What I Do To Make $369.86 A Day
I have. Well, what follows is a breakdown of my day, more or less. The
reason I say more or less is because my day isn't written in total stone.
Stuff happens and sometimes I have to improvise. But for the most part,
this is what my day is like. Hope it helps.
To start with, I am disciplined to a fault. I almost have tunnel vision when it
comes to my day. I have to get my work done. Sometimes to the exclusion
of other things. One could say I'm obsessed...which may not be a good thing.
So before you attempt this...check with your psychiatrist.
6:30 AM - I wake up, wash up, and turn on the PC by 7 AM.
7 AM - 8 AM - This is where I do my promotion for the day. I have several
lead generation sites that I use to generate IM leads. I email these leads
during this time. It's all I do. It takes me about an hour. These leads
account for about $3,000 of my monthly income, so it is more than worth
my while to do this.
8 AM - 8:30 AM - I work on one of my membership sites making sure I
get the info to my members that they need to get on a daily basis. This
site earns me about $1,500 monthly. It's kind of like a side income for me.
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM - I do all my writing for Ezine Articles. I don't worry
about getting the articles submitted a certain time. With all the articles
that I have out there, I don't have to write as much as I used to for one
thing and I don't need to worry about placement time. My articles get
enough views.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM - I do my writing for my own blog and for all the guest
blogs that I author at. I rotate these as I have so many I can't possibly
do them everyday. One member here I only get to about once a week,
sometimes not even that often.
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM - I have an early lunch. I also eat my breakfast
during the 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM time period. During lunch, I will answer
emails and relax, kind of.
11:30 AM - 5:00 PM - This is when I work on my product creation. Each
product has a schedule as far as what I work on. I'll get to when I make
that schedule soon. This way I know exactly what I have to work on for
each project, such as sales page, squeeze page, content, or whatever.
It's all written out so I don't have to think about it.
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM - I eat dinner, answer more emails, etc.
5:30 PM - 10:30 PM - This is my "me" time. What I mean by me time is
that I spend this time thinking of new ideas. Maybe something comes up
that I want to work on. This is the time I usually spend for doing niche
research. Lately I've been doing a lot of it. My frustration is that I come
up with so many ideas that I don't have the time to do them.
10:30 PM - ? - I work on my to-do list for the next day. Sometimes I can
finish this in 10 minutes and sometimes it takes an hour or more.
Now, while all this is going on, I am also multitasking the following things.
1. Moderating 3 forums.
2. Sending personal thank you emails for purchases.
3. Answering PMs.
4. Posting here. (it's about the only forum I really post regularly to)
5. Sending broadcasts (occasionally) to my lists.
And with all of that, I would say I only get about 20% done of what I'd
like to get done each day. There are not enough hours in the day for me.
Not even close.
Anyway, all of the above, this year, comes out to about $369.86 a day
in income.
Right now, I am working on two products. One is a short one and the
other is a major release (probably will be a physical product) for next
year. It's going to cover the whole 9 yards...manual, videos, DVDs, etc.
It's probably going to be my last IM product. I don't know yet. I have to
see how the launch goes, but that's a good 6 months away.
Well, that's my day. It's not for everybody. Honestly, I think it would burn
out most people on a month, but I'm a workaholic and enjoy what I do.
Next year though, I will be making MANY changes. I will probably outsource
everything but my writing, so I'll have more time to do more things.
Anyway, hope this has helped somebody.
** EDIT **
To stop others from asking me if I'm miserable and if my life is worth
living, I enjoy what I do and wouldn't do it if I didn't want to. I was
asked what my day was life and I have answered. If you don't like
my business model, fine. But don't try to tell me that I have no
life and that I'm miserable because you know nothing about my life
and what I enjoy.
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