Free Traffic! What are the best ways to get it?

20 replies
Hello, i am currently trying to find out what the best way of generating free traffic is? any ideas
#free #traffic #ways
  • Profile picture of the author anahita56
    Article Marketing is one of the best free ways to generate traffic. Of course you can use video marketing, forum posting and search engine optimization. But the latter is a bit more technical but not too difficult. Social media (web2.0) is also a good way.
    Do you want to get from Newbie to Savvy Internet Marketer? My Brand New book will help you:
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    • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
      Originally Posted by anahita56 View Post

      Article Marketing is one of the best free ways to generate traffic. Of course you can use video marketing, forum posting and search engine optimization. But the latter is a bit more technical but not too difficult. Social media (web2.0) is also a good way.
      Done right, article marketing can "kill two birds with one stone", in that in addition to receiving backlinks (and perhaps referral traffic) from whichever sites you've distributed those articles yourself, you will receive further (and often better) backlinks as other webmasters pick up and republish them on their own sites. This is particularly true of articles that have been submitted to EzineArticles.

      But you really need to be writing very high-quality and non-promotional articles for this to happen, and making sure there's a smooth transition from article-body to resource-box, and that the resource-box itself isn't blatantly "sales-pitchy" or overly pushy (which really is a part of what I meant when I said "non-promotional").
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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    This question is asked over and over again, throughout the forum, there are many posts related to this question.

    You can submit articles, add backlinks back to your website, create squidoo pages and so much more. There are many methods.


    All the Hottest eBooks, Graphics, Software, Videos, Articles, and Templates you want with PLR and MRR. Join PLR Assassin Today!

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  • Profile picture of the author dremora
    Article marketing and also submitting informative, step by step tutorial articles or good quality howto videos to top howto directories like ehow definitely bring in a ton of free traffic, especially if you do decent keyword research and pick the low hanging fruit sort of keywords. Stuff you submit to youtube, ehow etc can rank in top spots and bring you a good amount of search traffic.
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  • These are the things I do to get free traffic:
    1. Conduct effective keyword research. "Effective keyword research" is another topic, and the level of "effectiveness" is dependent on results each individual gets from his or her relevant tests.
    2. Extensively research and identify the most credible ("credible" = level of reputation and authority, i.e. Visa would be a credible source of financial credit products, services, info/advice and content among others, such as Mastercard, AmEx, etc.) sites offering useful and updated information, advice and content relevant to my target keywords, topics, products and services.
    3. Go to a widely used Internet search engine like Google to search my target keywords and identify top ranking sites offering useful info/advice, products, services and content relevant to my target keywords and audience.
    4. Identify which of those sites have high domain authority in the eyes of widely used search engines. "Authority" = Credibility or level of reputation, usually associated with age and popularity among other factors. Since widely used search engines come into play, Google PR becomes relevant. Factors which affect Google PR is another topic, and since Google does not publicly announce their search engine ranking algorithms, most do not know the exact factors unless they work in Google's department responsible for their search engine ranking algorithms, so carefully studying the results from your individual-specific relevant tests and the tests of other relevant individuals will almost always be the better thing to do.
    5. Pinpoint sites allowing others to contribute useful and updated info/advice, content, products or services relevant to topics they cover, which should also be relevant to my target topics and keywords.
    6. Determine which of those sites are frequently visited by my target audience. I also observe the sub topics they talk about on those sites.
    7. I then contribute content to expose my business/brand and establish myself as a friendly expert source of useful and updated information, advice, content, products and services relevant to my target topics, keywords and audience. I post links pointing to my sites offering specific supplementary content, information, advice, products or services whenever it would add unique value to my target audience. I identify dofollow sites to post my backlinks on, too, so I can feel some Google PR love from those high Google PR sites while I'm contributing useful content and establishing the reputation of my business.
    8. I build my business network. I talk to people interested in my information, advice, content, products and services and discuss ways we can help each other more. This in turn helps me get my ads placed on their sites, blogs, mailing lists, etc., which of course I also do for them whenever the content/info/advice/products/services they're offering would be useful to my mailing list subscribers. I also build my affiliate network doing this and also become an affilaite of reputable merchants offering content, info/advice, products and services relevant to my target audience.
    Well, that's about it. This is what I do though and do not necessarily mean this is an end-all-be-all solution for generating targeted traffic.
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author invitetheweb
    Social Sites
    Blog commenting
    Yahoo Groups

    That's just a few, read this article for some good tips How to Generate Free Traffic to Your Website : HowOnTheWeb
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  • Profile picture of the author hodari
    My friend prepare for analysis overload ! In all seriousness look over all the free traffic methods and finally zero in 1 or 2 methods. Then get good at those few before moving on to the next. You'll thank yourself if you do this.

    There is a lady named Kim Roach who constantly give out ways to get free traffic. Check out her site . Her information is well laid out for you to consume. Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author majidmaskat
    follow these stepps for generating a lot of free taffic 1) write 2 articles everyday upload them to 3 article directories top and remember to include your url in the resource boz, 2) partipiate in 3 differnt niche related forums every day and make 3 posts daily 3) create a facebook profile and fan pages and build a fan and you will be able to generate traffic from that if you have a substantial amount of people on there in time. these 3 may seem minor but if taken action it can provide very good traffic especially for a newbie
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  • Profile picture of the author nikson
    Best new way is Video Marketing, little older but still great is Article Marketing and the third - hardest, takes alot of time and work is SEO but results are awasome. It's just nice feeling when you start to receiving 10.000 then 25k then 100k and so on and on free target traffic .. month after month ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    partnering with other youtube celebs
    PPC for targeted
    Joint venture
    solo ads
    press releases
    Domain sticker on your car
    using your optin list
    blog posting
    Web 2.0 social networking
    forum sig lines

    My favourite, walk down the beach and stomp in the sand with your domain carve in the bottom of your thong...Dont ask, it FREE traffic lol

    That will keep you off the streets for a while.

    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author sonamlama
    Originally Posted by stevey147 View Post

    Hello, i am currently trying to find out what the best way of generating free traffic is? any ideas
    Hey Stevey,

    My honest advice to you as a newbie (if you are one ) is STAY AWAY from paid traffic for now and especially stay away from...Google Adwords!

    And instead focus your efforts and time on building your LIST with free SIMPLE traffic methods, such as:

    1. Forum marketing - if your niche is "internet marketing" then here at the Warrior Forum is where you should be 24/7, 365 days a year! Just be active, positive, and provide value in all your responses and questions. Oddly enough this will get people clicking your signature link, singing up to your opt-in page, and eventually purchasing your product or an affiliate product you promote.

    2. Article marketing
    - Just focus on submitting ONE article a day to FIRST, wait for it to be approved, and then submit that same article (with a little rephrasing to avoid having Google think it's duplicate content, which will bring your search engine rankings lower) to goarticles and articlesbase.

    3. Blog commenting - Go on the TOP blogs in your niche and be the FIRST to comment on a blog post, making sure your comment is valuable and contributes to the post.

    Just focus on these three for now and master them.

    DO NOT underestimate the simplicity of these methods, because from my experience and from many of the most successful marketers today, simple techniques like these when executed bring amazing results.

    So, be consistent and persistent in your actions. And DON'T GIVE UP!

    Within a couple weeks you should have a decent number of subscribers on your list to market to or sales if you choose to drive your traffic straight to a sales page.

    Hope this helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author stevey147
      Thank you, can someone please explain tome exactly how SEO works?
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      • Profile picture of the author JAIDEEP2959
        You can start with Yahoo answers. It is easy to start with, you can give answers about the stuff you know. You will get targeted traffic.

        After that you can go for article marketing. You can submit articles to It is not easy for newbies to write such articles considering guidelines of about grammar, keyword density, paragraphs etc.

        Forum posting also needs knowledge about relevant subject.

        You can choose niche which is more familiar to you and start posting to get free traffic.

        Good luck.
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      • Originally Posted by stevey147 View Post

        [SNIP]can someone please explain tome exactly how SEO works?[/SNIP]
        Heads Up = Long Post

        Hi! Hmmm... Let me try to answer this, based on what I know and [EnterDisclaimerHere]not necessarily based on what is universally accurate, though of course what I know is backed up by my own test results, inferences from statistically accurate facts and probable concepts logically founded on principles that seem to be statistically accurate yet nothing is currently available to know for sure that this is statistically possible[/DisclaimerEndsHere]:

        1. SEO = Search Engine Optimization
        The process of making a website "easily crawlable", "correctly indexable" and "accurately rankable" by search engines. Internet search engine companies constantly develop and improve their search engine algorithms. Algorithms are mathematical instructions designed to automate the task of crawling, indexing and ranking Web pages accessible to the Internet search engines. This automation process is formulated to follow a constantly evolving crawling, indexing and ranking system internally developed by each Internet search engine company. Google and Yahoo! are examples of Internet search engine companies. One of their most likely purposes (other than to make lots of money of course since they're businesses) is to provide users with the most relevant, most updated, most popular and most useful results for their searches. One of their possible aims is for the results they give users to be ranked in terms of content relevance, timeliness, popularity and quality. Since a universally acceptable definition of "quality" in this situation cannot be implemented, these Internet search engine companies must instead resort to implement a set of statistically acceptable standards based on their own results, tests, inferences and concepts about probabilities. These standards must then be implemented by each Internet search engine company as an internal search engine ranking algorithm which constantly evolves to best suit their objectives. Since their objectives can be compromised if they allow public access to their search engine algorithms, they do not publicly disclose such information. Instead, the only pieces of information they publicly disclose are most likely the things a webmaster must do to provide users with content that is of the highest relevance, timeliness, popularity and quality.

        2. SEM = Search Engine Marketing
        The process of improving the Internet search engine rankings of a website and its pages for the purpose of reaching a larger percentage of a particular market targeted by the website. Lots of people around the world frequently use Internet search engines to search for content they need or want. A lot of them most likely trust the Internet search engine company of their choice in terms of providing them with available content that is the most relevant, most timely, most popular and most useful for them. This means most of them most likely go to the top results for their searches using these Internet search engines. A good inference then would be: People who want or need content relevant to the products and services being offered by a website would also translate to more sales for the website and/or for the website to better attain any of its objectives (not necessarily the sale of a product or service) if these people see the website as one of the top results, if not the top result, after their relevant searches using the Internet search engine of their choice.

        3. Improving Internet Search Engine Rankings

        3.1. How can a website be easily crawlable, correctly indexable and accurately rankable by Internet search engines? Think of a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process which aims to provide users with the most relevant, most timely, most popular and most useful content available on the Internet. I see: (a) "easily crawlable" as a means for a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process to provide a user with a "more relevant" result; (b) "correctly indexable" as a means for a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process to provide a user with a "more timely" result; and (c) "accurately rankable" as a means for a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process to provide a user with a "more popular" and "more useful" result.

        3.2. What would a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process consider in a website for it to be "easily crawlable"? Since the purpose of this step done by the mathematical set of instructions for automating a process is most likely to provide a user with a "more relevant" result, relevance could most likely be the key aspect in this step. How could a mathematical set of instructions for automating a process weigh relevance? Most likely answer: All text it can access in a website will be accessed, and of course it should be formulated by the Internet search engine company to weigh relevance in a way which cannot be manipulated by the webmaster of the website. What text content of a Web page can this mathematical set of instructions access? Most likely answer: ISP location and server IP address, client IP address, DNS information, domain name and extension as well as trailing address, HTML/CSS/PHP/etc. coding, <head> text, <title> text, <body> text, and text anchors of URLs as well as the URLs themselves between <body> and </body>. Is the set of mathematical instructions designed to automate the process of weighing relevance formulated to adhere with W3C and XML compliance standards? Could be. Is it also formulated to adhere to Web accessibility standards? Could be.

        3.3. What would a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process consider in a website for it to be "correctly indexable"? Since the purpose of this step done by the mathematical set of instructions for automating a process is most likely to provide a user with a "most timely" result, timeliness could most likely be the key aspect in this step. How could a mathematical set of instructions for automating a process weigh timeliness? Most likely answer: New changes and additions to all text it previously stored in its database for the particular website. New content? Could be. New code? Could be. New anchors and URLs? Could be.

        3.4. What would a set of mathematical instructions for automating a process consider in a website for it to be "accurately rankable"? Since the purpose of this step done by the mathematical set of instructions for automating a process is most likely to provide a user with a "most popular" and "most useful" result, popularity and authority could most likely be the key aspect in this step. How could a mathematical set of instructions for automating a process weigh popularity and authority? Most likely answer: Popularity = Number of backlinks? Could be. Popularity = Quality of backlinks? Could be. Popularity = Relevance of backlinks? Could be. Authority = Age of website? Could be. Authority = Stored records of ISP server IPs, client IPs, DNS info and codes of a website? Could be. Authority = Number of backlinks? Could be. Authority = Quality of Backlinks? Could be. Authority = Relevance of backlinks? Could be.

        4. Other Things to Most Likely Consider
        Internet search engine companies will constantly implement changes, improvements and additions to its set of mathematical instructions for automating a process of weighing relevance, timeliness, popularity and usefulness in order to provide users with the most relevant, most timely, most popular and most useful results. They will also constantly implement changes, improvements and additions to protect their crawling, indexing and ranking process from being compromised. Let me share an experience which I believe is relevant:

        I programmed a keyword & competition research tool. One of its features is it automatically queries the updated Google PR of websites ranking as the top 10 for each keyword result after processing the keywords entered by the user as one of its benefits. To provide users with the most accurate and updated Google PR values, I decided to use Google data centers for such automated queries. Problem: Google does not like automated queries. The PHP software was sitting in a server with Hostgator. It sends 200 data queries to Google data centers. When multiple users use the software, 200 queries x number of users = x queries, simultaneous queries, that is. After 4 people used it thrice simultaneously, Google blocked the IP. I waited for Google to lift the ban, and they did the following day (learned this after a test use). I formulated a workaround solution before using it again. Conducted simultaneous tests to simulate the same problem. They blocked it. I formulated a workaround solution and tested it. They blocked it again. Waited for 3 days. I tested it without a new workaround. It was still blocked. Tested it without a workaround solution after an hour, it was no longer blocked. Did simultaneous tests for 2 hours straight, it wasn't being blocked. Tested it the following day. It was blocked. Tested it again right away, unblocked. Unblocked for 2 hours straight with simultaneous tests. Then, it got blocked. After 10 minutes, it wasn't being blocked. An inference came into mind: They most likely have an IP and DNS blocking script programmed to randomize blocks and unblocks so programmers on the other side would not know which workaround solutions worked and which did not. This most likely means their only fingerprint information would possibly be IP and DNS. I then configured one of my old computers at home as a Web server on XAMPP. Loaded the needed modules, and ran the PHP from that computer for testing. I have a dynamic DSL connection at home. Each time they blocked it the first time around after several simultaneous test uses, I flushed the dynamic IP from my router. It works. They can no longer block the PHP script, for now though. I formulated the PHP script to now flush the dynamic IP from the router each minute. Problem solved, for now though. The points described in my experience may or may not be helpful in terms of SEO, though I'm keeping an open mind and would further dig deeper into this when I have the time to do so.

        Hope this helps.

        Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
        • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
        • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Do a search on here there are tons of good posts on traffic related to your question right here in this forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author phpnetpro
    Take a look at this thread I wrote last night (I really don't want to rewrite half of this info here, lol): How to Find a Niche Market

    It will teach you how to find a niche, keyword phrase and domain name for a website that will bring in free targeted traffic from Google and convert to product sales, which you'll receive commissions for (from Amazon).
    Need more organic search traffic? SideBacon SEO Agency is a leading provider of Fort Myers SEO services to local businesses.
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  • Profile picture of the author rahulbatra
    You can go for the social media websites because these sites helps a lot in generating traffic and there are other methods also that are listed above which can help you get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author wendymay1
    Here are a few ideas I think you will be interested in.

    1.Email signatures - Have your own personalised signature so that when ever you send emails to your friends, customers etc on a normal regular basis. If they click on your signature they will automatically be directed to your website. obviously you will have to configure your signature to your website.

    2.Free classified ads - Just type in Google for free classified ad sites. You will probably need to register at these sites. Then post catchy ads where people will be attracted to click on the ad in which they will be directed to your website.

    3.Online Giveaways are another way of attracting traffic especially targeted traffic.
    This is one of the best strategys used by internet marketers. Internet marketers can attract hundreds even thousands of traffic per month. The key points is to contribute a free ebook giveaway where people will sign up or free PLR Articles where you can add your name. Anything thing where a free gift is involved.

    4.Facebook - The worlds fastest growing network. Over 500 million users and still growing. The best way I found to learn or to be educated how to attract the traffic to your website is by watching step by step videos where you can watch over the master teachers at work shoulder.
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  • Profile picture of the author alextuder
    Originally Posted by stevey147 View Post

    Hello, i am currently trying to find out what the best way of generating free traffic is? any ideas
    Also you can start submitting your website to Directories. This will help you in "Backlink profile" building.

    Since you said free, look out for High PR , Low Alexa internet directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenFighter
    i'll give u 5 example
    1-submit article
    2-link exchange
    4-pay per lead
    5-use paywithatweet
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