How Much Time and Money did you Invest in Internet Marketing before you became SUCCESSFUL?

26 replies
How Much Time and Money did you Invest in Internet Marketing before you became SUCCESSFUL?

Feel free to share your story, too! Thanks.
#internet #invest #marketing #money #successful #time
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Benjamin
    Too Much.

    In my defense, a lot of incredible marketing skills and experience
    (both good and bad) makes it worthwhile and applicable to other
    projects I'm doing at the moment -- ironically, none of it has any-
    thing to do with online marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author warriorkay
    Yes, you didn't hope to hear it but it's true - it does take TIME,
    and hardwork, tries and errors, money lost to "get rich quick schemes",

    All in all, I think it takes an average of 2 to 7 years to make
    a "REAL" success in any endeavor... the Internet is no different!

    Signature Coaching and Partnership Program
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  • Profile picture of the author Vusal
    For me it was $100, web hosting and PPC course.


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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    I made money from it before I had to spend anything.

    Started with a free website and built up, investing small amounts along the way... building it layer by layer.
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  • Profile picture of the author J.M.Wilson
    I spent three weeks and around $40 a good few years back simply following the simple freebie giveaway, opt in, back end offers routine.

    It simply works if you offer good, valuable information to people who need it and then promote products to them they also need and more importantly, WANT.

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    • Profile picture of the author Spartacus
      Probably up to $200 by the end of this year. Webhosting/domain, articles, plugin, site designs. won't be more than that though, that's the point where I got what I need and can actually start the hard work. When that's starting to be successful I will move on to more projects which won't cost me as much as the first.

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex.Fields
    I invested more than 2 years fulltime and thousands of dollars. In the end i could connect the dots so for me it was worth every penny, but i did not saw that in the beginning. Life is just like fitness, haha. You have to work hard to achive the goals you desire. You know what depression is ? it means that you know for yourself that you are not reaching your full potential.

    Merry Christmas,

    Alex Fields
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
      Originally Posted by Alex.Fields View Post

      You know what depression is ? it means that you know for yourself that you are not reaching your full potential.
      I gotta disagree with that Alex, almost everyone feels like that and it's incredibly powerful.

      Taken from the Forer experiment:

      You are aware that you hold significant potential that you still haven’t completely put to work
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  • Profile picture of the author Ninawa
    One year of learning without almost making any money at all, then the next year I started making few thousands monthly.
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    Depends. Also depends on what you define as successful. Generally 10000 hours is a good bet
    Time of thinking is over.
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    • Profile picture of the author wanna-succeed
      I agree with the post above me, successfull can be percieved in numerous ways. Some might consider it an extra 200$ a week\month, some might want a full income and financial freedom.
      I am not sure yet at which one of these goals I am aiming because I am only setting foot into the IM bussiness right now and it will take me some time to assess what can be earned from this bussiness and if I have what it takes to do so.

      No sig, good day m8...

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Ive been online since 2004. I began my internet marketing journey in 2008. Over the last 6 years I wouldve spent well in excess of probably $200,000 and worked quite possibly over 20,000+ hours.

    I personally dont believe anyone who says they spent a "few hours" and a couple of hundred dollars here and there to become successful online.

    Sorry, I just dont.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author saurish
    Less than $100 but a lot of hours and sleepless nights going through any and every free content available and joining the dots.
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Shook
      Depends on your definition of success.

      My definition was finding something I could do that did not require me to go to a job working for someone else.

      I spent a year learning new things and unlearning old things and by the end of my second year I had made 125,000 USD. I liked that part.

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  • Profile picture of the author myrnasy
    At first, I made an article worth $2. And then I stopped making money online because I was not motivated. I needed time and I had to work hard (and I have to care also about my studies). It's not that easy.

    After a few months, I felt that there's something chasing in me to earn some money online when our instructor discussed some great income-generating activities in the Internet. So I tried again finding jobs online and found a very interesting one: making presentations about academic lessons. The job is just so fun and somehow I am becoming productive.
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  • Profile picture of the author kyleph
    one year and 21 working hours everyday.
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  • Profile picture of the author rajeshwatts
    I started last year somewhere in April. I have spent a lot of time and money on learning. Last year December I made my first $ on Internet and December 09 was my first major target to have 1$/day. And I made it. In August 2010 first time I hit $1000/month and so far still around that $600-1000/month. I outsource all my work and spend around $1500-2000 monthly for last one year. Other than outsourcing I spend 4-8 hours/day on IM excluding weekends. But I think I am on track. Exactly after one year I have reached from $30 to $1000+. I have not reached my break-even point but soon I will hit that. It's a long term game and persistence will pay. I hope I will reach to a point by end of 2011 where I can quit my full time job.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
      Originally Posted by rajeshwatts View Post

      I started last year somewhere in April. I have spent a lot of time and money on learning. Last year December I made my first $ on Internet and December 09 was my first major target to have 1$/day. And I made it. In August 2010 first time I hit $1000/month and so far still around that $600-1000/month. I outsource all my work and spend around $1500-2000 monthly for last one year. Other than outsourcing I spend 4-8 hours/day on IM excluding weekends. But I think I am on track. Exactly after one year I have reached from $30 to $1000+. I have not reached my break-even point but soon I will hit that. It's a long term game and persistence will pay. I hope I will reach to a point by end of 2011 where I can quit my full time job.
      Nice story. What's your excepted income per month? :rolleyes:

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      • Profile picture of the author rajeshwatts
        Originally Posted by blog8491 View Post

        Nice story. What's your excepted income per month? :rolleyes:
        Only one source of income that is my full time job and it's $ four figures. From IM still in negative. Currently each and every $ of my savings goes to IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacksonlin
    I started 2 years ago. It took around 3 to 6 months to make my first sale. Consistent sales took probably 1 year. Now I'm making more money online than my classmates who are full time lawyers.

    But I put in HEAPS of work and THOUSANDS of hours.

    Testing and testing, and then testing and testing a bit more!
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  • Profile picture of the author alejandro p
    About 2 months developing a site and seoing the **** out of it. Month 3 I quit my job.

    All in all, I did encounter a fair bit of luck and I was stupid to think that it would last forever. If I would have kept building, I'd be BALLIN right now. Alas, eventually I learned my lesson that this isn't a "get rich quick" industry, and once I overcame my fear of "real work," life became much more profitable
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  • Profile picture of the author woonkiat
    I spent about $5K just learning the basic and have yet to earn even a cent 6 months into Internet marketing. But am still at it!
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    • Profile picture of the author alejandro p
      Originally Posted by woonkiat View Post

      I spent about $5K just learning the basic and have yet to earn even a cent 6 months into Internet marketing. But am still at it!
      Perhaps there is a moral in this story.

      Learning is in doing, not in buying more "educational materials" and letting the creators of them make money off you.
      Aggressive, Outsourced, Scalable SEO Link Building - The HOTH
      Now Ranking Over 200 Agencies, Publishers & Marketers Worldwide
      The HOTH - Never Build Links Again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve McBride
    I've spent 3 months and about $1000 dollars. The entire first month was spent doing nothing but learning. I was soaking up info pretty much every waking free moment I had. I now am making enough that I'm planning on quiting my day job soon. Although I'm taking a pay cut by doing this, I can then be a full time internet marketer, and in time I should be able to make more than I was at my day job. Exciting times!
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  • Profile picture of the author wendymay1
    I Spend about $80.00 per month for Free Hosting, Education and my Squeeze Page.

    I try to concentrate on one thing at a time and that is building my list.

    Traffic Traffic and more Traffic

    When this list has reached 10,000 optin visitors I'll start concentrating on other projects such as Outsourcing.'

    ' That which We Persist On Doing Becomes Easy To Do. Not That The Nature Of The Task Has Changed, But The Ability To Do It, Has Increased'.
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