Questions Re: High Traffic Conversion with Site Layout Optimization, Viewers = People with Eyesight

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What do you think of the inferences and theories listed below? With everything else being equal, like domain business/brand recognition, server IP location, page URL business/brand recognition, backlink placement in high traffic sites and pages relevant to target audience, product/service demand, product/service manufacturer/supplier/provider competitiveness, unique benefits offered by products/services, target buyer keywords, online marketing strategies, mailing list building strategies, client/customer support quality, content quality, visual impact of overall site and page graphics design, etc.? Are these inferences and theories just about right based on your results and experience? My purpose in asking is for a totally blind person like me to be updated on how most people with eyesight view content on the Internet, especially since I have been totally blind for more than 7 years now and only formulate inferences, theories and tests based on: (1) what I was and would be doing in terms of viewing Internet content if I had eyesight; (2) comparisons of these inferences, theories and tests with relevant actual studies, test results and comparative analysis done by professional webmasters, graphics designers and visual communication specialists with years of expertise in such fields; (3) observations done on the layout and design of popular websites and pages with high domain authority, a large number of high quality backlinks, especially on social and community sites, and a large daily dose of traffic in highly competitive niches, some of which are sites and pages of my corporate and business clients; and (4) the relevant experience, habits, inferences, theories, tests and results of my clients, friends, colleagues and relatives. Your comments would be greatly helpful. Thanks in advance.

Inference 1: Most people frequently scan content from left to right, exceptions being Japanese and Chinese content, I think.
Inference 2: Most people usually scroll down, not left to right.
Theory A: A site should present everything width-wise. The most important upper section of height-wise content should also be displayed right away.

Inference 3: Most people usually expect to primarily recognize or determine benefits provided by the business and its products/services/content at once.
Inference 4: Most people subsequently expect content, activities for the user to do then supplementary content from left to right, after user recognizes or determines benefits provided by business/company and its products/services/content.
Theory B: Logo, header and tagline should tie up and present the main unique benefit provided by the business/company and its products/services. Logo, header and tagline should then be placed on the first row of a site, then navigation links pointing to static pages should be placed in the 2nd row, with much shorter height, of the site.

Theory C: 3rd row with longer height than the first and 2nd rows should be divided into 3 columns. 3 columns, from left to right, include: 1st Column = Written content panel (with wider width than the other 2 columns); 2nd Column = Search box with table of links pointing to other pages, each with brief descriptions and video panel underneath; then 3rd Column = Mailing list signup box, with a brief description of the benefits viewers will constantly receive when they sign up to the mailing list like free downloadable products and updated content, and CPC/CPA/private ads (if any) underneath, then registered user/affiliate signup box with a brief description of the benefits viewers can gain if they sign up as affiliates. Height of 3rd row should be enough for viewrs to see upper section of: written content panel and its headers in the 1st column; video panel and its headers in the 2nd column; and registered user/affiliate signup box and its headers in 3rd column. Content of other pages will be displayed in the 1st column of the 3rd row, the content panel. Search results, if search box is used, and detailed mailing list and affiliate sign up info and also the affiliate panel/registered user panel itself, upon login, will also be displayed in the 1st column of the 3rd row, the content panel.

Theory D: 4th row should be a single column row containing business/company name, address, contact details (phone number/s, telefax, email/s) with business hours displayed, an "Email Us Today!" link pointing to an email form page which will be displayed in content panel of 3rd row when clicked, 1st column, then copyright. This will remind viewers they are still in the same website if they go to various pages of the site as well as make them think and feel secure and confident in dealing with the company/business.

Theory E: Apart from being viewer optimized, this will also be search engine optimized in terms of "crawlability", "indexability" and "servability/rankability", especially if proper onsite SEO is done right (correct page and link hierarchy, meta info, key element headers and alt text attributes, robots.txt, sitemap.xml, sitemap.xml submission, XML and W3C compliance, Web accessibility compliance and link building campaigns).
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