Why does CJ decline affiliates?

10 replies
Does anyone know any of the criteria for approval for CJ affiliate programs? Several times I have submitted my site as an affiliate and immediately was declined.

I have been declined for more affilliate programs than I have been accepted for.

Are they looking for something on the site that I don't have? I've also been looking for a way to contact the publisher and ask why I was declined but I haven't found out how.
#affiliates #decline
  • Profile picture of the author stev
    Originally Posted by LadyL08 View Post

    Does anyone know any of the criteria for approval for CJ affiliate programs? Several times I have submitted my site as an affiliate and immediately was declined.

    I have been declined for more affilliate programs than I have been accepted for.

    Are they looking for something on the site that I don't have? I've also been looking for a way to contact the publisher and ask why I was declined but I haven't found out how.
    Not sure where you live but some publishers may have automatic rejection criteria in place. That's the case if you let's say are not from USA/Canada for example. If you really want to join the affiliate program you applied for try to email the affiliate manager - if any - and include your site and ask if they reconsider your application. I was accepted this way in quite a few programs for which I was rejected at first.
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  • Profile picture of the author freelikehell
    CJ is a strict in selecting their affiliates. Though, not as strict as Shareasale. But, much stricter than CB.
    I had my application rejected as well a few times. But. Stev's explanation may be true

    Most of my time is well spent on curating my online marketing resource for entrepreneurs: Flying Start Online

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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Having a sales track record helps, a busy and relevant website is important.

      Also being completely verified, as in having all the proper contact and tax info on file is important to a lot of the bigger and higher payout companies.

      One bad affiliate , such as a email spammer, could be a risk, and is a problem in high competition niches such as credit and finance.
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      • Profile picture of the author adamv
        I've only had a few rejections with CJ. The one that's been the worst for me is linkshare. I've only applied to 3 programs through them and was declined for all of them. I was declined instantly.

        I thought they would at least take a look at the website I was going to put their links on but the second I clicked the button to apply I was declined. I don't even try with them anymore, it's a waste of time and there are so many other places that will accept my sites.

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  • Profile picture of the author LadyL08
    Thanks for the comments. It's very frustrating when you think you have a good website and want to put certain affilliate links on and get turned down with no rhyme or reason.


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  • Profile picture of the author sridhar
    I joined CJ as a publisher and am from India. CJ automatically declines any program to which I apply. I wonder why they didn't have a auto application rejection in the first place. I hate those guys.
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    • Profile picture of the author Marie Pugh
      Sometimes I think they reject affiliates if there is no link to a privacy policy or disclaimer on the site. I found this out one time when I was rejected and couldn't figure out why - so I contacted the company directly. They told me that I needed a privacy policy - (which I normally have, but hadn't put up yet) - linked to on my site.

      I don't know why they can't just give an explanation to why they can't accept certain affiliates sometimes - I think it would make more sense to have affiliates know what they need so that they can fix the problem. Who knows - that affiliate they are declining for something as simple to fix as a privacy policy link, may be their next super affiliate. But, they would never know because they never explained how to fix the problem, so the affiliate moved on to their competition instead.....

      So - sometimes it can be just something like that they are looking for on a site.

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  • Profile picture of the author Maria M
    It happens often and to me as well. What's frustrating is that it always seems to happen with the best products. I just move on, try not to stress (even though I curse when it does) but if you do contact the affiliate, you may get some positive results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Anderson
    I got rejected one time by a perfectly targeted company in CJ. I emailed them a reply telling them they were rejecting a perfectly targeted affiliate and they approved me immediately.

    I guess they had some monkey pressing buttons for their initial approvals.

    Its the vendor and not CJ that decides whether someone is approved or not. Some CJ vendors automatically approve all applicants. Some review them.
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