Affiliate Marketers - How do you find a product to sell?

9 replies
When you're in a store or just doing your usual stuff through out the day and you see a product that sparks your interest, what steps do you take to determine if that product is a good product to sell? What keywords do you look for? Do you look for a super specific long tail keyword for that specific product and then buy the domain or do you incorporate similar products as well in your keyword research and build a more generalized site?
#affiliate #find #marketers #product #sell
  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    I do my market research before i start. There's so much crap out in shops and even online. Find out what people want, then sell.

    Domain i'll keep simple. 2-3 words. If my keyword is "how to train your dog not to dig holes", i will use or something like that, now You get your sites ranked with backlinks and other sites. Keyword in domain name doesn't matter so much.

    Keywords are same, i do keyword research and sort out low competition keywords. Pick best from there, get them ranked. Make money.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheGrooby
    Sounds straight forward enough.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheGrooby
    Any other advice and insight?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kudosman
    l would add dont forget the good old printed stuff like mags and newpapers
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Even
    Anything I personally get results from, I will consider promoting (if I think my list could get similar results).
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  • Profile picture of the author Deep.Arora
    Go to amazon, look the top selling categories and top selling product in those categories.

    Here's a nice resource to find out what's selling good on clickbank:
    CBENGINE - Top ClickBank Marketplace Website!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheGrooby
    Thanks for the ideas everyone. I also wanted to dig a bit deeper into your personal process of marketing these products. Lets say you decide on marketing chapstick. Do you focus in on a specific brand of chapstick or do you build a more general site with several brands of chapstick? Do you wait to decide this until you see how competitive each brand of chapstick is to rank for or do you just market them anyways? Also, if you were to go into a micro niche such as "nike low cut black socks", would you make a thin site targeting just that keyword? What do you consider too low traffic in terms of searches per day or month?
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  • Profile picture of the author LogoNerds
    I tend to look for services or products that are not so easy to find offline and then start the keyword research process to see how high a demand there is (amount of searches for said product and keywords). This is then followed by researching the amount of competing sites I'll be up against and what I need to do to dominate that niche.
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