Warriors- Are You Willing to Pay The Price to Have a $300 Day? $1,000 Day? Get Your Dream Life?
I follow a 3-step process when I am trying to hit a goal in life. It gives a reality check but it helps define exactly what I want and what I need to do to get it.
1. Define exactly what it is that you want.
A. Write down in detail what I want.
B. Attach the a deadline for a sense of urgency.
You're doing well if you've done the first step. Most people don't ever
write their goals down so you're already ahead of the majority of the population.
2. Plan How You're Going to Get it.
Great, you know what you want but how are you going to get it? If your goal is $200/day you need to break it down.
If you're selling a $40 product you need 5 sales. This means that you have to figure out a conversion rate to see how many visitors per day you'll need to get 5 sales.
How many articles per day do you need to write to get x amount of visitors to get x amount of sales?
Now that you've figured out the details you need to figure out how you're going to create a product worth $40. You need to figure out who is going to write the copy, the graphics, etc...
And if you're going to do it yourself make sure you create a timeline to get it finished.
3. Ask yourself if you're willing to pay the price to obtain the goal.
Are you really willling to do all of the work neccessary to hit your goal?
So let's say your goal is to make $200 per day.
Are you willing to...?
A. If you have a 9-5 job already are you willing to come home and work all hours of the night, possibly only getting 4 hours of sleep?
B. If you don't have a 9-5 job can you honestly motivate yourself to work from 9-5 on the internet without anyone looking over your shoulder.
C. Write 10 articles per day if that's what it takes?
This is where it gets tough. Sometimes the realtiy hurts but it doesn't have to. Once you get past the initial hurdle things get easier. Even when things aren't easy you'll embrace the challenge once you have the confidence built up.
I promise that if you can have this focus for 60 days the rest of your life will be made.
I like to call it a 60-Day Blast Campaign where I write down my goals and do whatever it takes to hit them.
I heard a marketer say recently that he'll create a product in a day, but he won't go to bed until he has finished creating it either. He doesn't leave it until the next day to finish because he knows what usually happens when you put things off until tomorrow.
So once again...
1. Define what you want
2. Write a plan of how you're going to get it.
3. Pay the PRICE!
Ask all the questions you want, but in the end they will all be answered by just doing it!... Get to work!
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