Please critic my my site

26 replies
Hi Warriors!

I just had a site template made and would like some feed back.

Here is the link.

Micro Workouts

Thanks for taking time to help me.

#critic #site
  • Profile picture of the author sonamlama
    Nice looking site, but aside from the fact that you should get started on adding some powerful and compelling sales copy, you should definitely have an "Opt-in form" somewhere on your page so that you capture your prospect's name and email.

    The reason you do this is so that you don't waste your effort spending time on traffic to send them to a sales page that does NOT convert (a.k.a "generate sales"). Therefore you get there name and email to give them some more tips and advice and THEN hit them with your offer again. By this time you will have gained their trust and respect.

    Just go to aweber and put in the "web form" code into the source code where you edit your website and add in your first follow up email for now. This should be a great start of forming a relationship with your "new" visitor/ potential customer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Looks good. I realize it is a draft, so it is still a work-in-progress, but it is not as professional as the rest of the sites at the main site. There are gagged edge on the rounded corners for example and some of the is a bit too blurry.

    @ sonamlama
    You miss the whole point. The site is a draft that sells on the main site and those sites are sold without sales copy, etc.

    Jeffery 100% :-)
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2972649].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sonamlama
      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      @ sonamlama
      You miss the whole point. The site is a draft that sells on the main site and those sites are sold without sales copy, etc.
      Jeffery 100% :-)
      Thanks for your thoughts Jeffrey. I understand that you may not have an opt-in form on a sales page, but what I meant was, if the site is NOT converting then, he should test out adding an opt-in form somewhere on the page to capture their name and email in order to be able to offer more value tips/advice and then hit them with his offer.

      In regards to what you said here...
      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      The site is a draft that sells on the main site and those sites are sold without sales copy, etc.
      How does a main "salespage" site get sold withou any "sales copy"? lol Looking at the main site, Cheap Mini Site Design | Mini Site Graphics I see some benefits, features, testimonials and what do ya know some "sales copy".

      Thanks again.
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      • Profile picture of the author Texson5
        Originally Posted by sonamlama View Post

        Thanks for your thoughts Jeffrey. I understand that you may not have an opt-in form on a sales page, but what I meant was, if the site is NOT converting then, he should test out adding an opt-in form somewhere on the page to capture their name and email in order to be able to offer more value tips/advice and then hit them with his offer.

        In regards to what you said here...

        How does a main "salespage" site get sold withou any "sales copy"? lol Looking at the main site, Cheap Mini Site Design | Mini Site Graphics I see some benefits, features, testimonials and what do ya know some "sales copy".

        Thanks again.

        LOL, that is who did my site.

        He came recommended to me from another marketer that I trust.

        Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973030].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Big Money
          I guess you are wanting us to judge the graphics only.

          I've worked with Oki on a couple projects and he is really good.

          On this particular website I would ask if he could:

          1. Redo the font on the Micro Workouts logo. It looks really jagged.

          2. Lighten up the background. The navy may look nice and match the website, but for the weight loss niche and this website I would go with either a white, really really light blue, or really really light gray.

          3. Also, unless you are targeting this product to older people which you may be, I don't know about including the older looking guy in header and ebook graphics. If your target market is older people then it's fine, but I think it may turn off younger buyers.
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          • Profile picture of the author Ryan Johnson
            Kind of an odd couple. Is that her dad,grandpa, or her husband?
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            • Profile picture of the author Texson5
              Originally Posted by Ryan Johnson View Post

              Kind of an odd couple. Is that her dad,grandpa, or her husband?

              LOL, i have no idea but I had asked the same question.

              Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973124].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author nebraska
              Originally Posted by Ryan Johnson View Post

              Kind of an odd couple. Is that her dad,grandpa, or her husband?
              LOL...subliminal, like inferring that if you do this'll get a young, beautiful gal like this.

              Seriously...get it out there...New Years' is a comin...

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              • Profile picture of the author Texson5
                Originally Posted by nebraska View Post

                LOL...subliminal, like inferring that if you do this'll get a young, beautiful gal like this.

                Seriously...get it out there...New Years' is a comin...

                Yeh, I thought about how the picture might come across.

                I plan on having it up and running by this Saturday.

                Thanks for the advice.


                Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.


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  • Profile picture of the author wello
    i like it. nicely done. i guess you still want to fill it with content...
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    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by wello View Post

      i like it. nicely done. i guess you still want to fill it with content...

      Yes, I just gave the go ahead for the site and he is sending me the files now.

      I have my sales copy all written, 2 versions, and will get it up soon.

      I plan on having my site up and ready for sales by Saturday.

      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2972801].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Texson5
        I want to thank every one that took time to give me feed back.

        Your help is wonderful to have. This is my first time out and I am really excited.



        Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2972805].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Texson5
        Originally Posted by Texson5 View Post

        Yes, I just gave the go ahead for the site and he is sending me the files now.

        I have my sales copy all written, 2 versions, and will get it up soon.

        I plan on having my site up and ready for sales by Saturday.

        UP DATE!!!!!!!

        I had asked for the changes and he set out to do them then I
        did not here back from him for almost a week as it was a holiday where he lives.

        Now I have not heard from him again and I know one other person that has not heard from him as he is not responding to emails.

        This person, a very honest IM'er, had used him for two years and never had this happen with this graphics person before.

        Now I am out $107.00 and can not afford more money for another landing

        Anyway please be aware so that you do not end up spending money at his site.



        P.S I will gladly remove this if he finishes what I have paid for.

        Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Soupyone
    1st glance...

    Nothing special, but in the era of P90X and it's great landers I'd expect to see some multimedia that highlights the positives results one would get from the workout system.

    You might also want to split test a lighter design that is more landscape oriented.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2972872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by Soupyone View Post

      1st glance...

      Nothing special, but in the era of P90X and it's great landers I'd expect to see some multimedia that highlights the positives results one would get from the workout system.

      You might also want to split test a lighter design that is more landscape oriented.
      Thanks for the feed back.

      What do you mean by 'landscape' design?

      As for multimedia I am not sure how I would do that.


      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973021].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Soupyone
        Originally Posted by Texson5 View Post

        Thanks for the feed back.

        What do you mean by 'landscape' design?

        As for multimedia I am not sure how I would do that.

        Opposed to the Guru way of making a long lander maybe test a lander that's not as long and more focused on a quick conversion

        So it'll be
        | VIDEO | Form |

        Capture their info to build the list, then pillage the list with the offer or offer the cc page on the confirmation page.
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  • Profile picture of the author herisetiyawan
    it's an eye catching question for you..Do you build it by yourself or somebody build it for you..? If you do by yourself..So, you're a great webdesigner..
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    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by herisetiyawan View Post

      it's an eye catching question for you..Do you build it by yourself or somebody build it for you..? If you do by yourself..So, you're a great webdesigner..

      LOL, no I hired some one else to do it for me.

      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973024].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author afarrell1
    Hiya Jess,

    The site looks pretty good.

    The background is a little dark. So maybe widen the white space where you'll have the content. Or lighten the background a little.

    The image is of a man in his late fifties or early sisties and a young lady.

    So what is this about? Who is your target market?

    Is it for all ages or will it be for a specific gender or/and age group.

    Your answers to that should help you to determine if that graphic is right for your business model.

    So it might be better for you to get a handle on exactly what your website will be about and who it's aimed at. From that, you can improve on the graphics if necessary. As it stands the graphics are nice. But are they right for what the site is about and for your target market?

    It's very hard to critique more than this as there is no copy and therefore impossible to help you any more. Although I will agree with a couple of posts that said about putting an optin form there. Maybe even a video would be good.

    But like I said, there's not much to go on right now.

    Best of luck with your project Jess.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973168].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by afarrell1 View Post

      Hiya Jess,

      The site looks pretty good.

      The background is a little dark. So maybe widen the white space where you'll have the content. Or lighten the background a little.

      The image is of a man in his late fifties or early sisties and a young lady.

      So what is this about? Who is your target market?

      Is it for all ages or will it be for a specific gender or/and age group.

      Your answers to that should help you to determine if that graphic is right for your business model.

      So it might be better for you to get a handle on exactly what your website will be about and who it's aimed at. From that, you can improve on the graphics if necessary. As it stands the graphics are nice. But are they right for what the site is about and for your target market?

      It's very hard to critique more than this as there is no copy and therefore impossible to help you any more. Although I will agree with a couple of posts that said about putting an optin form there. Maybe even a video would be good.

      But like I said, there's not much to go on right now.

      Best of luck with your project Jess.
      You are right, the dark blue is a bit much.

      I am having do some changes including the picture.

      Thanks for the advice, appreciate it.


      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973573].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jamjar919
    Get it out b4 new years day - all those fat loss resolutions!

    Feel free to ask me any IM related questions or add me on skype :D
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973308].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by jamjar919 View Post

      Get it out b4 new years day - all those fat loss resolutions!
      Yes, I will.

      I plan on having it up by this Saturday.

      Thanks for your input.


      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973585].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author flowers4love
    The graphics are nicely done. The colors vibrate optimism and fit the subject of physical exercise very well. Only the pictures aren't as sharp as they should be; they should have a higher resolution. The template looks more like a landing page for a book you're selling, rather than a website.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2973621].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Texson5
      Originally Posted by flowers4love View Post

      The graphics are nicely done. The colors vibrate optimism and fit the subject of physical exercise very well. Only the pictures aren't as sharp as they should be; they should have a higher resolution. The template looks more like a landing page for a book you're selling, rather than a website.


      I did say website. :confused:

      It is my landing page not a website.

      Thanks for the feed back.


      Micro Workouts 1 to 2 minutes to healthy and fit.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2974139].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RunningBear
    I like the design; but above all, I like the fact that it does not scroll on and on and on and on and on, etc... :-)
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