
by 6 replies
I decided to post to forums that are related to my web site and oh my goodness there must be a thousand forums. My web site deals with anxiety and my intentions were to post each day with my web signature of course but it will take all day. Is this form of marketing worth the time and effort in regards to results? :confused:
#main internet marketing discussion forum #forums
  • By the end of the second or third day you might just need the contents of your site to help yourself!
    • [1] reply
    • I agree with that I am in the construction biz in FL. and have been laid off for 2 years. I built 300 to 400 unit apartment complexes and it is totally dead. The developers claim it is impossible to get financing so here I sit and thought well I will try Internet marketing. Thank goodness my wife works for that crazy duck Aflac and we live off her income. But I am still positive at 55 years old and this is the first time I have ever been laid off.
  • It's definitely a good way of promoting your website. However, I wouldn't try to do a bunch of forums. Maybe just focus on the top 1 - 3 forums in your niche. Make sure they allow you to link to your site in your signature. Post consistently, and provide value.

    This is actually the method I used to jump start my entire Internet Marketing career and it proved to be very beneficial. I chose the 1 biggest forum in my niche, and focused on building my reputation in that forum. That was enough to get me going.

    So I highly recommend that method!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • YES DEFINITELY! Something that may help you is search "anxiety forums" and the first like 4 or 5 that come up, use those. This way your not wasting your whole day on forums. But forums are really important for backlinking and generating traffic. Really any social media would do but forums are one of the best ways!
  • Yep, you will get lot of traffic

    And they don't take $60 for link in Signature. Its for banner
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Forum posting definitely works. It's actually my primary method of marketing I always get results every single month. A good rule of thumb is to try to make 5 post a day for 30 days and monitor your results. It would be best to make all 5 post on the same board but if the activity is low, try making 2 or 3 post on one forum and a couple on another forum. I agree that you should not spread yourself across too many forums because it will be too time consuming to maintain them. Once you get the hang of it, you can increase the number of post you make everyday.

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    I decided to post to forums that are related to my web site and oh my goodness there must be a thousand forums. My web site deals with anxiety and my intentions were to post each day with my web signature of course but it will take all day. Is this form of marketing worth the time and effort in regards to results? :confused: