of the author the_knight
    yes, the thread is like sales letter promoting both copyscape and plagium. i understand there's no way if the OP is copyscape or plagium affiliate, it just looks like it. BTW, i also use copyscape to check dupe content. copyscape can detect dupes even if only 9% similarity.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
      Those tools are both good but they're not perfect.

      In Copyscape's case, I have run articles through and had it say they were unique. Run the same article through one paragraph at a time and found out it was lifted. So instead of putting in a complete article, try doing only a paragraph or two.

      In both tools, they only can pick up what has been indexed in the search engines. So you could have a copied article that was lifted from a non-indexed page. Had that happen to me one time, also.

      Just be aware that they aren't perfect.

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      ***Especially if you don't have enough time, money, or just plain HATE writing***
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      • Profile picture of the author Fat Mike
        Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

        Those tools are both good but they're not perfect.

        In Copyscape's case, I have run articles through and had it say they were unique. Run the same article through one paragraph at a time and found out it was lifted. So instead of putting in a complete article, try doing only a paragraph or two.

        In both tools, they only can pick up what has been indexed in the search engines. So you could have a copied article that was lifted from a non-indexed page. Had that happen to me one time, also.

        Just be aware that they aren't perfect.

        Copyscape says not to scan more than 2000 words, but I've found that to be totally sure it's best to scan under 1000 words at a time, then it's pretty damn accurate
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      • Profile picture of the author erange
        Originally Posted by Tina Golden View Post

        Those tools are both good but they're not perfect.

        In Copyscape's case, I have run articles through and had it say they were unique. Run the same article through one paragraph at a time and found out it was lifted. So instead of putting in a complete article, try doing only a paragraph or two.

        In both tools, they only can pick up what has been indexed in the search engines. So you could have a copied article that was lifted from a non-indexed page. Had that happen to me one time, also.

        Just be aware that they aren't perfect.

        I agree. I've had EzineArticles catch copied articles that CopyScape verified as 'clean'. Obviously, I haven't been thrilled with that.

        The best solution is write your own articles...but the reality is that most online marketers are using some type of ghost writer to keep fresh content online.

        I'm now using to CopyScape AND Plagium. I've tried a few others, but these seem to work good together.

        I will point out one thing I started doing a while back...I tell new ghost writers (...before I hire them) that I will be verifying their work with outside copywriting sources.

        To Your Success,
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Vraibel
    hello fazle,

    Due to my minimal amount of posts I am unable to PM you. Perhaps you could me? I am interested in your writing.

    Thank you sir.
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  • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
    I have just tried to make webmasters aware of the present scenario where new article writer just make copy and paste to earn some bucks. Hope these tools will help you all.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odhinn
    I always liked Plagiarism Checker , which is free.

    Check out my WSO:

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  • Profile picture of the author TheGrooby
    This thread reminded me of the voice recognition software on Vista and Windows 7 and I fired it up last night to give it a go. Result? It couldn't translate a damn thing I said. Jibberish type. I spoke as clearly as possible to the point of looking like an idiot had anyone been watching.
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    • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
      Originally Posted by TheGrooby View Post

      This thread reminded me of the voice recognition software on Vista and Windows 7 and I fired it up last night to give it a go. Result? It couldn't translate a damn thing I said. Jibberish type. I spoke as clearly as possible to the point of looking like an idiot had anyone been watching.
      Try Dragon 11..Just got it..Im writing (talking) like no tomorrow!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alfred Shelver
    I believe all article writers should copyscape their articles before sending them off... This give you and your client peace of mind.
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    • Profile picture of the author Justin Jordan
      Originally Posted by Cathy Shelver View Post

      I believe all article writers should copyscape their articles before sending them off... This give you and your client peace of mind.
      Er, what?

      The writer doesn't need peace of mind, because they wrote the thing. If the client can't trust the writer to not plagiarize, then I'm pretty sure they can't trust them to be honest about their copyscape results. If anything, you should probably be more suspicious of a writer who will promise you copyscape results.
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      • Profile picture of the author sandraworsely
        Yes, CopyScape tool is very useful for writers who wants to make sure that their write ups has no same phrases from the other page.
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  • Profile picture of the author davidhill9991
    Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
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    • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
      Originally Posted by davidhill9991 View Post

      Great info! I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
      oh.. thanks a lot.. nice to hear such words..

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  • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
    Thanks to everyone for participating on this thread..

    Regards and best wishes..
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    • Profile picture of the author sanssecret
      I'm confused. (easily done I know)

      What does checking for duplicate copies of your article have to do with 'reading' them out. I was expecting a thread about converting your articles into audio. Guess you should never judge a thread by it's title huh?:confused:

      The man who views the world at fifty the same as he did at twenty has wasted thirty years of his life. ~Muhammad Ali
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  • Profile picture of the author sameerjoad
    You can get articles easily by yourself instead of relying on others. Even if you do, then using copyscape and other tools is a must. Because you can become an easy target in this field.
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerdrun
    I agree. I hired my mom to write the article. So she used a few seed articles to write her first article.

    You know what, she forgot to delete all the seed articles from the text file. She had deleted most and had done 70% of the article.

    She thinks she's done full and tells me. So I look it up - A good read and I submit. Then after its accepted and indexed I find duplicates.

    And then I wonder how... Find out that one paragraph has been taken from some other article.

    I was scared ****less. If the guy came after my pants... immediately deleted the article. You gotta use copyscape or some service like that,
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    • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
      Originally Posted by tylerdrun View Post

      I agree. I hired my mom to write the article. So she used a few seed articles to write her first article.

      You know what, she forgot to delete all the seed articles from the text file. She had deleted most and had done 70% of the article.

      She thinks she's done full and tells me. So I look it up - A good read and I submit. Then after its accepted and indexed I find duplicates.

      And then I wonder how... Find out that one paragraph has been taken from some other article.

      I was scared ****less. If the guy came after my pants... immediately deleted the article. You gotta use copyscape or some service like that,
      copied content can actually reduce your site reputation and rankings..
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  • Profile picture of the author Qamar
    Here's a question.
    How come I used PLR articles "wholesale" that is without any changes made even a single letter and yet my websites ranked in first page of google and yahoo for some longtail keywords with 56 million competing pages???..

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    • Profile picture of the author fazlerocks
      Originally Posted by Qamar View Post

      Here's a question.
      How come I used PLR articles "wholesale" that is without any changes made even a single letter and yet my websites ranked in first page of google and yahoo for some longtail keywords with 56 million competing pages???..

      Oh.. So u have cheated?

      Well, can I know which niche you are working on? Highly competitive niche need much attention and researched article which should attract both the visitors as well as the search engines.

      Working with PLR is another way of getting thing done in short cuts and cheating both your self as well as your visitors.

      Better be creative then to be copycat.

      ~ Best Wishes..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2930592].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Qamar
        Originally Posted by fazlerocks View Post

        Oh.. So u have cheated?

        Well, can I know which niche you are working on? Highly competitive niche need much attention and researched article which should attract both the visitors as well as the search engines.

        Working with PLR is another way of getting thing done in short cuts and cheating both your self as well as your visitors.

        Better be creative then to be copycat.

        ~ Best Wishes..
        LOL! This is my first time hearing from someone that using a PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS AS IS constitute to cheating oneself and visitors!

        BTW this my understanding about PLR :
        "PLR or Private Label Rights, are rights assigned to a set of articles where you have the legal right to modify the content of the articles. If you wish you can resell the articles, use them "as is" on your website, or do just about anything you'd like with them..." source (non aff)

        Using PLR as it is is absolutely not providing my visitors with unique content but cheating.....????

        Are you sure?


        I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
        Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2930915].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Qamar
        Originally Posted by fazlerocks View Post

        Oh.. So u have cheated?

        Well, can I know which niche you are working on? Highly competitive niche need much attention and researched article which should attract both the visitors as well as the search engines.

        Working with PLR is another way of getting thing done in short cuts and cheating both your self as well as your visitors.

        Better be creative then to be copycat.

        ~ Best Wishes..
        My question was genuine. How come my website with PLR contents in a super competitive niche still ranks high on first page of Google?
        Coud it be because of my domain name? or is it because of my template? or was is it because of something else that we can brainstorm together?

        It is something worth investigating for the benefits of others. If it can be repeat on other niches by warriors wouldn't that benefit everyone here.

        Why work hard when you can work smart and gain profits at the same time. I personally don't care about being creative if "copycating" can bring me tons and loads of cash...asI am concern my target are met:p

        PS: Some plr are better written than some freelance article writers....
        I help Thought Leaders, Coaches and Consultants
        Explode Their High Ticket Sales EXPONENTIALLY with just ONE CALL CLOSING.

        Want Me To Help You? click ==> High Ticket Closer.


        Do You Want to become a High Ticket Closer Like Me and work from anywhere around the world?
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  • Profile picture of the author waken
    Counter checking articles obtained from your outsource for plagiarism is good.

    Copying copyrighted contents from the web is another issue, an offense.

    But duplicate contents (contents that are already on the web but obtained in a rightful manner will have little effect to your SE ranking.
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    • Profile picture of the author Luis Medilo
      I use both Copyscape Premium and Article Checker. When I had no more credits in my Copyscape account, I use Article Checker only. And so far, I had no problems with duplicate content.
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  • Profile picture of the author uleesgold
    I know that 5 cents isn't anything, but IMO it should be a one time fee or a monthly fee for unlimited searches.


    but like I said, 5 cents a search . . . Oh, what the hell.

    Hub Pages lets you know if its duplicate content or not, and it won't get deleted right away if it is (based on my experience)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    Yeah, these tools are quite good but they aren't perfect.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    This whole thread felt like taking a trip to Mars.

    Copyscape can work. Google can work too, if you know how to work it.

    I wouldn't copy and paste your post into Google to see if it was indexed anywhere else.

    I'd search for a few key lines: "Webmasters or bloggers usually complain that they are being cheated", "They are two important tools which will tell you", "Getting a premium account on the CopyScape will cost you", "Click on the check button", and a few other unique two- to eight-word phrases. To be on the safe side, I'd see if there were any odd synonyms...

    "They are two important tools which will tell you whether you have a original or copied content in your hand." would be "They are two important tools", "tell you whether you have an original", "copied content in your hand", etc.

    I've been pretty darn accurate at finding copies of my own articles out there on the web that way. People change a sentence here or there, reword, and call it their own. Pick lines that are difficult to change or write a different way (medical terminology is great) and boom, the article surfaces.

    It's kind of an acquired skill, but it's worthwhile to learn.
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  • ^^^ Ahhh... another Googlemeister, I see.

    Copyscape also offers another great service called Copysentry. For 5 bucks a month it automatically searches the web for copies of your pages and emails you if it finds anything.
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