Newbee after a bit of help

by 4 replies

A few months ago I started on my first click bank affiliate site.

It is in the Starcraft 2 niche, which was a hot niche a couple of months ago.

As my site was new I was hitting it with some paid traffic to test it out. Mainly Google content network and it was converting......made my first 5 sales which I was really happy with.

I figured it was time to ramp it up a bit more so i decided to write more content to work my way up google so I could stop paying for traffic......

I kept my google adwords running, but all of a sudden my site stopped converting.....I don't know if the ass feel out of the market or if some of my content had made my site not convert.

I really don't want to give up and sell up shop......I have spent a fair amount of time on this site and hate to feel defeated.

I am hoping some experts can help point me in the right direction.

The url is below in my signature.

Thanks in advance

#main internet marketing discussion forum #affiliate site #bit #newbee
  • I suppose you would know best what may have changed it. Did you keep a change log for your site? If not, I HIGHLY recommend that you keep one in the future. Often changes in conversion rates can be tracked to a single change/event that if recorded, can be modified if needed.

    Such as, if you had a pop-over on your site, and now you don't , go back to it. If you rearranged your front page in any way, go back to its original form and make one, small change at a time and track the conversion rate. Don't make many changes at once and then expect to know what may have affected the site. Keep it scientific and methodical and you'll do much better.

    One thing I noticed - it took the pop-over quite a bit of time to load. By the time it did I could have been well on my way to another page and missed the opportunity. Just a thought.

    • [1] reply
    • Thanks for the tips.....I will keep a better record. I don't think I changed anything on the page as far as banners/design goes. I add a lot more a load of content. My click through was still around the same, just a drop in conversions.

      Would time of the month effect conversions much?
      • [1] reply
  • I don't know if you saw mentioned in a post here:
    Zynga, Owners of Farmville and Mafia Wars
    Succeeds in Shutting Down Some 20 Game Cheat Sheet Sellers

    On the ground of copyright and trademark infringement, perhaps it had a chilling effect on other game tools.

    Apparently is not unheard of, but if so, it's nothing like the CPA networks.

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