Does anybody know about internet advertising?

7 replies
Hi,I am trying to get some real visitors for my website.But I dont know where to get it.I thought of buying flat rate ads on high traffic websites.Does anybody know those sites?Do you have any other idea.My budget is really low.Suggestions will be really appreciated.
#advertising #flat rate advertising #internet #marketing advices #promote online
  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    With a low budget, you may not be able to afford traffic from really high-traffic websites.

    Facebook advertising is great, but it can be expensive.

    Google Adwords is decent, but once again, it can be expensive.

    Bing and Yahoo are a bit cheaper, but can still be on the high side.

    More than visitors, I would be concerned as to your ability to convert visitors to buyers.

    There are literally millions of websites where you can advertise, using dozens of approaches. The ones that are right for you and your budget will require some research.

    If you better define your budget, your site monetization strategy, and your niche, people may be able to give you much better answers than I have.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Hooda M Kismet
    I agree with tpw. It all depends on your budget and how much you are willing to spend on advertising online. While facebook and Google advertising can get expensive depending on the number of clicks you get on your ads, I suggest you also try (depending on your budget again) solo ads. Solo ads are a great way to get thousands of visitors in your specific niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary King
    Attention mepaurav and diver79...

    If those are affiliate links in your signature, you may wish to remove them since it's against the rules here at the forum. Just a neighborly observation before a moderator's hammer comes down on ya.

    mepaurav - you have a sig file that says you earn $550/month. You can buy decent ads with that IMHO.

    Presuming you DON'T really have that amount to spend on advertising, PLEASE consider this.

    What kind of CONVERSIONS will you get with the traffic you buy?

    The idea is to buy an ad that causes others to click and become traffic to your site, right?

    When you do that, what will happen when they get there?

    See, you ABSOLUTELY MUST make sure of two things:

    1. The traffic is targeted - they are interested in what you have to offer - and not just a sort of related topic to the site they were on - that should be handled by buying ads on related sites of course
    2. Probably MORE importantly, will the traffic CONVERT to sales when they get there.

    If you don't do both of these, you'll go flat broke buying ads!

    Step back and see if YOU would buy from your site!

    >> What kind of conversions do you have for the visitors you get now?

    If you're desperate and just trying to do an ad buy to hopefully get more traffic and praying they will buy, you're doomed to being broke my friend.

    The offer must be good. The product/service must be good.

    If you are testing the waters to see what INITIAL sales are like (that is you have a new launch) and want to buy ads, then maybe that's ok, but keep your spend low.

    Hope it helps - just don't throw your money away on an ad if your current site doesn't convert. Your bank account will be much happier.

    Have a great day!


    OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hooda M Kismet
      Originally Posted by Gary King View Post

      Attention mepaurav and diver79...

      If those are affiliate links in your signature, you may wish to remove them since it's against the rules here at the forum. Just a neighborly observation before a moderator's hammer comes down on ya.
      Hi Gary! Thank you so much for pointing that out! I have completely overlooked that when I was reading the terms in here! I have changed it

      Thanks again!
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      • Profile picture of the author Gary King
        Originally Posted by diver79 View Post

        Hi Gary! Thank you so much for pointing that out! I have completely overlooked that when I was reading the terms in here! I have changed it

        Thanks again!
        Absolutely... glad to help.

        Are you sure the current one isn't an affiliate link too? It must be a link to your own product or service.

        Warrior Forum Helpdesk

        Signature file rules are right at the top of that page.

        "(5) No Affiliate Links Allowed - Promote Your Own Domain/s Only. It's either this or we have to cut out sig files altogether which we do not want to do. "

        So, if it's not yours, you can't link to it, even if it's free.

        If it is yours, all good. Just don't want you to get in trouble with the mods.


        OFFLINERS! Warning: Unless You Know These Pricing Secrets, You are Leaving THOUSANDS on the Table. Get Your Free Report Now.
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