what is best source for Virtual Assistants

22 replies
Thinking a great deal of hiring a VA to set up WP sites for me using various premium themes I have. This will be the first time for me to do something like this and am curious about best most reliable sources.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

#assistants #source #virtual
  • Profile picture of the author Robert Colle
    Now to begin with, what kind of VA are you looking for?
    Do you want somebody in the US or in any specific location?
    Or are you open to hiring just the best no matter where they are. That is to say a freelance VA?
    If you are looking for a reliable and trust worthy VA freelance to outsource then the best place to get one is on Odesk (Outsource to Freelancers, IT Companies, Programmers, Web Designers from India, Russia, USA, and more). You can either do the search yourself and get one good VA or just post the position and receive bids for it by various VAs.

    Hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
      For the right arrangement, I am not concerned with their location.
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  • Profile picture of the author warriormaiden
    We are looking for possible employers- we have lots of members (freelancers) and most of them are freelance VA
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  • Profile picture of the author auradev
    Your average VA wont be able to do that. You need virtual webmasters.

    I have had excellent results with a company called microsourcing
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  • Profile picture of the author Linda Hepworth
    What are the general duties of a virtual assistant ? What is the average cost of uisng one ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Thompson
    Check out replacemyself. You need to hire a full time VA that you can train. Wordpress is easy to train someone on then expand their duties to other stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author karenhudson
    OutSorcerer is the best source of low-cost yet reliable Virtual Assistant services on the web. you can get it from here

    OutSorcerer.com - Virtual Assistant Outsourcing Services
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I heard philipines VA's are best and cheapest. You can do simple search at google to find well reputed providers. I saw few discussions about them about them.Normally they charge $275/month.


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    • Profile picture of the author traianturcu
      Post a project for VA on freelancer.com. You will get tens of candidates to test and choose from. I think it's best to hire a VA company and not a sole VA. This way you know there will always be a person at the other end to fulfill your needs. And in case he/she is not able to the company will just re-assign the task to someone more capable.
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  • Profile picture of the author AdiPurush
    You can find many good VAs at Fiverr. Just need to look carefully.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrea Wilson
    The best place in getting freelancers is still Outsource to Freelancers, IT Companies, Programmers, Web Designers from India, Russia, USA, and more So far there has not been a single problem for me especially when I hired my very own Filipino virtual assistant for the first time. he charges me around $300 per month.

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  • Profile picture of the author arcadiasmith
    There are lot's of freelancer sites such as odesk, freelancer, scriptlance, guru, and elance. Try using this site and you will find lot's of good VA in different countries.
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    • Profile picture of the author Devid Farah
      Hi enterpryzmen,

      Virtual Assistants is a site dedicated to finding talented VAs and teaming them up with clients.

      The website has been around for over a decade and has gained quite a reputation.

      It has been featured in several television programs and magazines.

      It has plenty of people who specialize in transcription, graphic design, word processing, blogging, social networking, and much more.

      Good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author rafaelapolinario
        I think the best place to find one is on Odesk.
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        • Profile picture of the author Peter Chang
          ODesk is probably the best one with good system and details. However, the pricing on there is usually not the cheapest in the world due to its convenience, but you'll find a variety and can try out different people and see how it works.

          In finding virtual assistants it is very important to make sure you can get along with him or her, and their schedule fits yours even if they are located on the other side of the world. Then you want to examine what are the tasks you want them to do. If it is language dependent, such as writing emails, you'll want to find better English writers (or whatever language you are writing in).

          Peopleperhour.com is another good resource you can try, that I believe have not been mentioned yet in previous posts.

          In my experience, Phillipines is a great choice with people that have much more balanced skillset. Their english, in general, I think is better than many other countries, and they also have quite a bit of internet marketing skillset, so that is usually desirable for VA.

          You can check out these for Phillipines
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        • Profile picture of the author gregnemer
          If you can get just one person who works for you, possibly in another country such as the Philippines, then you can ask him if he has any friends he can recommend.
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        • Profile picture of the author shabit87
          Originally Posted by rafaelapolinario View Post

          I think the best place to find one is on Odesk.
          Took the words right out my mouth. Best thing about odesk is they actually video track a workers progress that you can monitor. If you see that your VA isn't being as productive as they should be, share with them your thoughts and see if the issue at hand can be resolved. Let them know you're not currently happy and why.

          If all else fails you can file a dispute with odesk and not have to pay for the past weeks work.

          Also another great place to find VAs is craigslist Phillipines (might have spelled that wrong, if so sorry). Start with small task, as for referrances, and communicate effectively with your VA what needs to be done. The clearer they are about their task, the more chances they do it they way it needs to be done from the start.

          Best of luck finding a great VA
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  • Profile picture of the author oscarte
    The best place to find VA's is at the source; where VA companies find VAs; at Find a real, online job! | Home and Best Jobs Philippines :: Philippine job search, job bank, employment and recruitment.
    However if you want something sofisticated, like an iOS game app you can use Odesk.

    I hand-code beautiful optimized pages/sites. No Dreamweaver or tables fluff - contact me for clean and semantic W3C standards code

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    • Profile picture of the author Joe Mobley

      A couple of things to think about.

      Let me recommend oDesk.com. I started with and still use them. I like the feedback system. Are there other good outsourcing sites out there? To be sure. But oDesk has been a real asset to me with outsourcing.

      Let me recommend that you start with outsourcing on a part-time basis. If the thought "what will I do to keep them busy?' pops into your head, you're probably not ready.

      I subscribe to Tyrone Shum's e-mail list. I have found his web site to be a good resource for outsourcers.


      Let me offer you my Quick Start Guide to Outsourcing. This was a WSO that I ran last year. No charge, no opt-in, no strings attached. I think it will give you a boost when you start outsourcing.

      Just PM (private message) me with an e-mail address where I can forward the guide.

      The part-time VA that I use now initially did some Excel data entry for me. With a little training she has done Wordpress installs, theme setups, plugin configurations, etc. She is not a webmaster by any means but is a sharp individual that enjoys new things.

      Hope this helps,

      Joe Mobley


      Follow Me on Twitter: @daVinciJoe
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  • Profile picture of the author Slickest
    YOu could just hire me.. either via here or odesk. I've installed and set up a BUNCH of wordpress sites. I don't work for $2 an hour, but I'm worth my base rate. If I don't know HOW to do something, I go off the clock and learn how, and THEN go back on the clock.

    I can't PM yet - but i can read them.
    And I'm located in ARKANSAS - so i speak English purty good.
    Slickest.com selling and brokering domain names since 1998!
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  • Profile picture of the author JamesHughes
    Elance.com is always good

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    >> JamesHughesOnline.com

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  • Profile picture of the author VOnline
    I say Odesk as well.
    You could search fiverr, then extend beyond that person's fivver job.
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