Where do you submit aritcles?

34 replies
Hey guys! I am just getting into IM and am taking action about article writing! What websites should I be submitting them to?

I know ezine, but what else?

#aritcles #submit
  • Profile picture of the author Eddyzro
    This is where I submit my articles:

    This are the best ones for me

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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      The longer I do this for, and the more successful I am with it across a broad range of different niches, the fewer article directories I submit to.

      A year ago I submitted to 8.

      Now I submit to 3 (EZA, GoArticles and ArticlesBase), and I'm thinking about coming down to one.

      That one will be EZA, in spite of all my reservations about them and all their AdSense, for the simple reason that that's the one to which webmasters and ezine/newsletter compilers go in search of content for their sites/emails, and I get my work syndicated that way, which brings in some future context-relevant backlinks, quality targeted traffic, opt-ins and sales. (I used to submit to 8 article directories, changing a punctuation-mark or a word in each copy so I could later identify the source, and when copies of my articles showed up on other people's sites, it was almost invariably the EZA copy which they'd published).

      For the moment, the eggs and baskets principle makes me nervous of using just one: just in case EZA ever screws up and disappears (which I don't expect at all), I don't want too much of my work disappearing.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        That one will be EZA, in spite of all my reservations about them and all their AdSense, for the simple reason that that's the one to which webmasters and ezine/newsletter compilers go in search of content for their sites/emails, and I get my work syndicated that way
        I have seen my content republished from ArticlesBase more often than from EzineArticles. I think is a WP plugin that does that automatically
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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by AlexBarboza View Post

          I have seen my content republished from ArticlesBase more often than from EzineArticles. I think is a WP plugin that does that automatically
          Ah, interesting ... I've had a few syndicated from ArticlesBase over the last 2 years, but really few. Maybe Wordpress plug-in users don't want my work ... :confused: ... but thanks for mentioning this. I'll persist with them, then, and see what happens.
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      • Profile picture of the author macholasse
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The longer I do this for, and the more successful I am with it across a broad range of different niches, the fewer article directories I submit to.

        A year ago I submitted to 8.

        Now I submit to 3 (EZA, GoArticles and ArticlesBase), and I'm thinking about coming down to one.
        Hi Alexa,
        I found an advice here at the forum regarding posting on more sites than only Ezinearticles that was really good.
        The advice is to post your original article on Ezinearticles. Wait for a week and then post the exact same article on ten different other article directories.
        When doing that you should also add a link to your original article at Ezinearticles.
        You will have tow backlinks in your resource box. The first will be pointing on your money site and the second will be pointing back to your ezine article. The purpose of this is to promote your number of backlinks and also to promote your article on Ezinearticles.

        According to the author of the advice, there should not be any problem with duplicate content as you are the owner of the original content.

        What do you think of the advice? Any experiences in the area? The advise was posted two years ago and I don't know if Google has changed over the time not supporting this set-up anymore.

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        • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
          Originally Posted by macholasse View Post

          The advice is to post your original article on Ezinearticles.
          Originally Posted by macholasse View Post

          What do you think of the advice?
          I think it's shockingly dreadful. It's actually difficult to envisage worse advice that could be given to people intending to derive long-term income from article marketing. If you have a long, attentive read through this thread, you'll find that virtually all the experienced, successful Warriors in this field totally disagree with it. More to the point, you'll find all their reasons explained in great detail, so please excuse my not repeating them all here.

          Originally Posted by macholasse View Post

          According to the author of the advice, there should not be any problem with duplicate content as you are the owner of the original content.
          The author of that advice doesn't understand the meaning of the words "duplicate content" (and has probably confused it with "syndicated content"). You're the owner of the original in exactly the same way if you post it on your own site/blog first, before you submit it to EZA, and that way you can get it indexed there first and in the long run build up your own site rather than someone else's. :rolleyes:

          Originally Posted by macholasse View Post

          The advise was posted two years ago and I don't know if Google has changed over the time not supporting this set-up anymore.
          It doesn't matter whether/how Google has changed over that time-period. It was dreadfully bad, damaging advice two years ago, just like it is now.

          It was what I did, 2 years ago, when I started, and as a result I earned very little, did ongoing damage to my then business, and more or less had to start again with different sites when I eventually understood what I was doing wrong and why (since when I haven't looked back).

          Damaging and ill-informed advice like that is almost invariably based, on some level, on a deeply misguided belief in the so-called "duplicate content penalty".

          Building backlinks to copies of your article on EZA, rather than to the copies originally indexed on your own site, confers some minor, fast advantages to be sure (otherwise so many people wouldn't fall into the trap - and it really is a trap), but in the long term, it can seriously damage your business: you'll end up with article directories permanently outranking your own site for your own keywords and be limited to getting what's left of your article traffic after it's passed through article directories and a proportion of it has been lost to AdSense and other articles and distractions.

          It's making a very slightly faster start upwards without noticing that at the same time, and as a result of what you're doing, the ceiling's silently descending.
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        • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
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          • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
            The answer is YES. As Alexa said in one of her posts above, people confuse duplicate content (multiple copies of the same content on the same site) with syndication (which is how most news items are published across multiple news sites).

            Most article directories require that the article is your own, original work. Only a few (GoArticles is one) require that they are not used anywhere else.

            I'm not going to enter the debate about spinning - I value my life
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      • Profile picture of the author JNFerree
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        The longer I do this for, and the more successful I am with it across a broad range of different niches, the fewer article directories I submit to.

        A year ago I submitted to 8.

        Now I submit to 3 (EZA, GoArticles and ArticlesBase), and I'm thinking about coming down to one.

        That one will be EZA, in spite of all my reservations about them and all their AdSense, for the simple reason that that's the one to which webmasters and ezine/newsletter compilers go in search of content for their sites/emails, and I get my work syndicated that way, which brings in some future context-relevant backlinks, quality targeted traffic, opt-ins and sales. (I used to submit to 8 article directories, changing a punctuation-mark or a word in each copy so I could later identify the source, and when copies of my articles showed up on other people's sites, it was almost invariably the EZA copy which they'd published).

        For the moment, the eggs and baskets principle makes me nervous of using just one: just in case EZA ever screws up and disappears (which I don't expect at all), I don't want too much of my work disappearing.
        I am in sync with Alexa. The 80/20 rule applies here, in that:

        80% of your article marketing traffic will come from 20% of the article directories. EZA is the Hertz in the space and all the others are Avis.

        Do some recon on sites like Article Ranks if you want to syndicate your content beyond the conventional write good stuff and post to an article directory.
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        • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
          Hi, article posting is the best way to get qulaity backlink for a website and I suggest you can post it on as many websites for more backlinks for your website.
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  • Maybe you should locate sites pertaining to your subject matter and ask the owner of the site if you could post your article there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by SwordsdaggersKnives View Post

      Maybe you should locate sites pertaining to your subject matter and ask the owner of the site if you could post your article there.
      Hi and welcome to the Warrior Forum, SwordsdaggersKnives. Excellent first post, and cutting username!

      This is a far better idea than mass submission to article directories, from which one typically gets only a non-context-relevant backlink on a PR-0 page (regardless of the page-rank of the directory's home page).

      A lot of my income comes from traffic on sites like the ones you're suggesting. Some I've found myself, and many who have taken one of my articles from EZA and then responded favourably to my prompt offers of more content with a backlink to my sites.

      To make real money from article marketing it's very worthwhile thinking well beyond article directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author Starwind
    Holly crap thanks guys! Had no idea there were that many. Im guessing there is no way to publish them all at once some how is there?

    Thats a great idea getting the article published on a site. I will look into that ASAP!

    Are there any keys/fatal mistakes marketers make with these articles? Ill try to avoid them. Thanks so much guys!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Starwind View Post

      Had no idea there were that many. Im guessing there is no way to publish them all at once some how is there?
      There are thousands of article directories, not just hundreds. The average life-expectancy of an article directory is under a year, though.

      There are ways of submitting articles through software to many hundreds of directories simulataneously. The proportion of them that are actually successfully submitted and published isn't necessarily very high, and the backlinks are very low-value ones because they're non-context-relevant PR-0 links, but some people feel it's worth doing.

      Originally Posted by Starwind View Post

      Are there any keys/fatal mistakes marketers make with these articles? Ill try to avoid them. Thanks so much guys!
      The important thing, with article directories, is to understand clearly before starting what they are, why they're there and why and how people use them.

      Know whether you're writing primarily for webmasters (syndication), traffic (clicks) or backlinks, and write and submit to them accordingly.

      The mistake to avoid, in this context, is just hoping for the best and assuming that "if you do enough of it, it'll all work out ok".

      It won't.

      This is what most people do and is why the failure-rate's typically high.

      In terms of business-building and long-term income potential, quality will always trounce quantity. Quality produces targeted syndication, which produces targeted traffic and income. Quality breeds quantity. Quantity alone can only reduce, and fail.

      If you're interested in article marketing, this is the thread to read, both for its main issue and all the incidental conversation: rarely have so many successful experts all posted together in one thread, all saying more or less the same things and giving their fully explained reasons for them. Enjoy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    EZA, Articlebase, Goarticle for me.

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    • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
      EZA, Articlesbase, and Ideamarketers are the top 3 directories I submit my articles to. I have 10 article directories on my list in which I submit all of my articles.

      My main purposes are to get backlinks and to get my articles syndicated..
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    Alexa Smith has spoken almost everything that has to be said about where to submit articles and why you have to submit articles to those places.


    Before you submit article to any article directory, submit the article to your site/blog first. Ping your blog. Wait a minute, then submit the article to article directories, especially EZA. Then, get the RSS feed of the article and submit it to RSS feed directories like feedage.com.

    EDIT: If you're not sure if your article will pass copyscape or if you are not sure your article is good, then try to submit your article to EZA first. Once they accept it as a unique content, move immediately to your site/blog to post the article ever before the article goes LIVE on EZA. I mean that you have to post the article to your site/blog when the article is still in "Pending" mode.

    Just my thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
    Thanks Alexa and King Shiloh,

    I posted my question and saw that it had been answered by you guys a few minutes ago.

    But Alexa, I still want a yes or no answer from you regarding duplicate content: Can I post my article that I wrote myself to any number of article directories WITHOUT ANY SPINNING WHAT SO EVER?
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by Huzefa View Post

      But Alexa, I still want a yes or no answer from you regarding duplicate content: Can I post my article that I wrote myself to any number of article directories WITHOUT ANY SPINNING WHAT SO EVER?
      You can (and I do - to a few, not to "any number", but you can do it with "any number" apart from Buzzle), but you'll get backlink benefit only from them.

      Most of them will be indexed only in Google's supplemental index, not in the main index, so you won't get traffic from them. The backlink value your site will get from them will be identical in all respects to the backlink benefit you'd get if you spun them all. Backlinks from the supplemental index "count" in exactly the same way as backlinks from the main index.

      If instead you spin them really well and really successfully and make them into good, attractive, readable articles which will attract targeted traffic in their own right (which it's possible to do with spinning, if you're really good at it and take a very long time over it), then you may get some additional traffic from them, too, provided they rank well enough to be in indexed in the top half of the first page of Google for the appropriate keyword search terms, and that would be a benefit of spinning. But a very time-consuming one - for me, that's time I can use writing a new article and increasing my income by targeting more keywords.

      Bear in mind that article directory backlinks are typically PR-0, non-context-relevant backlinks of very small value indeed (when compared with what you can earn by writing for syndication instead of writing for clicks), and that the average life expectancy of an article directory is well under a year, so many are temporary, too.
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      • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
        Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

        You can (and I do - to a few, not to "any number", but you can do it with "any number" apart from Buzzle), but you'll get backlink benefit only from them.

        Most of them will be indexed only in Google's supplemental index, not in the main index, so you won't get traffic from them. The backlink value your site will get from them will be identical in all respects to the backlink benefit you'd get if you spun them all. Backlinks from the supplemental index "count" in exactly the same way as backlinks from the main index.

        If instead you spin them really well and really successfully and make them into good, attractive, readable articles which will attract targeted traffic in their own right (which it's possible to do with spinning, if you're really good at it and take a very long time over it), then you may get some additional traffic from them, too, provided they rank well enough to be in indexed in the top half of the first page of Google for the appropriate keyword search terms, and that would be a benefit of spinning. But a very time-consuming one - for me, that's time I can use writing a new article and increasing my income by targeting more keywords.

        Bear in mind that article directory backlinks are typically PR-0, non-context-relevant backlinks of very small value indeed (when compared with what you can earn by writing for syndication instead of writing for clicks), and that the average life expectancy of an article directory is well under a year, so many are temporary, too.
        Sorry if I'm persistent, but I want to get this cleared. What do you mean by "writing for syndication" and "writing for clicks"?
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        • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
          There are complete differences in the business models of many of the websites listed. Please, to anyone, wherever you consider writing: be sure to thoroughly review each website's TOS and editorial guidelines. Few do this, however, it is extremely important, especially if you will be utilizing a property that isn't your own.
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        • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
          Originally Posted by Huzefa View Post

          Sorry if I'm persistent, but I want to get this cleared. What do you mean by "writing for syndication" and "writing for clicks"?
          Writing for clicks - Producing an article of limited information, a fast read, flows fast to the resource box. The resource box has a powerful call to action to get a click. You are creating the article for the purpose of getting clicks at the article directory and will discourage many people who might syndicate your articles.

          Writing for syndication - High quality articles designed to inform, educate, and entertain. They read smoothly. They are usually more complete, longer, and contain details you will not find in the click model. These articles are designed to attract webmasters and bloggers to grab your content and use it on their sites, in their newsletters, etc.

          Both models can produce good income. The advantage to the second model is it builds a long term business with increasing ranking power due to your links being syndicated across a wide range of properties, usually with better PR. It increases your exposure as an authority in the market, and gives you traffic directly from the sites which syndicated the content.

          The other advantage to the syndication model is the network of people you are building. You are creating an army of webmasters and bloggers who are potential JV partners to work with in the future.

          I'll let Alexa add to this description if she has other thoughts....

          Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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          • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
            Originally Posted by Barry Unruh View Post

            Writing for clicks - Producing an article of limited information, a fast read, flows fast to the resource box. The resource box has a powerful call to action to get a click. You are creating the article for the purpose of getting clicks at the article directory and will discourage many people who might syndicate your articles.

            Writing for syndication - High quality articles designed to inform, educate, and entertain. They read smoothly. They are usually more complete, longer, and contain details you will not find in the click model. These articles are designed to attract webmasters and bloggers to grab your content and use it on their sites, in their newsletters, etc.

            Both models can produce good income. The advantage to the second model is it builds a long term business with increasing ranking power due to your links being syndicated across a wide range of properties, usually with better PR. It increases your exposure as an authority in the market, and gives you traffic directly from the sites which syndicated the content.

            The other advantage to the syndication model is the network of people you are building. You are creating an army of webmasters and bloggers who are potential JV partners to work with in the future.

            I'll let Alexa add to this description if she has other thoughts....

            Thanks Barry. I had NO IDEA about these two different type of article writing. This is the most unique info I've got this week.

            Now that you've cleared that for me, I think I want to re-phrase the original question this thread was opened with:



            I understand that they could one in the same but I want to know which specific sites suit best for the two different purposes.

            Thank you for your time.
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            • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
              You will find that many here prefer Ezine Articles for syndication. Dependent on TOS/editorial guidelines of various website platforms, syndication may actually not be allowed in the overall bigger picture of their treatment of content.

              Those that don't allow syndication, dependent upon their authority and pagerank, can very well still suck in a boatload of traffic organically from search engines. When you say "for clicks", you are speaking of platforms that all you to monetize via a revenue sharing arrangement?

              The interesting thing is that those platforms/directories that do allow syndication COULD also allow revenue sharing. For one reason or another, most directories have chosen not to allow revenue sharing. The upside benefit of syndication is so huge that they feel that revenue sharing isn't necessary. I've argued that their business model could be further reinforced and strengthened by implementing a rev sharing arrangement, however, they have to do what THEY feel is in the best interest of their business.

              Originally Posted by Huzefa View Post

              Thanks Barry. I had NO IDEA about these two different type of article writing. This is the most unique info I've got this week.

              Now that you've cleared that for me, I think I want to re-phrase the original question this thread was opened with:



              I understand that they could one in the same but I want to know which specific sites suit best for the two different purposes.

              Thank you for your time.
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              • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
                Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

                When you say "for clicks", you are speaking of platforms that all you to monetize via a revenue sharing arrangement
                No. "for clicks" I am referring to what Barry explained before:

                Writing for clicks - Producing an article of limited information, a fast read, flows fast to the resource box. The resource box has a powerful call to action to get a click. You are creating the article for the purpose of getting clicks at the article directory and will discourage many people who might syndicate your articles.

                Writing for syndication - High quality articles designed to inform, educate, and entertain. They read smoothly. They are usually more complete, longer, and contain details you will not find in the click model. These articles are designed to attract webmasters and bloggers to grab your content and use it on their sites, in their newsletters, etc.
                ...and what Alexa pointed out to before:

                Bear in mind that article directory backlinks are typically PR-0, non-context-relevant backlinks of very small value indeed (when compared with what you can earn by writing for syndication instead of writing for clicks), and that the average life expectancy of an article directory is well under a year, so many are temporary, too.
                I was just asking for a small list of site you would use for the specific use of syndication or the specific use of generating clicks.

                And since you mentioned it - what do you mean by: "monetize via revenue sharing arrangement"?
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                • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                  I don't write for clicks at all. I don't say that it can't produce some fast income, for those using a "rinse and repeat" model of article marketing rather than a "building residual income" model (I'm oversimplifying here, of course), but I have no use for it, myself.

                  For syndication: EZA, and to a lesser extent GoArticles and ArticlesBase.

                  For clicks: those same ones, too - and I understand that "Buzzle" can be quite good, for some people, but I don't use it myself for two very compelling reasons: (i) the advertising and distractions, and (ii) they require "original content", and they don't get that without paying: I'm not here to feed other people's AdSense income (I'll tolerate it with EZA because of the syndication value, which I couldn't so easily get without them).

                  "Writing for clicks" specifically precludes syndication. Nobody wants someone else's sales article on their site with the anchor text "click here" in its resource box! :rolleyes:

                  PS "Click here" is dreadful anchor text, even if you're writing for clicks!
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                  • Profile picture of the author Huzefa
                    Originally Posted by Alexa Smith View Post

                    "Writing for clicks" specifically precludes syndication. Nobody wants someone else's sales article on their site with the anchor text "click here" in its resource box! :rolleyes:
                    You just answered a nagging question I had in my mind, that is:

                    What is the main difference between a "written for click article" and a "written for syndication article" - which make a webmaster WANT syndicate the latter rather than the former?

                    Let me just put it my words here (correct me if I'm wrong).

                    A "written for synd. article" is an elaborate informative article which can turn into a "GO TO" resource for a niche. That's why a webmaster would want to re-publish it.

                    A "written for click article" outwardly calls to action. Not much resourceful info. but A LOT of tease.

                    Could anyone give links to real examples for the 2 different types of article so that the concept really sinks in.

                    thank you again, Alexa and Barry
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                    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
                      Originally Posted by Huzefa View Post

                      Let me just put it my words here (correct me if I'm wrong).

                      A "written for synd. article" is an elaborate informative article which can turn into "go to" resource for the a niche. That why a webmaster would want to re-publish it.

                      A "written for click article" outwardly calls to action. Not much resourceful info. but A LOT of tease.

                      Good summary.

                      Specifically, a "written for clicks" article openly calls to action and is more or less written for that sole purpose. Absolutely.

                      I have a post somewhere here which explains my "four basic tenets" of writing for syndication. If I can find it later, I'll add a link to it here.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profolegy
    Originally Posted by Starwind View Post

    Hey guys! I am just getting into IM and am taking action about article writing! What websites should I be submitting them to?

    I know ezine, but what else?

    Hi, I have a down-loadable free mind map with heaps of article directory resources in it. It is listed under list building.
    It might help you loads............Cheers bruceS........
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  • Think that your question is answered properly.
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  • Profile picture of the author gekko2.0
    Great discussion here so far I'm learning quite a few new things about submitting articles

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  • Profile picture of the author tskailey
    Firstly, submit your articles at ezinearticles.com, wait for their approval. Ezinearticles.com is considered as the mother of the article sites. So, if ezine will approve your articles, then most likely, other article sites will approve them too. Take note that in article sites, your articles will have to be approved by the article sites first before they go live, on the other hand, in blog sites, your articles (posts) can immediately go live after posting the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristofferIM
    Since I submit manually, I don't like to submit to a lot of directories where the ROI is very low. The ones I use are EzineArticles, ArticleBase and GoArticles.
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  • Profile picture of the author glacey
    Definetly give ezine my vote as i have found them very quick to review my articles. and once you get platinum status its even quicker.

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