Year 2010 lessons learnt ..

5 replies

My stats Before 2010:
1 blogwith 100 visitors a day. $1 a day income

I spent more than 10 months wasting time in reading ebooks and guides. Why wasting? I was trying to find quick methods of getting rich. I wanted to search for the best method.

I ended up learning that the best method is "doing". Even if it is a mistake you will make something out of it in the world of IM.

I finally started taking action and now have 500 visitors a day in around 2 months. (i still waste a lot of time)

1 tech blog
2 niche websites
other web 2.0 properties

now am making around $4-5 a day (i know that's not a lot but money is money!)

Lessons learnt
More action = more money
Reading ebooks = $0

So my suggestion for everyone who are starting out>> Start taking action. Make your experiences and failures your teachers. They will teach you more than any ebook or IM course there.

Im not saying that i should have stopped reading at all. But after a certain point its best to take action than keep reading..

Thanks to warrior forum for sharing all the knowledge that i have today. Without you my IM career would nt have survived to see this new year.

I wish all Warriors and their families a VERY Happy new Year, you guys rock!
#2010 #learnt #lessons #year
  • Profile picture of the author wfhblueprints
    A great post!

    Most people in IM spend ages looking for that silver bullet that will make them millions online....without realizing that sticking to the plan is the best way to make it online.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3100354].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    My 2010 big SEO mistake

    I got a very good domain with a hundred thousand local searches. I didn't have patience and blast low quality backlinks to this site using different kinds of software.... I lost my Google ranking and recovered only after I turned off the website for 3 months and re-open it again. I gained only first page after I worked hard on articles.... Its too late because my site got listed again on top 2nd week of December....

    Lesson learned:
    Don't be greedy with low quality backlinks and don't rush in promotion.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Originally Posted by priyankeshu View Post

    I spent more than 10 months wasting time in reading ebooks and guides. I was trying to find quick methods of getting rich.
    Seems almost ironic doesnt it?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Adie
    Reading ebooks = $0
    A bigger percentage of people here do this.... including me.. LOL.. Good point...

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