7 Day Plan to Creating a Niche Blog
Day 1:
- Choose your Niche
- Bookmark information sources
- Bookmark Affiliate products
- Find material for writing/compiling a free report
- Keyword Research
- Identify several primary keywords that are you primary, long term goal to dominate
- Identify 5-15 secondary keywords that you can rank for with blog posts, articles, etc
- Buy a domain targeting primary keywords
- Buy hosting
- Sign up for Aweber
- Niche Research
- Read, bookmark, read, bookmark
- Compile sources that can be used in your writing
- Install wordpress
- Install a theme
- Install Plugins
- Akismet, and/or other antispam
- Contact Form 7
- All in One SEO Pack
- WP Sucher Cache
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Broken Link Checker
- Pretty Links
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
- Thank me Later
- Comment Reply Notification
- Onlywire Multisubmit
- Digg Digg, Socialize, Sexy Bookmarks, or Social Bookmarking Plugin of your choice
- Setup a proper ping list (google it)
- Permalink structure
- About page
- Contact page
- More Niche Research
- Create a free report, or hire someone to make one
- Write your autoresponder series
- Niche Research
- Create a Facebook page, put a "Likebox" on your blog
- Create a twitter account, install a twitter feed plugin on your blog
- Register at article directories
- ezineartes
- goarticles
- articledashboard
- articlealley
- articlebase
- Create a youtube account
- Create Social Bookmarking accounts (for onlywire and/or SocialPoster.com)
- Find and Register at forums related to your niche
- Write a blog post
- Spin your blog post into a shorter article, submit to directories
- Make a powerpoint/voiceover video out of your post, submit it
- Facebook your post, Tweet your post
- Post on forums (link to blog in signature
- **Check out fiverr.com, clickfive.com, look into some "quick splash" link building strategies to put your blog on the map
Day 6:
- Write a blog post, article, video, facebook/tweet
- Forum posting, Facebook interactions, twitter interactions
- Write or pay someone to write a press release
- Continue writing posts, articles, videos, social networking
- Several special types of posts to write in the future:
- Interview experts in Niche
- Top Lists (X ways to do this, Y cures to this)
- Review of Products
- News in niche
- Always use titles that are "shareable" (retweeting, fb sharing, etc)
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