HELP! How Do I Compress an MP3 File?

by King Shiloh Banned
9 replies
I can't upload an MP3 to my site because the size is too large.

Is there any way I can compress it without affecting the quality of the sound?

I didn't do the audio by myself but I just have to reduce the size because it's too large. The current size is about 9MB but the maximum file size for upload to my site is only 2MB.

What do I do?

Please help. I appreciate.
#compress #file #mp3
  • Profile picture of the author Waddle
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    • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
      Originally Posted by Waddle View Post

      You have to reencode it at a lower bitrate, which will lower the sound quality. It depends on the application and the required file size whether this will lower the audio quality below an unacceptable level.
      Thanks for the quick response. But how do I do it?

      I'm not a sound techie at all though I know how to talk and sing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
    Mp3 IS compressed.

    You're not likely to get it smaller without affecting quality. The 2MB limit is your real problem.

    What is it you need to use it for? perhaps you can host it somewhere else and stream it to your site?

    There are lots of places that give you free hosting for files like this - a quick Google came up with - Free MP3 Hosting, Upload MP3s, Host Your MP3s


    nothing to see here.

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    • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
      Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

      Mp3 IS compressed.

      You're not likely to get it smaller without affecting quality. The 2MB limit is your real problem.

      What is it you need to use it for? perhaps you can host it somewhere else and stream it to your site?

      There are lots of places that give you free hosting for files like this - a quick Google came up with - Free MP3 Hosting, Upload MP3s, Host Your MP3s


      I'm going to sell it later but I want to share it, first of all, with folks in War Room.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamjar919
    Try uploading large files to mediafire or a similar file sharing platform.

    Feel free to ask me any IM related questions or add me on skype :D
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
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    • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      You could compress with 7-Zip (free) & see If it falls below 2mb.
      Have you tried it?

      Does it have any serious negative effect on the quality of sound?
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  • Profile picture of the author Bupler
    I'm pretty darn sure .mp3 is already a compressed music file, so however you compress it more (7-zip, winrar), there won't be as much effect on the size overall. What you could do is, like people above, change the bitrate of the file. At 9mb, your file is probably at 320 bitrate I suppose. To change it, (I'm not a music technie though) but you can download the free music editor Audicity and import then export again at a lower bitrate. For 2mb, maybe 128 but that might still be over your 2mb limit if it is 3:30 minutes or more.

    I'm sure what I said above is right, but again I am not a music technie so if I'm wrong, please correct me!

    *Like someone above said too, I think it will be better to upload to mediafire or other file sharing websites then password protect the download or .rar or something like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author dv8domainsDotCom
    blah, one single piece of real support in this thread? LoL.
    King Shiloh: If you are on a Linux host, you can modify php.ini and include the following:

    upload_max_filesize = 10M
    post_max_size = 10M

    (php.ini is a plain text file that can be created in notepad (or any other plain text editor) and u/l to your host). Edit it to include those 2 lines if it exists. If it does not exist, then simply create it yourself and u/l to your server.
    Note: Your web server might have specific naming requirements (some php5 hosting require filename php5.ini, so try it with both filenames (same code, filename php.ini OR php5.ini)). If this doesn't work, contact your host provider to determine if php.ini can be used to modify the upload size (not always available).
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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
      2MB is not much to work with, so you should looking into getting a better hosting setup (or you could just upload the file to somewhere like MediaFire).

      That said, LAME is the best MP3 encoder out there. To get the smallest size file, just lower the bitrate until you have a good compromise between sound quality and file size.

      winLAME home page

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