The best things you have learnt this year?, to improve your business ?

23 replies
Whats the best advice/tips about your internet marketing that you learnt this year, which will help (hopefully) to boost your traffic/sales ??
#business #improve #learnt #things #year
  • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
    Originally Posted by Matt Morgan View Post

    Whats the best advice/tips about your internet marketing that you learnt this year, which will help (hopefully) to boost your traffic/sales ??
    1. Brand yourself...everywhere.

    2. People want to matter what they say...they want to believe and hope for a better life...*Powerful Emotion but Don't Abuse*

    3. Adswaps are great in small quantity...but overdone they can kill your business in a few weeks time.

    4. Creating products and establishing a buyer/customer relationship with your list will make them happier, click more of your emails, and make your life a ton easier.

    5. Create (screen capture vids) or just talking (record yourself on a web cam having a "chat" with them).

    These 5 things I learned the hard way this year...and 2011 will be completely geared toward targeting them and being the best at them.


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    • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
      Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

      1. Brand yourself...everywhere.

      2. People want to matter what they say...they want to believe and hope for a better life...*Powerful Emotion but Don't Abuse*

      3. Adswaps are great in small quantity...but overdone they can kill your business in a few weeks time.

      4. Creating products and establishing a buyer/customer relationship with your list will make them happier, click more of your emails, and make your life a ton easier.

      5. Create (screen capture vids) or just talking (record yourself on a web cam having a "chat" with them).

      These 5 things I learned the hard way this year...and 2011 will be completely geared toward targeting them and being the best at them.


      Oops sorry wrong place....
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  • Profile picture of the author jjoshua
    I think I really learned a lot this year. I learned how to manage work and creating this whole crazy opt in list, write emails, learn from the forums and simply have fun.

    I am in the army right now, serving my nation to protect the rights of all citizens. But that doesnt mean I cannot build a passive business that will provide for me and my family in the future.

    So far, the progress has been good but slow. But the dream of financial freedom is thriving in me.

    Full-time employee, part-time hustler

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  • Profile picture of the author Owen Smith
    Use your own name as your brand, the more people see it, the more people will want it.

    Customer Service is Key

    Outsource 99% of your work, the only thing I wont outsource is customer service, even if its taking me 4 hours a day, I love the communication with customers, as my customer base grows, I may consider outsouring some customer service.

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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Morgan
      Originally Posted by Owen Smith View Post

      Use your own name as your brand, the more people see it, the more people will want it.

      Customer Service is Key

      Outsource 99% of your work, the only thing I wont outsource is customer service, even if its taking me 4 hours a day, I love the communication with customers, as my customer base grows, I may consider outsouring some customer service.
      Thats such a great feeling, communicating with your customers on somthing /service or ebook you have build, and interacting with people who have purchased it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Bryan Toder
        • Moved most of my sites to Wordpress. It makes life so much easier.
        • Creating my own products was easier than I thought.
        • Start using video on my squeeze pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author robbertpenny
    There's a lot of learning I have acquired in this year and I'm pretty sure there's still more to look forward to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    I've learnt that most people want to be important,
    and if you can help them achieve it - you've got them as repeat customers for life.
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    • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
      The best things I have learned.

      Number 1.... I have learned how to find potential buyers from my list of subscribers.

      Number 2... I have learned that upsells and downsells are where my
      real profits come from.

      Number 3... I have learned that it is more important to focus on the conversion of my products than it is on forusing on getting more traffic.

      If I can increase my conversions, I need less traffic.

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      • Profile picture of the author halmo
        Originally Posted by All Night Cafe View Post

        The best things I have learned.

        Number 1.... I have learned how to find potential buyers from my list of subscribers..
        How? Would you mind sharing, or is this your "secret?"
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  • Profile picture of the author Hexor
    Advertise anywhere as long as there is chance. use social networking site for the benefits of all. And be respectful to all people who are interested to your things etc.
    hope i help ! have a great day
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I learned about CPA, Backlinks and about Sales page. I also plan to improve my own product and mail list.

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  • Profile picture of the author faceblogger
    Build your own product and market it well.

    no sig

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  • Profile picture of the author Dmaind
    This thread is very important to learn about Internet marketing and avoid silly mistakes.

    Following points are very valuable for any one who want to kick start his IM business.

    Brand yourself...everywhere.

    Creating products and establishing a buyer/customer relationship with your list will make them happier, click more of your emails, and make your life a ton easier.

    I've learned how to stay consistent with what I'm doing and how to actually sit down and work without breaking focus for long periods of time.

    Outsource 99% of your work

    I've learnt that most people want to be important

    I have learned how to find potential buyers from my list of subscribers.

    I have learned that upsells and downsells are where my real profits come from.

    I have learned that it is more important to focus on the conversion of my products than it is on forusing on getting more traffic.
    372 Sold - WSO >>> Wicked Google Ranking Factors <<< Do You Know What Is Powerful Than HIGH PR .GOV LINKS?
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    • Profile picture of the author swillion
      The best think I've learned this year even if it seems too simplistic is to:
      Ask people what they really want on a regular basis.

      Physically going out of the way and talking to people about their biggest challenges at something by having online surveys targeted to my list, forums, or direct traffic to a survey page on niche I'm trying to dig deeper to understand. The better I understood the pain points of my audience, the easier it became to provide the right solutions.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimG
    Setup income streams on autopilot. I learned just how valuable they can be when you have a health crisis that takes you away from your online business for several months.

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  • Profile picture of the author Praetorian94867
    Does anyone have some tips for a newb to make money in 2011? I have just lost my employment...
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    Finding cheap writers from the Phillipines was the best thing that happened to me.

    It has cut down my cost more than 50% and increased productivity by 100%!

    Want a 13 Part FREE Internet Marketing Course - Taught By A PREMIER CLICKBANK SUPPER AFFILIATE? Did I mention taught through VIDEOS?
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    • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
      in the year of 2010, I have learned that social networking is very important. I have my foot into so many projects right now that I feel almost complete. I don't feel like I'm maxed out, and I don't feel like I'm not doing enough. I've seen the reward of my efforts and my financial investment's. Its always amazing to find people with the same hobby as you, the hobbies of "making money" and "starting new business."
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    How to host and run webinars effectively. Webinars are such a powerful tool that yield very high conversions if done properly and are great for selling higher-ticket products especially, and can also be turned into great video products to be resold afterward.
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  • Profile picture of the author miketyson10
    I just started my carrier as a Junior Internet Marketer. I was new in this year. So, everything that I know is learned from this year. I learned how to get back-links, visitor, project and client. How to handle project. What client may except from you. How are you responsible for your client. I built a professional network of my friends in the same field for helping each other better.
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  • Profile picture of the author mondays
    Outsource 99% of your work....simply!!!!!

    You are as good as the tools you use are!!!

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