Good free marketing sites

38 replies
Hey guys,

do any of you know of any marketing sites for folks who are on a very tight budget? GOOD free sites? Classifieds?

Dorothy Carlson
#free #good #marketing #sites
  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    here is a free one Real Work at Home Business Coaching |

    everything is completely free it is a free membership site.

    it teaches everything you need to know to start an online business on a very tight budget
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  • Profile picture of the author mookinman
    In the UK you can use Gumtree and Vivastreet - both rank well in the search engines - and very quickly. You're in the USA, so I'd recommend Craigslist.
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    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
      Originally Posted by mookinman View Post

      In the UK you can use Gumtree and Vivastreet - both rank well in the search engines - and very quickly. You're in the USA, so I'd recommend Craigslist.
      yes, I have posts on Craig's list. Have to keep some products within a certain region.


      Dorothy Carlson
      Phoenix Natural Health

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  • Profile picture of the author hittjw
    Interesting nobody has asked you "Who are you trying to reach?"

    A lot of these classified ad sites are great, however, they don't necessarily reach your buyers.


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    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
      Originally Posted by hittjw View Post

      Interesting nobody has asked you "Who are you trying to reach?"

      A lot of these classified ad sites are great, however, they don't necessarily reach your buyers.


      Thank you, everyone for the advice. I'm working with a VERY LIMITED budget and would love a breakthrough so that I could advertise properly. It's just getting over the hump.

      I sell atmospheric water generators. Machines that make water from air. I guess, anyone who has a problem with tap water and wants an unlimited water source that is free? I'm targeting the US. My website is in my sig.


      Dorothy Carlson
      Phoenix Natural Health

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      • Profile picture of the author hittjw
        Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

        I sell atmospheric water generators. Machines that make water from air. I guess, anyone who has a problem with tap water and wants an unlimited water source that is free? I'm targeting the US.
        Why not go for some press coverage in target publications? Your website shows RV and Boating hooks, you also touch on bottled water quality. All good links to get coverage.

        Test the classified ad sites, however, I'm not sure you'll find buyers. But look for media opportunities and tie in, you'll also want to be at your local RV shows and related events.


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        • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
          Originally Posted by hittjw View Post

          Why not go for some press coverage in target publications? Your website shows RV and Boating hooks, you also touch on bottled water quality. All good links to get coverage.

          Test the classified ad sites, however, I'm not sure you'll find buyers. But look for media opportunities and tie in, you'll also want to be at your local RV shows and related events.


          I haven't thought of that one. I was thinking about local radio shows. Ok, after Thanksgiving.


          Dorothy Carlson
          Phoenix Natural Health

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      • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
        Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

        Thank you, everyone for the advice. I'm working with a VERY LIMITED budget and would love a breakthrough so that I could advertise properly. It's just getting over the hump.

        I sell atmospheric water generators. Machines that make water from air. I guess, anyone who has a problem with tap water and wants an unlimited water source that is free? I'm targeting the US. My website is in my sig.

        Hi Dorothy,

        I don't think your web site is strong enough to convert visitors to customers. No lead capture, no call to action and the graphic look is amateurish.

        I would suggest upgrading this before you drive traffic to it. You can pick up a free copywriting ebook here. This ebook will help you write web site copy that will turn visitors into buyers.

        Once this is in place, I think you want to target your advertising. Approach forums and web sites that deal with environmental issues, emergency response, and health concerns and see if they will take an article or advertising.

        You can also get publicity from this press release submission site.
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        • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
          I completely agree with you on the website. ( blush ) I have a webmaster certification and THIS is the best I can do? I need help with it. I registered on the press release web site, and downloaded the copy writing site. I've also been posting on as many free classifieds as I can find.


          Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post

          Hi Dorothy,

          I don't think your web site is strong enough to convert visitors to customers. No lead capture, no call to action and the graphic look is amateurish.

          I would suggest upgrading this before you drive traffic to it. You can pick up a free copywriting ebook here. This ebook will help you write web site copy that will turn visitors into buyers.

          Once this is in place, I think you want to target your advertising. Approach forums and web sites that deal with environmental issues, emergency response, and health concerns and see if they will take an article or advertising.

          You can also get publicity from this press release submission site.

          Dorothy Carlson
          Phoenix Natural Health

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          • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
            Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

            I completely agree with you on the website. ( blush ) I have a webmaster certification and THIS is the best I can do? I need help with it. I registered on the press release web site, and downloaded the copy writing site. I've also been posting on as many free classifieds as I can find.

            Hi Dorothy,

            For people to pull out their wallet and buy, a site has to look professional.

            You could purchase a professional template from somewhere like Template Monster (about $50-$100). They are beautiful and definitely add to the professionalism of a site.

            Or you could use a sales page/lead capture page template service like our Internet One System that lets you sell and track where your sales and signups come from.

            For better web copy, I have a free web copy ebook from Yanik Silver you can download here.
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        • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
          Re-doing the website: A Creative Touch Water Solutions.

          What do you think?


          Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post

          Hi Dorothy,

          I don't think your web site is strong enough to convert visitors to customers. No lead capture, no call to action and the graphic look is amateurish.

          I would suggest upgrading this before you drive traffic to it. You can pick up a free copywriting ebook here. This ebook will help you write web site copy that will turn visitors into buyers.

          Once this is in place, I think you want to target your advertising. Approach forums and web sites that deal with environmental issues, emergency response, and health concerns and see if they will take an article or advertising.

          You can also get publicity from this press release submission site.

          Dorothy Carlson
          Phoenix Natural Health

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[290591].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
            Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

            Re-doing the website: A Creative Touch Water Solutions.

            What do you think?

            Graphics are a little better, but the site is too "corporate" and info is scattered in different places around the page.

            There is no "call to action" on the page.

            Try a sales letter format and drop everything else like mission statement. Did you look at the free copywriting ebook link I sent you?
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            • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
              I downloaded it, and have to brouse thorugh it again. it takes a few readings before I really soak things up. Thank you for the book...It's excellent by the way.

              I was trying to "organize" the info into separate pages, as there is a LOT OF SCIENCE in this industry and people ( MS, PhD's etc., ) want "documentation" x3 on every fact on this. Which is why I've divided it up into sections. There is SO MUCH info! It would make your head spin! I wanted to make it brief, concise, to the point, and undeniably documented by unquestionable sources for the scientific skeptics in the crowd. I'm going to do more work on it this weekend...between studying for finals ( sigh ).

              Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post

              Graphics are a little better, but the site is too "corporate" and info is scattered in different places around the page.

              There is no "call to action" on the page.

              Try a sales letter format and drop everything else like mission statement. Did you look at the free copywriting ebook link I sent you?

              Dorothy Carlson
              Phoenix Natural Health

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              • Profile picture of the author money raker
                While customers through classified ads you can also do keyword researching and create content to those keywords.

                try this website.
                Thirty Day Challenge
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              • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
                Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

                I downloaded it, and have to brouse thorugh it again. it takes a few readings before I really soak things up. Thank you for the book...It's excellent by the way.

                I was trying to "organize" the info into separate pages, as there is a LOT OF SCIENCE in this industry and people ( MS, PhD's etc., ) want "documentation" x3 on every fact on this. Which is why I've divided it up into sections. There is SO MUCH info! It would make your head spin! I wanted to make it brief, concise, to the point, and undeniably documented by unquestionable sources for the scientific skeptics in the crowd. I'm going to do more work on it this weekend...between studying for finals ( sigh ).
                What is the main goal of your web site? Is it to sell products or to inform?

                Right now, you are splitting the purpose of the home page making it ineffective.

                Here is how I would do it:

                1. Set up a lead capture page offering a free report on "How to Protect Your Family From the Coming Water Crisis." Make this a very useful report with lots of valuable tips, not just a brochure to sell your product. Once people have received their report, have your auto responder send them an invitation to the sales page created in #2 a few days later.

                2. Set up a sales page to just sell the product. It should be in a sales letter format and you build a few of the proof samples into the letter. You can have link at the top of the page that says "more proof" that goes to the rest of the proof if you want.

                Our Internet One System will let you quickly set up your lead capture and sales pages and will track your advertising to see what converts.
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                • Profile picture of the author tiger325
                  classified sites such as CL,usfreeads,hoobly, and backpage index quickly however forums and yahoo answers bring more traffic
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                • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
                  Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post

                  What is the main goal of your web site? Is it to sell products or to inform?

                  Right now, you are splitting the purpose of the home page making it ineffective.

                  Here is how I would do it:

                  1. Set up a lead capture page offering a free report on "How to Protect Your Family From the Coming Water Crisis." Make this a very useful report with lots of valuable tips, not just a brochure to sell your product. Once people have received their report, have your auto responder send them an invitation to the sales page created in #2 a few days later.

                  2. Set up a sales page to just sell the product. It should be in a sales letter format and you build a few of the proof samples into the letter. You can have link at the top of the page that says "more proof" that goes to the rest of the proof if you want.

                  Our Internet One System will let you quickly set up your lead capture and sales pages and will track your advertising to see what converts.
                  The main goal of the website is to INFORM. I'm waiting for my 501c3 as a public information organization FUNDED by donations, seminars, AND selling AWG's. So, selling products is a VERY important point. So is public information on water, drought, emergency preparedness, resources on green technology.

                  I'll be in touch with you privately.

                  Dorothy Carlson
                  Phoenix Natural Health

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[303879].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
                    Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

                    The main goal of the website is to INFORM. I'm waiting for my 501c3 as a public information organization FUNDED by donations, seminars, AND selling AWG's. So, selling products is a VERY important point. So is public information on water, drought, emergency preparedness, resources on green technology.

                    I'll be in touch with you privately.
                    If this web site's main purpose is to inform, what is your plan for selling?

                    Why not just use the web site to sell?
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                    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
                      Originally Posted by ebusinesstutor View Post

                      If this web site's main purpose is to inform, what is your plan for selling?

                      Why not just use the web site to sell?
                      Selling is so that I can fund myself with minimal donations, and relying on the generosity of others who themselves are strapped. water is a necessity and these machines will be in every household. I've thought about splitting the website or making two domains: one for products only and the other information only. I have no "why not use the website to sell" answer, I figured I would add teasers throught the website like I've seen with Dr. Mercola, and then have a main section that is just products.


                      Dorothy Carlson
                      Phoenix Natural Health

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[310557].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
                        Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

                        Selling is so that I can fund myself with minimal donations, and relying on the generosity of others who themselves are strapped. water is a necessity and these machines will be in every household. I've thought about splitting the website or making two domains: one for products only and the other information only. I have no "why not use the website to sell" answer, I figured I would add teasers throught the website like I've seen with Dr. Mercola, and then have a main section that is just products.

                        Every page of Dr. Mercola's sites include a call to action for either a sign up or sale. Check it out. So he is using his site to sell, not just inform.

                        It is fine to say you will rely on donations and the "generosity" of others, but this is not a viable income plan.

                        If you truly want to make this your full time successful venture, you have to treat it like a business. And when you earn more, you can help more people.
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  • Profile picture of the author jazzyjeff

    How tight is your budget? I have a one year basic to for 10 dollars. That's just another way for you to attract visitors.

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    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
      Originally Posted by jazzyjeff View Post


      How tight is your budget? I have a one year basic to for 10 dollars. That's just another way for you to attract visitors.

      Right now, too tight for that! I posted on USfreeads, and they kicked me out for that reason. they are on the list, though to pay for the year.


      Dorothy Carlson
      Phoenix Natural Health

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  • Profile picture of the author I.M.Retired
    Have you considered They have a pretty big reach.
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    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
      Originally Posted by Dekko View Post

      Have you considered They have a pretty big reach.
      Yes, I'm posting on Kijiji.


      Dorothy Carlson
      Phoenix Natural Health

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave777
    Don't limit yourself to classifieds! Learn from some of the best marketing blogs out there... Don't buy anything, just study their business models and it'll be Free...
    Power 150 - Ranking the top blogs and bloggers in advertising, marketing and media. - Advertising Age

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  • Profile picture of the author PeterLepacus
    Something simple but I like the concept. Just submit your url(s).


    It does seem to be really random so do not expect a ton of traffic but what I really like it eliminates that initial click requirement and takes the user directly to your page.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[276550].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wsbmllc
      Originally Posted by PeterLepacus View Post

      Something simple but I like the concept. Just submit your url(s).


      It does seem to be really random so do not expect a ton of traffic but what I really like it eliminates that initial click requirement and takes the user directly to your page.
      Interesting. Never saw this one before. I guess it does not hurt.

      Maybe videos would be better for this, might make it more viral???

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  • Profile picture of the author ebusinesstutor
    Traffic exchanges have worked very well for me. Here are a few that convert well for me:

    Free Traffic Bar (my site)
    Traffic Swarm
    Hover Traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author mikecowles
    Hi Dorothy,

    Free Tools and Tips- Internet Marketing Resources has a ton of good info, free software and videos.

    ~Mike Cowles. <><
    FREE Countdown Software for warriors here. (No Opt-in Needed)
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    Write articles and create a or blog.

    You'll drive a lot of traffic like this.

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[278577].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author acreativetouch
      Originally Posted by aboutalhah View Post

      Write articles and create a or blog.

      You'll drive a lot of traffic like this.

      Frank, I got it set up on Weebly: A Creative Touch Water Solutions - Home

      Happy thanksgiving,


      Dorothy Carlson
      Phoenix Natural Health

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[282418].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre

        A suggestion: your link on your weebly home page isn't live. You may want to make it as an hyperlink with your main keyword as anchor text.

        All the best,


        Originally Posted by acreativetouch View Post

        Frank, I got it set up on Weebly: A Creative Touch Water Solutions - Home

        Happy thanksgiving,

        Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
        >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

        Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
        Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    Youtube is a great way to get free exposure for your product. Create a video explaining how it works. Place a link to your product page inside your video. You can get thousands of hits free and many inquiries in your comments section.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Last time I looked $10 will get you a classified ad on eBay for $30 days. You can write as much as you want (a full-blown sales page if you've got one) and you can include a link back to your site. If you use carefully selected keywords you can get quite a bit of exposure and traffic. Good Luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Minsheyenwen
    Hi Dorothy,

    Previous warriors replies offer excellent free resources. I have not visited your site however, reading this thread it seems you have a lot of information to give your visitors. I suggest you do your keyword research. Then select 5 keyword phrases (3 words per phrase) that is relevant to your product and your site. Create a Squidoo theme series. Take each of your keyword phrase and create a Squidoo lens. Create 5 lenses and point your Squidoo lens links to your site. Squidoo usually will index quickly and ranks well in the SERP's.

    The Squidoo marketing expert to show you how to create and optimize your Squidoo lens is Tiffany Dow. She has over 2 dozens show-n-tell step by step free Squidoo tutorial videos. If you decide to chose this route I suggest you go to YouTube and watch Tiffany's videos before creating your 1st lens to save you the time of trying to figure how to optimize your lens to get the most leverage out of Squidoo.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
    Once you get your website optimized, here is a list of free press release distribution sites:

    You can get surprisingly good traffic and placement by using these sites. But don't do it until you have your website looking the way that you want it to.
    Also - do your keyword research and make sure you get a keyword phrase in the headline.

    And submit a new press release at least every couple of weeks for maximum benefit.
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  • Profile picture of the author RRicart
    Whether you are trying to sell or just inform I assume that your main purpose is to get some traffic to your site - I would second the recommendation given to you by Ebusiness tutor on creating the e-book, sales page etc..

    Now to drive traffic, focus on Article marketing, Forum Marketing {contribute valuable information and add a link to your site in signature area},Create a blog using the word press platform and host it at your domain and submit content daily related to your product/service etc., these are all free marketing task that you can perform on an everyday basis, before you know it you will have a good amount of organic traffic coming to your site and you wont have to spend a dime for following these tips......
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