I'm thinking about joining the private forums but..

35 replies
I put a thread here yesterday, but seems like I said something I shouldn't say, so I'll try to ask this in a different way.

I really want to make some money with IM and tried different paid WSO's, but none of them worked.

So does the info inside the private forums work?

I mean I just need a few confirmations...

admins please, I need help to decide, please don't delete this thread until i see the replies

thank you
#forums #joing #privat #thinking
  • Profile picture of the author Sean Roberts
    In a word, Yes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    Use the Search function and look for the term "War Room." You'll see a bunch of threads talking about the benefits of joining there.
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    • Hi Ken, why isn't the search function more obvious? Although I am a recent member I have used the forum in the past but I thought that because you don't have a prominant search box that a search feature wasn't available.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    In a second word, Absolutely.

    But nothing will work for you, until you work for it.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Mm, yeah but much of the information outside the private forum also works if applied correctly.



    Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

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  • Profile picture of the author AJG
    I can see where your decision is coming from as i am thinking the same thing, is the grass really greener on the other side...
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  • Profile picture of the author CrhisD
    Originally Posted by ca3s4r View Post

    I put a thread here yesterday, but seems like I said something I shouldn't say, so I'll try to ask this in a different way.

    I really want to make some money with IM and tried different paid WSO's, but none of them worked.

    So does the info inside the private forums work?

    I mean I just need a few confirmations...

    admins please, I need help to decide, please don't delete this thread until i see the replies

    thank you
    It doesn't work. You work be prepared to work really hard. Companies usually pay for time (which is why you can goof off on a job and still be paid) but if you run your own show you will only ever be paid for results. Even if you outsource you have to monitor your employees.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Yes, there's a lot of good stuff in there. Of course don't expect
    'magical stuff'. You still need to work after you read in order
    to make money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Roy Penrod
    The truth is no one can give you a step-by-step formula on how you should build YOUR business. They can share what works for them, but you're going to have to figure out how to apply it to your own unique business.

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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Morgan
    Decide on a way to offer real value to real people, whatever that may be. Don't kid yourself. If there's no real value in it, go back and think of something else.

    You can do this bit before you even switch your computer on.

    When that's done you can learn the practical steps to get it online and promote it. That's what you'll find both inside and outside of the War Room. It all makes a bit more sense when you have a credible business idea to apply it to.



    Easy email marketing automation without moving your lists.

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  • Profile picture of the author sibster
    Think of it this way, instead of spending hundreds on info from many differenet get rich quick schemes go in to the war room, where all the info is free, and all the info is of high quality, but as the others say there is info and lots of help, but you still need to work yah but off to make it work. I'm a newb to mate, and still in the learning phase the war room has giving me lots of info.

    How we saved our marriage and how you can save yours.


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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Originally Posted by ca3s4r View Post

    I put a thread here yesterday, but seems like I said something I shouldn't say, so I'll try to ask this in a different way.

    I really want to make some money with IM and tried different paid WSO's, but none of them worked.

    So does the info inside the private forums work?

    I mean I just need a few confirmations...

    admins please, I need help to decide, please don't delete this thread until i see the replies

    thank you
    Allow me to ask you a few questions first. Once you answer them, we can give you a better answer to your question.

    1. What are you willing to do to succeed?

    2. What online skills do you have?

    3. What offline skills do you have?

    4. What are you good at?

    5. What do you like to do?

    6. What things are important to you?

    7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you want to succeed?

    8. Is it okay if you fail?

    9. What will you do if you fail?

    10. What have you tried so far?

    11. What specific actions have you taken so far?

    12. What do you think is inside the Private Forums that isn't available in the public forum?

    Looking forward to your replies, and...

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2933423].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JohnLeonard
      Getting war room status is priceless.....

      You won't find a better value anywhere PERIOD...


      Everything works if you put in the effort....

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    • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
      Originally Posted by Michael Oksa View Post

      Allow me to ask you a few questions first. Once you answer them, we can give you a better answer to your question.

      1. What are you willing to do to succeed?

      2. What online skills do you have?

      3. What offline skills do you have?

      4. What are you good at?

      5. What do you like to do?

      6. What things are important to you?

      7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you want to succeed?

      8. Is it okay if you fail?

      9. What will you do if you fail?

      10. What have you tried so far?

      11. What specific actions have you taken so far?

      12. What do you think is inside the Private Forums that isn't available in the public forum?

      Looking forward to your replies, and...

      All the best,
      1. What are you willing to do to succeed?

      I am willing to spend hours a day in front of the computer for months if I need. Concentration and learning quickly are have my best skills.

      2. What online skills do you have?

      I don't actually have any online skills, I can do some C++ programming that's it.

      3. What offline skills do you have?
      Can't think of any skills related to offline skills, maybe speaking 4 languages?

      4. What are you good at?
      I'm good at learning quickly and concentrating for many hours at one thing.

      5. What do you like to do?
      I love to stay in front of the pc studying and trying to earn money with IM.

      6. What things are important to you?
      Making money with IM.
      7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you want to succeed?
      8. Is it okay if you fail?
      Yes if in the end I can succeed.
      9. What will you do if you fail?
      I'll try again and again if the hope of success is there

      10. What have you tried so far?
      I have tried blogspot, backlinking a little bit.
      11. What specific actions have you taken so far?
      Posting this thread in the forums? lol
      12. What do you think is inside the Private Forums that isn't available in the public forum?
      I don't know, that's why I'm asking, looks like ppl say there's precious info in there, but just seems like nobody knows what specifically.

      Thank you Micheal, Isac
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  • Profile picture of the author hatingtherain
    I am thinking about joining the private forums too. I've been a reader here for years, but never participated. I hate missing out on the good stuff as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author Luis Medilo
      I think that as a newbie, the information you can get here for free is a good starting point. I haven't joined the War Room yet because I'm not yet on "implementation" mode as what ingeniousaffiliate talked about. I'm still getting the feel of things and when the time is ripe, I will dive into the pool.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      There's no magic in the War Room - there's info and some insightful posts. There are some freebies offered here and there - yes, it's good info and can be helpful.

      Blogspot and a few backlinks won't do it. The idea of having reseller hosting (though it should be good reseller hosting) is that you will be creating multiple sites or blogs.

      That means learning how to identify potentially profitable niches, do some research to pinpoint the best keywords and long tails, create decent content to provide interest to visitors, etc.

      The problem with learning by WSO or blueprint or forum thread is most people either skip the steps they don't understand (or don't enjoy) or they do only the first few days of the work and then move on to something else they are told "will work".

      If you are stressed about money right now - don't buy anything or join anything. Spend the money on domain registration and get some sites going.

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelAppleton
    There is alot of free information within the war room and yes they do work but also, so do a majority of WSO's.

    I just read your answers from Michael and if you have answered the questions honestly then before joining the war room, get out some of the WSO's you have and pick one method to build on and learn from.

    The war room is great but alot of people go crazy downloading everything and anything and they end up more confused than ever.

    Goodluck and don't forget to let us know how you get on.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Penrod
      Originally Posted by MichaelAppleton View Post

      The war room is great but alot of people go crazy downloading everything and anything and they end up more confused than ever.
      Michael's right on that. I've picked up some helpful information in there, but I try to stay away from there UNTIL I'm looking for something specific to fill in a gap.

      If I don't limit myself, I'll spend all day looking through the stuff I find in there instead of working. hehe

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  • Profile picture of the author revenue27
    Just join the club, you won't be sorry later a lot of great marketer grow from this forum
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  • Profile picture of the author Rainer0651
    Hoarding IM offers
    1981 I get my first computer, a Commodore 64
    1984 I have an IBM with big floppy disks
    1985 I am intrigued with programming "BASIC"
    1986 I get a computer with something called a "hard drive"
    1986.5 I learn Borland dbase on a black and white screen, I program compensation
    plans for MLM companies
    1987 I go to a college to learn COBOL and become a Systems Analyst, I see my
    first graphics card whoooo....
    1994 I get a computer with windows 3.1, yippee
    2001 I do a lot of websites, learn php, mysql and other assorted programming.
    2009 I hear about IM, wow with my skills I'll make millions!!! Just like all the
    other guys.... I'm so excited.
    2010 Hmmmm.... nothing yet ... somethings gotta work.... my gmail is piling up
    with offers.
    2010.3 I use my vast programming skills to hook up my gmail with outlook and then
    create various inboxes to sort out offers from various gurus giving each guru his
    very own inbox.... musn't lose any offers....
    2010.5 Too many gurus...I create a mailbox called ... Assorted Gurus ... I now
    actually don't read some of the emails and manually drag them kicking and
    screaming into this mailbox...whew .... that cuts my email reading time to about
    only 2 hours.
    2010.6 Oh Gawd...too many opt-ins the population of newcomers is growing faster
    than a rabbit farm in spring... I program some of the emails to automatically get
    moved into the Assorted Gurus mailbox...poor buggers....I'll get to them one
    day....musn't unsubscribe...musn't unsubscribe...musn't unsubscribe...but at
    least this saves me time!!
    2010.7 Dang.. reading emails and seeing video offers has gone back up to 2 hours
    a day again...okay.... must formulate no mercy policy...must actually
    unsubscribe....the first one hurts so bad...but the pain lessens after the first
    5 or so...must... wean.... myself... from opt-in compulsions...getting too busy
    to program outlook rules to condem them all to the Assorted Gurus box.
    2010.8 I'm hallucinating...my Assorted Gurus mailbox says 1210 unread emails and
    I could swear I saw some little blue hands reaching out of there for my
    attention...I stuff them back down with my cursor.... Oh my Gawd... I just
    realized I am an IM offer hoarder!!! I wonder if the stuff I saved since May
    still have sites that say only 7 copies left... site is going down soon.... too scared to look.
    So I have bought 7 or 8 offers since discovering IM and tried a few but not all
    actually just yet. Affiliate offers all seem to revolve around the same theme
    with SEO on page and SEO off page, list building,facebook, article marketing,
    autoblogs and social media marketing. So far nothing has worked but then to be
    fair I haven't even tried them all. The ones I have tried were dissapointing.
    2010 - Present time
    I just heard about the warrior forum and the war room. Is there any hope for me
    in there? Could there be a cure for my IM hoarding habits? I want to put those
    poor souls in my Assorted Gurus box out of their misery and devote one afternoon
    to unsubscribing. Or will I be spending 2 hours in the war room instead if I buy
    I would just like to hear from someone who has gone through something similar and
    found something in the war room that actually worked . My credit card isn't
    quite maxed out yet.....
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Greeting Sca3s4r,

    If you wish to advance your Internet marketing skills … through education.

    The first and most important investment that you will ever make, is to spend $37 for the 20-year membership of the War Room.

    You will find a huge amount of WSO type information available there … at no cost to you and with no opt-in required.

    You will find that it quickly becomes your source for finding information about most anything that is relevant in Internet marketing.

    Start with a membership there … and I know that you will be completely satisfied with the IM education that is available.

    Wishing you all the best … Ron
    Freedom from Credit Debt for All in USA … Credit cards, medical bills, student loans, etc. .................... Plus your credit scores at the bureau can be raised when your debt relief is completed.

    This is available for individuals with more than 10-K of debt and only by phone to start your debt analysis ... PM Me Your Phone Number and best times to call.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2935413].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
    Hi Isac,

    Yes, I would say you should join the War Room.

    The reason I asked all of those questions was to see if you would take the time to answer them, if you would take action.

    I would suggest picking one method, then learning as much as you can about it through the free downloads and related threads that are in the War Room. As others have said, there is a lot of information there, so you have to be careful that you don't get sidetracked.

    All the best,

    "Ich bin en fuego!"
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    • Profile picture of the author CaesarSEO
      Thanks Micheal, very encouraging.
      I think I'll have the honour to meet you inside very soon.

      Thank you again.
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Oksa
        Originally Posted by ca3s4r View Post

        Thanks Micheal, very encouraging.
        I think I'll have the honour to meet you inside very soon.

        Thank you again.
        Thanks Isac,

        I look forward to it, and it sounds like you're making a smart decision.

        All the best,

        "Ich bin en fuego!"
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2935675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Richard Tunnah
    Here a suggestion for you. If you can speak/write 4 languages why don't you use these skills for some quick money. You can post an offer to translate or teach people a language on fiverr. Then offer follow on services at a package price. You could also search export and import companies pn google and offer your services on a trial basis to begin with.
    Good luck

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  • Profile picture of the author bitriot
    The info in the War Room is the same as many WSO's / Make Money products. If those didn't work, the war room will not be some magic bullet. That said, the great thing about the war room is that you can find good usable info on just about ANYTHING you are interested in.
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  • Profile picture of the author pavionjsl
    The war room is the best value on the internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adrianne_
    Not to take anything away from the war room but I found a wealth of info right here in the main forum for free. The best part about it is, it actually works. Research your activity level to see if you need to be more consistent. Maybe you are not giving one method enough time before moving on to another. Tweek what you're already doing before moving forward with yet another thing to try and journal your activity to see if you are actually working or just doing busy work. You'd be surprised at what you've been doing when you have it recorded on paper.
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    Definitely, the $37 for the War Room membership is worth every penny. However, remember that there is no autopilot system out there, and no matter which system you select to implement, there'll be work and some trial and error involved. There is no guaranteed autopilot system that will make you rich overnight out there, so please keep this in mind.
    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author abdulquddus
    Originally Posted by ca3s4r View Post

    I put a thread here yesterday, but seems like I said something I shouldn't say, so I'll try to ask this in a different way.

    I really want to make some money with IM and tried different paid WSO's, but none of them worked.

    So does the info inside the private forums work?

    I mean I just need a few confirmations...

    admins please, I need help to decide, please don't delete this thread until i see the replies

    thank you
    Planning will get you money and nothing else
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  • Profile picture of the author laffan66
    if you know 3-4 languages you can put your services for marketers to translate their ads or their products and anything related to that.

    or become partner with gurus to enter the language niche market for the countries of the language.

    look for good plr products on INTERNET marketing or niche market(weight loss, make money, self help, MLM programs ...etc).

    translate them to the other language and sell them, use them as you know in internet marketing.

    that's my two cents.

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