eBay post-sale opt-in link...

5 replies
hello everyone. i was wondering if anyone knows of a good product/software, or just simply know how to setup an opt-in link after a transaction is completed on eBay? my goal is to setup an automated checkout system where once the customer completes checkout via paypal, an email will be sent out to the customer with a screen telling them to type in their email address to receive the product, then directing them to a download screen for the product. the email address would then be added to an aweber email list. if this sounds familar to anyone, then please, i need suggestions and how-to's. thanks.
#ebay #link #optin #postsale
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    Forcing someone to give you their email address to receive a product they purchased on eBay is a big no no. eBay will delete your seller account for doing that.

    Rob Whisonant
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    • Profile picture of the author schabotte
      You could use an IPN script to send them an email with the download details as soon as they pay. That download page can have an email capture form on it but not as a required form to get the product.

      It can be something like a - "To be notified of updates to this product, sign up here" thing.

      This way they get the product with no strings attached and have the choice of whether or not they want to be on your list.

      Also - unless I'm mistaken - eBay currently does not allow the sale of downloads. I know they recently banned digital downloads. I'm not aware of them bringing them back.

      Marketplaces like eBay and Amazon are protective of "their" customer.

      If you do anything like email marketing to them by extracting email addresses from your paypal account, you risk your eBay account if some of them complain to eBay about you spamming them.

      It doesn't really seem right being that they are a customer of yours but it is their marketplaces and their rules so you have to play by them or potentially suffer the risk of suspension.
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  • Profile picture of the author bidnitzazusual
    thank you for the replies. does anyone have any links or suggestions to aid me in this endeavor? any good digital delivery products that is compatible with eBay and uses IPN technology capatible with Paypal, AND that has an integrated email list builder which is compatible with Aweber??? this is pretty much what i am looking for...a complete package such as this? i have tried using mydigitaldispatch and smartdd, but have had issues with both. any other products out there that can operate these feats??? please, if there are any good suggestions, i'm all ears!
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  • Profile picture of the author Trieu
    Yes, I have the product that does exactly that. Boomerang lister from Dan Thompson. At first I thought this was a great idea which is why I purchased it, but then I realize that forcing people to optin isn't going get you sales. So you will have a huge list of people, that have no interest in what you have to say.

    "$100 On eBay with just 10 Minutes Work! {120+ copies SOLD}"

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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Whisonant
    If you are going to be listing digital download products on eBay US you are going to have to sell them using classifieds. eBay US does not allow down loadable products to be sold using auctions or buy it now.

    If you want to sell digital products on auctions or buy it now you are going to need to burn the product to a CD and ship it to them.

    Rob Whisonant
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