where can I find the best website to pay my affiliates?

3 replies
I'm doing a launch soon and I'm planning to involve a lot of affiliates... I'm not too sure what site has the best support on paying out to affiliates.

Any advice? A simple and easy one would be nice! =)
#affiliates #find #pay #website
  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    Here are my top suggestions:





    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Doyle
    Clickbank and PayDotCom are my favorite ones as they have a very easy affiliate system. I also use PLIMUS for my payment gateway and they offer a similar solution to clickbank.

    A lot of affiliates hang out on clickbank though because it is so easy, but then it becomes a Question of which PAYMENT GATEWAY is the best. Clickbank is good, but the refund policy can be a drag sometimes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kristian
    I you want a dating affiliate, hit me up.
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