Marketing Business Website Design

2 replies
What are warriors doing for their own business website?

My site is going to be very basic since I'm mainly going to focus on local marketing and consulting although I will want the usual free report download with contact info form.

I'm debating between one of those $9/mo auto flash sites, Chris Negro's consulting site w/autoresponder report or a simple wordpress site.

The issue with Chris' site is that its php which I know absolutely nothing about. I think I could do alot of my own edits on a wordpress site. But maybe I would be better off just outsourcing the edits any way.

What's everyone else doing? Are you managing your own site, or do you outsource it? Template or custom? Wordpress, html, php?

#business #design #marketing #website
  • Profile picture of the author NutrapayAndy
    Really depends on what sort of functionality your website has and your skills.

    Generally best to manage your website yourself if possible

    But thats just me
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2906575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author NutrapayAndy
    Oh and PLEASE don't use a template.
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