CB Buying From Your Own Hoplink Update

by Sage Z
9 replies
I read everywhere that it is permissible to buy products that you are going to promote using your own hoplink. So I did and then asked CB if this was still allowed.

They finally responded back after I had already thought that it was fine. And they responded with this email:

We strongly advise that you do not order any products through your own HopLink. If you choose to do so, your account may be suspended from receiving payments for any of your sales.

We understand that you would like a discount on products you wish to promote, but ordering through your own HopLink is not acceptable and ordering through your own link will cause your account to remain unpaid, even if you do meet the CDR.

While we understand your wish to purchase the products you hope to promote at a
discount, this is not the purpose of opening a ClickBank account, and is
forbidden in the Client Contract to which you agreed.

Please be aware of the Customer Distribution Requirement, which states your
account must reflect sales made with 5 or more different credit card numbers,
and the sales must have been made with two different payment methods (either
Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal). Note: PayPal purchases do not count toward the
minimum 5 different credit card numbers.

This requirement is in place to help prevent affiliates from abusing the
ClickBank Affiliate Program by using their accounts for the sole purpose of
collecting rebates and/or discounts on their own ClickBank purchases.

Please note that if your account is ever found to be violating our Client
Contract, it can be terminated and any funds earned through purchases through
your own HopLink can be held.

I have heard countless times of CB affiliates testing out their own hoplinks and not getting credit after making purchases with their own hoplinks. Meaning their accounts are still active but they are not receiving any commissions. Clickbank does not notify the affiliate so they continue to promote their products with no commission. Pretty shady.

Anyways I have other sales but have not cashed out yet I have some questions though. I am not trying to use my clickbank account just to get rebates I just want to provide honest reviews.

1. What should I do? Just let this go and do nothing (as many affiliates seem to still do this) or contact CB and explain the confusion (to make sure that I still receive future commissions)?

2. So how are you suppose to get a rebate or discount on products that you are going to promote?

3. Does anyone here still use their own hoplink to get discounts on products that you are going to promote?

Any advice would be great, especially from you CB veterans.

I will give thanks.
#buying #hoplink #update
  • Profile picture of the author Stefan Vee
    Never wake up a sleeping dog!
    There are so many things that are not allowed, yet it is tolerated by those who pretend not to know.
    And why do you think all those internet marketing products on CB have such a high gravity? Yep, you hit the nail on its head!
    CB might also fear that their email answers can be published on various marketing blogs and forums, and guess what ... they seem to be right about that as well. You just proved it!
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  • Profile picture of the author richgrad
    you can always buy through someone who offers a fantastic bonus... as an affiliate marketer, I have no qualms about buying products through other affiliate marketers =)
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  • Profile picture of the author bfas
    If you're just interested in reviewing a product to promote, contact the provider and tell them that. Some will refuse, some won't.

    If someone contacted me saying they wanted to review my product in order to promote it, I'd look to see if they're actively promoting other products and how they're doing so. If it looked legit, I'd give them a review copy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sam King
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    • Profile picture of the author inazir
      Originally Posted by Sam King View Post

      Solution: use two ClickBank accounts.

      One to get discounts on products that you're going to promote and one which doesn't.
      I guess two accounts with a same owner may also violation of the terms and conditions of any professional website.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2896395].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by inazir View Post

        I guess two accounts with a same owner may also violation of the terms and conditions of any professional website.
        "Some", not "any".

        Not with Clickbank.

        You can openly and legitimately have as many accounts there as you like. There isn't even a fee for opening them.
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  • Originally Posted by Sage Z View Post

    We strongly advise that you do not order any products through your own HopLink. If you choose to do so, your account may be suspended from receiving payments for any of your sales.
    Yeah... right...

    Buying stuff through your own hoplink has been happening for years and I never heard of any account being suspended for this reason. I see plenty of people buying my products through their own hoplink (one single hoplink hit resulting in one single sale) on a daily basis.
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    • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
      Originally Posted by Anonymous Affiliate View Post

      Yeah... right...

      Buying stuff through your own hoplink has been happening for years and I never heard of any account being suspended for this reason. I see plenty of people buying my products through their own hoplink (one single hoplink hit resulting in one single sale) on a daily basis.

      It has never occurred to me to do this. Isn't that just blatantly obvious? I actually thought that there were terms in which you wouldn't get a commission unless you sold x # of the same item to x # of diff. people. ergo - it would make no sense to even try this unless you were promoting the product. AND, it's still a crap shoot. If no one else buys - you've paid full price anyway. right?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2896742].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by trishworks4u View Post

        I actually thought that there were terms in which you wouldn't get a commission unless you sold x # of the same item to x # of diff. people.
        No; this has never been so.

        I think you're perhaps thinking of the initial "customer distribution requirement", which you need to fulfil only once anyway, but even in that there are no requirements about "numbers of a product" sold.
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        • Profile picture of the author trishworks4u
          Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

          No; this has never been so.

          I think you're perhaps thinking of the initial "customer distribution requirement", which you need to fulfil only once anyway, but even in that there are no requirements about "numbers of a product" sold.
          I guess I am thinking about what I read when I first signed up w/ them a long time ago ie - about what I needed to do to get paid the first time.

          Interesting. I'd still probably opt for buying it from a friend or at least a good bonus item that I'd use.
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