A Simple Little Technique to Help You Get Laser Targeted Twitter Followers

3 replies
Okay, let's get straight to the point:

Twitter can prove to be a goldmine if you know how to tap into its massive user base by getting targeted followers.

Here's something that can help you search for people that are laser targeted to your niche (I'm not sure how many of you are aware of this method, but what the heck!)

Step 1 - Go to Twitter (DUH!)

Step 2 - Search for users using long tail keywords that help you find people that are actually facing a problem and are desperately looking for a solution. Yes, yes, I know you want an example ...

Let's take the "weight loss" niche and see what we can come up with ...

Keyword Phrase: "I want to lose weight" -http:// [for all those who don't know, the "-http" search operator removes any URLs from your search results]


jahbabe I want to lose weight oh.. Pls what should i do?
about 4 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

ChloeMilham "I want to lose weight but I'm not fond of exercise or healthy eating". TWAT.
about 6 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

widdlydiddly UGH! I want to lose weight!
1 day ago via web

You see the frustration in their words? You think they could be your potential followers AND future customers to your "How to Lose Weight in 10 Days Flat Without Exercise & Dieting" eBook? You betcha!

Here's another example in the same niche ....

Keyword Phrase: "I hate being fat" -http://

MissRitaMonique I hate being fat :-/
about 1 hour ago via Echofon

Lunchboxjoe fukk i hate being fat bro......
about 2 hours ago via txt

blink182bfs Goddam it i hate being fat :'(
about 6 hours ago via HTC Peep

Sterrick94 i wish i had the money for liposuction, i want to be thiner now! i hate being fat, its so bad and ****
1 day ago via web

SaundraLind I HATE BEING FAT!!! EWLLL...
1 day ago via Echofon

Whoa! These people want a solution to their weight problem, and they want it now! Do you think that could help you get started? Of course! It's all about taking the right approach.

Step 3 - Now, all you need to do is follow them and have them follow you back (make sure you have a different Twitter account for every niche that you target) ...

Also, before you start following these users, make sure you have high quality content already posted to your account over a few weeks. Don't start working on this technique with a spankin' new account - first build some reputation and let people come and see what you have to offer; give them a reason to follow you.

This method can be applied to almost any niche where people are looking for a solution to a particular problem, because Twitter is where they VENT it out

Note: Be ready to work hard on this cause it ain't no magic pill!

Do leave your comments/feedback/criticism/questions below.

Over and out!

- Mustafa
#crazy #laser #subscribers #targeted #technique #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Jon Daniels
    You dont even need to follow them....in real life you would say hello first so why not do the same on Twitter...you could @ reply with "Hey [Name], I see you hate being fat. I used to feel this way too. Have you see [CB product], it really helped me to drop some lbs."

    Seasoned Sales Professional since 1999 sharing my knowledge online. Check out my phone closers cheat sheet.

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  • Profile picture of the author jlmconnection
    Thanks for the ideas. I just finished a weight loss and dieting interview series and I am just starting the marketing phase. I will use yoru suggestions to start utilizing Twitter
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  • Profile picture of the author CR
    I've heard of this technique, but the one I read said never to put a product link in your first response. Go for "trust" first. He confirmed that if you waited until the conversation made it clear they were on the verge of paying for something to solve their problem, your success rate increases to 15%. Small investment of time = large result.
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